|51| Christmas - Part III, Fifth Year

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Riley opened the door of her house, hoping her mum wouldn't notice her terribly bleeding nose and her bruised cheek.

She ran to the kitchen and grabbed some paper towels and quickly threw the napkin the woman gave her into the garbage.

"Riley, are you home? Did you get the milk—" Madelyn Spade walked into the kitchen but saw Riley trying to stop her nose bleeding instead of two bottles of milk.

"Oh my— What happened?!" she asked "Did you get in a fight?"

"Of course not! Why would I ever punch someone if they kept talking sh— rubbish— about my family?! Also, Vicky! My best friend for life! Why would I ever want to kill her with my own hands?!" Riley said sarcastically. Her mother quickly took the ice and the tissues as well as the band-aids.

"Were you in the grocery store?"

"Yes, she shoved me into the shelves and I punched her and she punched me back and this stranger stopped us... I wish she hadn't," Riley said. Ms. Spade held a clean tissue but Riley winced in pain as her mum touched her nose.

"Where does it hurt?" Madelyn asked her daughter. They were now sitting on the couch in the living room 

"My nose, that's all. Nothing serious," Riley answered vaguely.

"Are you sure?"


"I don't know much about medical stuff but your nose might be broken, dear," her mum said. Riley just looked in pain as she talked. Ivy would've fixed it in a second.

It was broken in fact. They went to the hospital that day, a great way to spend Christmas Eve. That year just didn't feel right. Riley just wanted it to be 1976 already, she wanted the burden to go away.

She now had a very thick band-aid on her nose. The bone in her nose was broken and Riley had tried to convince her mum not to go to the hospital but she forced her to... and she was right.

Riley looked into the mirror as she saw the wide, thick band-aid covering her nose. She hated it. She then went downstairs as she heard the knock on the door.

"Riley! Can you get it?" her mum shouted.

"Yes, mum!"

She opened the door quickly as she saw the same three people she saw in the morning. It was after dinner time.

"What are you doing here?" Riley asked.

"And hello to you too!" Ethan said sarcastically. Will chuckled. Riley didn't really get why he was there.

"Is your nose broken?" Penny asked as she smiled.

"Yes," Riley replied. "Mum took me to the hospital, sorta forced me to be honest..."

"Does she know you got into a fight?"

"Yeah," Riley said. "Why are you all here? Aren't you supposed to be having dinner with your family?"

"Not really, they sorta made us go out and wander around the town after dinner, seems like they are trying to get rid of us!" Will said. Riley knew he was now playing for the Chudley Cannons now.

"Wanna go to the woods?" Ethan asked. "Mate, no offense, but your little brother is a bit noisy and I really don't wanna go back home..." he said to Will.

"None taken, Walter is annoying..." Will agreed.

"Mum! I'm going out!" Riley shouted to her mum who was upstairs.

"Where?" Madelyn Spade shouted.

"Uh— To Ethan and Penny's?" she lied. Her mum wouldn't allow her to go to the woods with people or alone during the night.

"Have fun!" she said in reply.

The four of them walked to the woods. It was the same, the same big trees with fewer leaves and snow covering them.

"Are you still going to that boarding school you were talking about?" Ethan asked Will.

"Uh— no, not really. I graduated, actually," Will replied. 

"Really? I didn't know that..." Penny said. 

"Yeah, but I don't work, at least not yet," Will said. 

Riley could tell Will didn't want to talk about this whole 'boarding school' thing. It was obvious he hated hiding the fact that he was a skilled quidditch player. As they were returning back, Riley walked to their house with them. As Penny and Ethan entered the house Will stayed back for a few minutes. 

"Can I ask something?" he said to Riley. 


"Who's the new captain this year?" he asked. Riley chuckled. 

"James is the captain. We are first right now and Slytherin is second," Riley explained. 

"That's good, I mean, he looked passionate about quidditch."

"Passionate? More like obsessed! I can't even count how many times we argued 'bout this, he keeps putting practices every single day..." 

"How's Hogwarts in general?" he then asked. "Is it different?"

"It isn't the same with the war going on... I don't even wanna look at the Daily Prophet anymore..."

"I heard about your sister, sorry for your loss..."


"Do you know what the Order is?" Will then asked. The Order... Riley had heard it before from her sister though she didn't mean to tell her. 

"Not really, why?"

"I don't even think I'm supposed to tell anyone this but I trust you. It's basically called the Order of the Phoenix. People join it to fight— You-Know-Who— and his followers," Will whispered. "I was thinking of joining it. But I don't know if it's safe anymore..."

"Oh— is it led by Dumbledore?"

"Yeah, but there are many people in it."

"WILL! Come back inside!" Will's mum called from inside. 

"Oh— I have to go now— I'll see you around!" Will said and he quickly went inside. Riley then walked home, thinking about the Order of the Phoenix.


A/N: First, thank you so much for reading this chapter! 

I have an announcement to make!

I'm planning on writing another fanfic/book after this one is finished. I already started writing it and have two or three chapters ready but I need to finish this one first in order to publish that one. The main character is named Colette and it is a sequel of this one! This fanfic and that fanfic will be connected so if you wanna read that when I publish it, make sure to read this one first! And the name will probably *drum roll* "Epiphany // Golden Trio Era"

There will be a love interest in it so let me know if I should change the title to "Epiphany // *name of the love interest*" It is in the Golden Trio Era (Lightning Era?) but it isn't out yet.

Also, I was thinking of making this fanfic probably 100 or 90 chapters in total because it will finish sometime around  1981.

Love y'all <3 Have a nice day!

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