|22| Quill, Third Year

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Riley sat on her bed, silent. Everyone else in the dorm room was sleeping since it was five in the morning. On the other hand, Riley couldn't sleep. Thoughts came flushing down her brain and memories showed themselves again after a while. Riley sat, staring out the starry night and the snow falling like little pieces of heaven.

She took out more paper, and her blue inked muggle pen. She wrote and wrote as if it was her last day on Earth and this was a goodbye letter. She didn't lift her head up while writing, she wrote pages and pages until she saw the sun rising, she thought she was being dramatic for a moment — spending her night writing useless shit on a paper.

She opened the drawer that was closest to her and put the pen and papers in it, then closed it quickly. She wore her clothes and went downstairs, trying not to get noticed by anyone.

She sat on the soft and white ground and touched the snow. She saw how her footsteps left marks on the snow as everything else does in life. She was sitting in front of the frozen lake, the sun's bright rays of light reflected on the ice and it looked scrumptious. She felt the little pieces of snow falling on her face and freckles.

She looked at the time from the big clock. It was almost eight o'clock and she was going to miss breakfast if she didn't go there now. She quickly walked to the Great Hall.

"Where the hell were you?" James asked.


"In the morning?" Remus asked.

"Unlike you, I'm not grumpy in the morning."

"There's no point in waking up early. It's so bloody stupid," Remus said still looking tired.

"Yes, there is... quidditch!" James said. Remus rolled his eyes and Riley sat next to Sirius.

"I have an idea," Riley said as she took some food. "A prank, we haven't done one in a while."

"What is it?" Sirius asked.

"Enchanted quills."

"How is that a prank?" Peter asked as he stuffed more food in his mouth.

"It is a prank if you enchant Snivelly's quill during the Charms exam... What a coincidence!" Riley said.

"Yes! I'm in! I wanna see him fail!" James said.

"Me too," Sirius said.

"No, that's pathetic, just so that you can beat him in Charms?" Remus said, raising an eyebrow.

"No, Evans is already top of the class in Charms, if I wanted to do it to beat him I would do it in Potions, but too pathetic, too desperate and I don't want to be called that..." Riley said.

"You are so hard to understand," mumbled Peter.


They all arrived at Potions after bewitching Snape's quill. Flitwick gave out the papers and then let them begin. Everyone was rapidly writing on their papers without looking up.

Riley carefully looked at Snape from the corner of her eye. He wrote something and then raised his eyebrows. Then, he wrote something else and looked at Flitwick once again. He raised his hand and caught his attention.

"No questions, Mr. Snape, you happen to be in an exam," Flitwick replied with his quiet voice. Snape's face changed and he looked furious.

"My quill has been bewitched," he said with his monotone voice. Flitwick walked over to Snape's side and carefully looked at the quill.

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