|42| First Day, Fifth Year

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They all got out of the train as they walked over to the carriages. The thestrals looked around as they were ignored by lots. They never got attention from any students, mostly because no one really saw someone die in front of their eyes. Except for Riley. She never told anyone she could see the thestrals, she didn't know why. She wasn't ashamed her aunt died but she just didn't like talking about it.

They all sat in the carriage as the thestral started to take them to the castle.

"When is the full moon?" Peter asked.

"Two weeks," Remus answered.

"That's good! There's still plenty of time," Sirius said.

They arrived at the Great Hall. It was now the sorting ceremony, the first years looked so little to Riley now, she was one of them four years ago but it felt like ages. The feast was big as always.

People looked the same. Marlene was the tallest of the group, just a bit taller than Riley. Her golden hair was now shorter and she had the same bright smile that reached her piercing blue eyes. Mary's curly black hair reached her shoulder and her bright smile with all her teeth was visible. Her dark skin and her sweet brown eyes were kind. She didn't look any different from the last year. She sure looked older but not too different.

Riley was taller compared her fourth year. She was always considered tall but not too much. Her brown hair was wavy but now bushy. It looked messy and was very long. Her skin looked pale.

After the feast, they went to the dorm rooms. Riley opened the door as she saw the other four girls already unpacked and ready for the next day.

"Where have you been?" Mary asked.

"Oh, nowhere the stairs slowed me down a bit."

"Come on you have to hear this!" Marlene said.

"Hear what?"

"Mary has a boyfriend!" Lily said. Riley chuckled and her eyes widened.

"Really?! Who is he?"

"A muggle from town!" Mary said. "His name is Jonas!"

"For how long have you two been going out?" Riley asked as she sat on the bed right next to the other girls.

"Two months!"

"Two months already?!" Dorcas exclaimed. "Wow!"

"Does he know you're a witch?" Marlene asked.

"He doesn't. I didn't wanna freak him out."

"None of my friends know I'm a witch," Lily said.

"Yeah, they think I go to a made up boarding school in Scotland. They don't know their own cousin is a wizard too..." Riley said.


30th of September

Riley entered the cold Potions classroom. Professor Slughorn was waiting for everyone.

"Oh— Ms. Spade! Good to see you! There will be a little event for the Slug Club next week on Saturday!" Slughorn said as he smiled.

"Oh, I'll be there. Thank you professor."

"Alright, so, today we will be learning how to brew Wit Sharpening Potion! Open your textbooks to page  23 and start making it. This potion will be very crucial for your OWLs this year so try to learn it well!"

Ah. Great. OWLs. Riley hated the thought of it. The normal exams were already enough for her and now this? She wanted to become a healer or an auror. This meant that she had to get 'Exceeds Expectations' in Potions, Transfiguration, Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts and Herbology. It was too much but she had to deal with it.

She walked to the ingredients cupboard and took the ingredients. Ground scarab beetles, cut ginger roots, armadillo bile, and lastly newt spleens. She placed all of them on the table and slowly started following the instructions.

She couldn't help but look over at what the others were doing. James was struggling, Sirius didn't care, Remus was doing fine and Peter was in need of help. Snape was following a different way.

"Look at the mudblood! She's going to fail miserably!" Mulciber spat at Riley. Lily shortly looked up at Mulciber and then Riley.

"Stop calling her that!" Lily said suddenly. Mulciber took a step back and shut his mouth. Then, Riley suddenly took three bean-like things from her pocket.

"What are those?" Marlene asked. James, Sirius, Remus and Peter knew exactly what they were.

"You'll see..." Riley mumbled. As Snape and Mulciber turned around to look at something else, Riley checked if no one was watching. She quickly threw the beans into their cauldrons and looked down at her potion again to now catch any attention.

Soon, the potions started to bubble up and turn very red. It was supposed to be turquoise, not red. As it turned brighter and brighter.

"What the hell is this?!" Mulciber shouted.

"Mr. Mulciber I suggest you to calm down, the potion isn't very easy to master," Slughorn warned.

The potion exploded with a 'boom' as the class turned around. Both Snape and Mulciber's faces were now black and dusty from the small explosion.

"I bet it's Spade..." Snape murmured.

"Oh? You think so? You can ask anyone here, did you guys see me sabotage Snivelly's potion?" she asked confidently.

"Of course not!" Sirius said. "Why would you ever sabotage their potions? Very rude to accuse her!" he said as he looked at Riley. She tried so hard not to laugh.

"Professor, I think the potion looks correct," Riley said as she raised her hand.

"Yes! 10 points to Gryffindor! You may leave the class if you would like to," Slughorn said. Riley gathered her books, turned the heater off and put the extra ingredients back to the cupboard and left.



IT IS FINALLY THEIR FIFTH YEAR OMG!! I've been wanting it to be the fifth year forever! I actually want to write this one specific chapter this week I just want it to be the 44th of 45th chapter!!

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