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(This will be a short chapter I apologize, I will try to make this as painless as possible.)
           It was definitely a tough battle, The Avengers fought hard against Thanos' army. Side by side taking them down. Alex and Bucky struck down many foes. Together they defended eachother in battle. Alex was about to finish the enemy she was fighting when it reduced to ash in her hand. Bucky noticed his foe vanishing as well. They both looked at eachother and then the battlefield. Thanos' army was slowly fading into ash. Meaning someone used The Stones. Bucky walked over to Alex as they watched the Avengers gathering around something. He took Alex's hand as they slowly walked over to the group. Alex couldn't quite see what the commotion was so she let go of Bucky and slowly walked around the group. Once she saw what they were staring at. Tony was badly wounded after using the Stones. Peter was trying to wake Tony up. He kept shaking him.
            "Wake up Mr. Stark! Please wake up!" Peter begged, resting his tired head against Tony's chest. Alex's legs began to buckle. She slowly walked over, Bucky found out where she was. His heart sank fast. Alex reached down to Peter, holding the small boy's shoulders. Tears started to pour down her face. Peter let Tony go, Alex made room so he could stand. Tony's brown eyes drifted slowly over to her. He gave a weak grin before he inhaled deeply.
             "Hey Barnes." He spoke over to Bucky. Who kept his distance, unsure of what to do. Pepper finally joined Alex at her side with Tony. Tony licked his lips and his eyes went over to the ex Assassin.
             "Yes?" Bucky was finally able to reply. Alex bowed her head, placing her hand over Tony's chest piece.
             "Please keep Alex safe..." Tony asked, his hand picked Pepper's hand and placed it over Alex's. Bucky nodded and looked over to Alex. Tony looked back at his daughter, smiling at her.
             "I am so proud of you Al. You deserve to be happy." Tony spoke softly, trying to not cry. Alex let more tears fall as she leaned over to kiss her fathers forehead. She finished her kiss and leaned back. Pepper gave Tony a final kiss, before his chest piece's light faded. Alex watched it fade, her hand slipped from Peppers. Her hand dropped to her side. She fell onto her behind staring blankly as she started to hyperventilate. Bucky slowly walked up behind her, crouching down. Alex shut her eyes as she started to cry uncontroling her emotions. Bucky slowly placed his hands on her shoulders. Pepper looked at him with tear filled eyes. Bucky reached down to her spinning her body around, and pulled her head into his chest. Alex covered her face with her hands as she buried her face into his chest. Sobbing uncontrollably. Bucky wrapped his arms around Alex's shaking body. Placing a hard kiss on her dirty hair as she cried. Pepper gave Tony a kiss on his pale cheek, as she buried her head into his armour. Slowly, the rest of the Avengers took a knee. Respectfully saying goodbye to Earths fallen Hero.

(I really want to take this time, and say thank you to all who have joined me on this journey. I would like to take this time as well to say another Rest in Peace to the Avengers Characters who left a huge mark on my creation of Alexandra Stark: Tony Stark and Natasha Romanoff. Also I want to say another farewell to Black Panther actor Chadwick Boseman who played T'Challa. It pained me to know he was battling cancer when he was filming. I am happy he is no longer suffering from the deadly disease. Rest In Peace Chadwick Boseman, Wakanda Forever.)

(Next chapter will be the last of this series. But I am pleased to announce, you all haven't seen the last of Alexandra Stark. I will be writing a new story based on The Falcon and The Winter Soldier series. Believe me, you don't want to miss it. Stay tuned for the update. Love you all, Nicole.)

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