|59| Lure, Fifth Year

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4th of June, 1976

Riley, Remus, James, Sirius, and Peter sat in the library, surrounded by their peers who were also studying for the OWLs.

It was the Potions OWL the next day. So far they had done the Charms and Herbology OWL followed by their electives. The only ones left were Defense Against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration, and Potions.

"Worm— Wormtail, that's not how it works..." Riley muttered under her breath, Peter was far more clueless than she had imagined in Potions.

"I don't give a shit about Potions! I'm not planning on taking it next year anyway!" Peter said angrily.

"Good for you, Wormy!" Remus said sarcastically.

"I have to get another book..." said Riley and hugged as she walked over to the Potions books.

Of course, the aisle wasn't empty. Mulciber, Avery, and Snape were sitting there, making everyone get out of there.

"Oi! It's the mudblood again!" Avery spat.

"Get out of my way," Riley said coolly. She reached over to the shelf to get the book she wanted but Mulciber grabbed her arm.

"Let go of me!" she shouted. Madam Pince passed by but only warned them to be quiet instead of helping Riley.

"What if we don't?" Mulciber spat. Snape was sitting in a corner as he maintained his silence.

"Very good comeback, really!" Riley said sarcastically. "Just like your friend over there, right Snivellus? Sitting in his greasy corner with his face pressed against the book..."

"I don't even understand why mudbloods are even allowed to come to Hogwarts! Idiot Dumbledore!" said Avery. Snape looked up but didn't say anything.

"Oh yeah? Maybe this mudblood will get you expelled someday, who knows?!" Riley said sharply.

"Imperio!" Mulciber then said as he pointed his wand at Riley. Riley stumbled and lost her balance. Everything went blurry, it was all vague. She couldn't distinguish the voices around her, she couldn't stay upright.

"Now, you won't remember any of this when we are done, understood?" Mulciber said whisperingly. All Riley could do was nod along as they led her somewhere she couldn't understand.


The sky was pitch black now, the stars were covered by the hazy clouds. A gentle wind blew.

"Keep up!" one of the voices spat. Riley was being led somewhere. It must be somewhere outside, Riley thought. Everything was vague, she couldn't clearly comprehend anything. Her mind felt like a blur, she couldn't think properly.

She was still under the Imperius curse.

There were three figures walking in front of her but she couldn't see who they were, she couldn't think of anything. The only thing she could think of was the orders of the boys who cursed her.

"We should thank you for this, Severus!" another voice said. "You invented the spell, didn't you?"

"Yes," another voice said. Must be Snape.

"Sectumsempra!" one of them shouted. Riley fell to the ground as she whimpered in pain. She tried to fight it but couldn't. She felt her skin getting cut as they bled to the grass.

"But you won't snitch on us to your friend, right Severus? What was her name... Evans! The mudblood!"

"Of course..."

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