|15| Summer 73

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It was the last day of the Marauders' second year. Their final exams were over and they all got on the train on their way back home.

"We're gonna be third years, finally!" James exclaimed.

"I don't wanna go home..." Sirius said.

"You can come to my place whenever you want," James suggested.

"Like my mother would even let me step out of the house."

There was a ringing silence, then Remus spoke.

"Which classes did you pick?" Remus asked.

"I picked Arithmancy and Care of Magical Creatures," Riley answered.

"Arithmancy? I won't bother with numbers, they are stupid. I picked Divination, Muggle Studies, and Ancient Runes," James said.

"I don't want another History of Magic lesson, so a big no for Ancient Runes. And Muggle Studies, why?" Riley asked.

"To impress Evans."

"I see."

"I picked Care of Magical Creatures, Ancient Runes, and Arithmancy," Remus said.

"I picked Divination and Care of Magical Creatures," Peter said.

"I picked the same ones as James, maybe if I learn more about muggle my mum will disown me," Sirius said. "I can just see her reaction. 'Sirius Orion Black! How dare you disobey our family traditions!' and some other shit."

"If you don't write any letters this summer, I will seriously prank all of you when we return back to Hogwarts and that's a promise!" James said. "None of you even bothered to owl me last summer!"

"Oh, I'm sorry mum! Did I break your heart?" Riley said as she laughed. James looked annoyed and Remus laughed, Peter got candy from the trolley.

"My cousin's getting married this year," Sirius said.

"Narcissa?! Isn't she still a seventh year next year?" Peter asked, horrified. "She's mean."

"No! Bellatrix. She's Narcissa's older sister. And there's also Andromeda, the middle sister, but she got disowned after dating a Ravenclaw muggle-born. I'm lucky for not being kicked out of the house for being a Gryffindor. She had a daughter too, Dora. She's cute, she's a metamorphagus. Her hair can turn pink and all that."

"Get to the point, mate," Remus said.

"Yeah, so she's marrying this person named Rodolphus Lestrange. Part of the Sacred Twenty-Eight, he looks scary, I'm afraid he's a death eater. And the worst part is that they are making me attend the wedding!"

"Can't you get out of it? Weddings are boring, too many people," Riley said.

"I tried, but Bellatrix threatened to curse me, she said 'family' was important, they are not if they are death eaters!" he stopped and looked at the others. "What are your lovely plans for the summer?"

"Nothing, my sister is very busy at the hospital and she couldn't take a day off of work," Riley said.

"My plans, uh, turn into a wolf every full moon is pretty much my plan," Remus said. "It's on the worst days..."


30th of July.

Dear James,

I'm writing a letter, happy? Also, I'm bored. And also tired... I feel bad, basically. It was the full moon yesterday and I almost broke the door, my mum was frightened... I feel bad for her. I didn't get out of my room after that, I don't know why. Anyways, I don't know what to write.

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