|53| Nicknames, Fifth Year

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After an awkward silence with the four friends just standing with empty potion flasks in their hands, Sirius was the first to break it.

"So are we animagi or not?" he asked.

"Dunno," Peter said.

"What the hell is this supposed to mean, so can we like turn into animals?" James asked.

Riley closed her eyes, trying to focus. Soon she felt a tingling in her spine and a strange sensation of her shoulders going further back. She felt her nose grow longer and then she opened her eyes.

She opened her eyes and looked down at the floor. She was much closer to it, she was shorter. She didn't have human feet with shoes anymore, she had small black paws. She then turned around and saw a red, fluffy tail. She tried to talk, but a little howl came out of her mouth.

"R— Riley— You're a fox!" Peter said in amazement as he watched the fox run around the bathroom.

Soon, a stag joined the fox. His antlers were as big as its legs. It was much bigger than the fox. It was James.

Just a minute after that a black dog was running around the lavatory. He was the same size as the fox. It was Sirius. He had his tongue out, panting as it ran.

Riley looked around for Peter in her animagus form. She couldn't see a human form of Peter standing but she also couldn't see an animal. Then, a little squeak was heard. It was a brown rat with a long tail squeaking. It was Peter and his animagus form was an actual rat.


The four friends went to the Gryffindor common room cheerfully with big smiles on their faces, as humans of course.

"Poltergeist," Riley said to the Fat Lady's portrait. The portrait opened, revealing Remus Lupin sitting on the couch, trying to read a book.

"MOONY!" Sirius exclaimed.

"What's happening—" Remus tried to ask.

"You have to come up to the dormitory!" James said in excitement.

"When?" he asked.

"Now, you idiot!" Riley said in excitement. The Marauders went up the stairs and to the boy's dormitory.

"Are you ready to see this?" Peter asked with a grin.

"See what?" Remus asked in confusion.

"This!" Sirius said. He transformed into his animagus form, the same black dog.

"Y— you actually did it..." Remus said in shock as the dog sat on his feet. "I can't believe it—"

James transformed into a stag and poked the dog with his antlers as the dog growled. Peter transformed into a rat and climbed up Remus' shoulder.

Riley then transformed into the same red fox and wandered around.

"You— you did this for me?" Remus asked as tears started to form in his eyes. Riley transformed back to a human.

"Yes!" she said. "Of course," said Riley as she hugged him. Remus hugged back as the tears of joy rolled down his cheeks.

"We need nicknames!" Sirius said as he transformed into a human again.

"YES!" James said as he also went back to being a human. Peter was now on Remus' head, still a rat.

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