|1| Hogwarts Express, First Year

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1st of September, 1971

Riley woke up in her bedroom. The sunlight shone through the half-closed curtains, reaching her eyes. She woke up without wasting any time in bed, rubbed her eyes hastily, and got up on her feet.

She opened the door and ran downstairs to look at the time. It was seven o'clock in the morning. Riley often woke up early and started her day with a small breakfast — or at least she called it her breakfast. It included cereal with milk no more than a few drops, so that her parents couldn't tell her to add more milk.

Nobody was awake at that time, her family liked to sleep late and wake up late, Riley also slept really late, but on the contrary, she chose to wake up early. They weren't a very big family, only her parents and older sister — Ivy Spade.

Ivy was also living with them which made Riley feel safe and happy at the same time. She was like her guardian angel — an annoying one, a rare sort of angel.

She took a sweater out of her closet — which was no cleaner than the rest of her room. It was a yellow, simple, plain sweater. Yellow was her favorite color. She took out jeans and her dirty white shoes that she refused to throw away and get new pairs. It was like a special bond between them.

She packed her trunk — well, not packedbut tucked some unfolded clothes and school books along with her school robes. She closed it, took it downstairs, and put it down with a huge thud.

"Riley! What's that sound?" her mum shouted from upstairs. She sounded sleepy.

"We have to go to King's Cross, remember? My first day of school, that was my trunk mum!" she replied with a loud voice. "It's getting late, I don't wanna be late for my first day, what if I miss the train? Then I will be stuck here forever!"

"We won't be late honey, are you excited?" her father asked as he walked downstairs. Riley nodded with a smile and nod.

"You'll definitely be a Slytherin since you wake us up you, evil kid," Ivy said jokingly.

"Firstly, I'm most certainly not evil. Secondly, I don't care which house I'm in. And lastly, being in Slytherin doesn't mean I'll end up evil Ivy." she said.

"Fine, you want my honest opinion? I think you'll be a Gryffindor."

"What? I don't think I am that brave, to be honest, I appear as cold to people—" Riley started, but her sister interrupted, she looked confused.

"You're courageous Riley, and you're pretty blunt. By the way, trust me, you are braver than you think you are," Ivy said. She was smart and dreamy. She flung her messy hair back and rubbed her eyes. "I was a hat stall between Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw, it took the hat nearly eight minutes to sort me and I was very stressed, but I think it will definitely sort you to Gryffindor, Riley. Think of it this way, you love red as much as you love yellow, don't you?"

They arrived at the station at around 10:30 AM. Riley kept smiling all the time. She hugged her parents before going to the train and promised her sister to owl her every week.


Riley looked around the train, the platform was bustling with people, there was not a single space to walk in comfortably without getting elbowed or kicked. She walked around the aisle but couldn't find an empty compartment to sit in. She decided to just go in one and at least meet a friend. She picked a compartment which a boy was already sitting in all by himself.

"Hi, everywhere else is full, do you mind if I sit here?" she asked shyly.

"I don't mind," said the boy softly. He had light brown hair and was wearing an old-looking sweater and plain pants. He had muggle chocolate in his hand which he offered to Riley.

"My name is Riley, Riley Spade. Nice to meet you," she said smiling.

"I'm Remus, Remus Lupin, are you also a first-year?" Remus asked with a quiet voice.

"Yeah, I'm excited, what house do you think you'll be in?"

"Ravenclaw, or at least my father says so, he was also a Ravenclaw, my mum's a muggle," Remus said as he ate more chocolate. "What 'bout you?"

"Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff, but my sister says Gryffindor which confused me a bit. She was also in Ravenclaw. My parents are both muggles," she said. As she finished her sentence, two more people opened the compartment door.

One of them was a boy with round glasses and jet-black hair. His hair looked messy and he had a huge grin on his face. His hazel eyes glistened mischievously. Behind him, stood a short boy with blond hair. He looked shy and nervous. They took their seats and introduced themselves:

"I'm James, James Potter," the first boy said confidently. He nudged his friend to get him to talk.

"—Oh, I'm Peter." the short boy said with his quiet voice.

"He's my childhood friend, we live in the same town, right Pete?" James said Peter nodded. They all sat in silence for a bit of time as James talked about how he couldn't wait until his second year so that he could try out for the quidditch team. Soon, voices were heard from out of their compartment, Riley was happy it distracted James from talking about his quidditch obsession.

"I don't want to sit in the same compartment as you! Leave — leave my arm Narcissa!" a loud voice shouted.

"You have to sit with us Sirius! Don't be such a prat! We are your cousins and you have to obey us!" a girl shouted this time. Riley assumed it was the girl named Narcissa.

"Leave him, Cissy, let him be free, let him sit wherever he wants," a softer and quieter girl said. Soon, a long-haired boy entered their compartment and sat as he mumbled curses.

His hair was thick and black, his face was pale with no trace of happiness or mockery. His deep grey eyes were squinted.

"Are you Sirius, then?" Riley asked.

"Yes, and that's my stupid cousin!" Sirius said.

"You are Sirius Black, right?" James asked.

"Yeah, but I don't like my family — or they don't like me — something like that in conclusion, I'm not like the rest of them, who are you?" Sirius said as he smiled.



I've got comments saying that Narcissa wouldn't me mean, but this is honestly just my imagination. None of these are canon, this is my version of *young* Narcissa.

Thanks for reading the first chapter!!! I hope you keep reading <33

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