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               The Avengers decided a plan to go after Thanos. Carol found which planet he was on. Alex was loading Bucky's rifle. She inhaled deeply and rested her forehead on the scope. Rocket swallowed heavily at her holding the gun. She peered over and saw the look on the raccoons face.
               "Yeah man, you're not getting your hands on this gun." Alex frowned at him with a smirk on her face.
               "Actually, I'm scared that your holding the damn thing. Do you know how powerful that gun is?" Rocket replied. Alex finished loading the gun and was checking out the scope.
               "Don't worry Rocket, I know exactly what I'm doing." Alex assured him.
               "Uh huh..." Rocket nodded his head slowly. He backed away from Alex slowly. She chuckled at his actions and heard Carol speak over the ships speaker system.
               "This is it. I'm gonna fly down there and scout him out." Carol told them, Alex and the team watched as Carol flew down into the planets atmosphere. Alex inhaled heavily and rested her head on the hilt of Bucky's gun. She could sense his presense with in the gun. Like it was protecting her. Carol returned and explained to the group that Thanos was alone. Steve flew the aircraft down. It landed with a loud thud. Alex stood up and exhaled heavily.
                "Alex, remember we need to get the gauntlet from him first." Nebula glanced over at her. Alex rolled her eyes.
                "Let's just get this shit over with." Alex replied, she cracked her neck. Thor smirked over at Alex.
                "I'll bet you I'll get him first Stark." He challenged. Alex smirked at him as she loaded a bullet into the chamber.
                "The bet is on." Alex replied to his challenge. Steve rolled his eyes.
                "Focus you two, we don't know what he is doing. Lets go." He warned them before walking down the hatch.

                It was a hell of a walk to Thanos' location. They finally reached it. Alex aimed the gun at the door as Carol went in first. She threw Thanos down, Bruce came in to assist. They had Thanos pinned, Thor came in after, swinging Stormbreaker down cutting his  left arm off. Alex came in next and pressed the rifle stock hard against Thanos' forehead. Angry tears formed in her eyes. She stared into the eyes of Bucky's killer with hate. Steve, Rhoades and Natasha followed in. Alex's finger was on the trigger, ready to fire a bullet into the man's skull. Rocket walked over to decapitated arm and flipped it over. The Stones were gone.
                "Oh no..." He spoke loud enough for the team to hear. Alex's eyes drifted over to the gauntlet. She growled and shoved the rifle stock hard into Thanos' skull. He winced.
                "Where are they you Ugly Purple Bastard?!" Alex demanded. Steve grabbed Alex's shoulder. Carol pulled hard on his arm,
                "Answer the question!" She cranked his arm hard. He grunted and licked his purple lips.
                "The universe required correction. After that, The Stones served no purpose beyond temptation." He stated. Bruce growled.
                "Your murdered trillions!" Bruce screamed at Thano's pushing his hard against the wooden flooring, Alex kept her aim at Thanos' head. The red laser shined right on his forehead.
                "You all should be greatful." Thanos replied with a smirk on his face. Alex growled and went to fire the gun.
                "Wait Alex!" Steve called out to her. Alex hid her hatred and swallowed hard, her blue eyes focused on the wounded being.
                "Where are The Stones?!" Alex questioned. Thanos looked at her not even fased by her.
                "Gone, reduced to atoms." He told them.
                "You used them two days ago!" Bruce spat at him, still holding him down. Alex gritted her teeth, keeping her aim still.
                "I used The Stones to destroy the Stones. It nearly killed me, but the work is done! It always will be. I am inevitable!" He announced proudly. Rhoades looked around frantically.
                "We have to tear this place apart! He has to be lying!" Rhoades spoke. Nebula finally spoke up.
                "My father is many things. A liar is not one of them." Thanos' eyes drifted over to Nebula.
                "Ah thank you daughter. Perhaps I treated you too harshly." Thanos spoke to Nebula. Alex had enough, and so did Thor. Alex pulled the trigger of Bucky's old rifle. It embedded into Thanos' skull, right as Thor swung Stormbreaker. He decapitated him, Thanos' head fell from his body and it tumbled to Nebula's feet. The team stared at Alex and Thor in disbelief from their actions.
                "What did you guys do?" Rocket slowly let out looking at the two of them.  Alex spat at the ground, she spun on her heel and walked outside. Thor turned his head to he racoon.
                "I went for the head like he told me too." Thor explained, following Alex out the doorway.

                Five years had passed since the team defeated Thanos. The team divided and went their seperate ways, trying to figure out ways to help. Alex was at the Avengers Compound with Natasha. Alex's once long brown hair, was now chopped up to her shoulders. She was in the gym punching a punching bag hard and fast. Music blared through her earphones. She was fully healed after all these years. Tony had tried to get Alex to come with him and Pepper to the family cabin. She refused to go anywhere with him. She wanted to be alone. Let alone fight with her father again and again. He texted her letting her know what has been going on. Pepper had a child with him, Alex was now a step-sister. Her name is Morgan. Alex thrusted her fist hard into the punching bag and released a powerful blast of electricity into it. It exploded, covering Alex in dust. She coughed and spat the dust out from her mouth. She slowly pulled her earphones out of her ears coughing harshly.
                 "That's gonna be a bitch of a mess to clean up." Steve's voice emerged from behind her. Alex sneezed loudly, the dust flew out of her nose.  Steve laughed as he walked over to her. Brushing the dust off of her shoulder.
                 "Oh shit! It's in my eyes Rogers!" Alex cried out for help, her hand covered her face. Steve immediately snaked the water bottle that was sitting on a nearby stool. He ran back over to the blinded girl and pulled her hand away from her face, pouring the water all over her face. Alex spat a load of dust to the ground, almost hitting Steve. He snaked her towel from its spot on the wrestling rink. He placed the towel over her face. She found her hand back to the towel. Steve helped guide her to the stool and set her down on it. He looked back at the destroyed punching bag. Alex inhaled and coughed again wiping her face. There was still dust particles on her face, but not as bad. She slowly opened her eyes, he held a laugh in as Alex shook her head, more dust fell from her brown hair.
                  "Did you learn something there?" Steve finally asked her, trying to hide his laughter.
                  "Nope, I'm probably going to do it again." Alex replied shrugging her shoulders. She sighed and leaned her back against the post.
                  "New haircut?" Steve reached up and tugged on her short brown locks.
                  "Got tired of sleeping on it." Alex noted as she took a swig from her water bottle. She leaned against her knees, Steve noticed she was still wearing her dog tags.
                  "How are you doing kid?" Steve asked her, she took another swig from her bottle and sighed once she swallowed the fluids.
                  "Hanging in there the best I can Steve...I still dream about him." Alex replied to his question. She reached up and grabbed the dog tags. He placed his strong hand on her vibranium shoulder.
                   "I know you miss him Alex. But all we can do is keep trying to figure out a way." Steve sighed. Alex rolled her eyes and stood up fast. Steve watched her as she walked over to another punching bag. He sighed heavily and stood, watching her begin to destroy the new target.
                   "Steve, I hate to say this...but I think we are out of options." Alex gritted her teeth and begun punching the bag. Steve walked over to her and crossed his arms.
                   "Alex, we can't give up." Steve tried to reason with her. Alex stopped hitting the bag and bowed her head. She shut her eyes hard and inhaled deeply. Her voice cracked, tears formed in her eyes.
                   "What are we supposed to do Steve?" Alex spoke to him quietly. He was about to reply when a loud buzz went off. Alex turned her head fast at the door.
                   "What was that?" Steve questioned. Alex dropped her fists and took off running out of the gym, Steve was on her tail. They looked up at the monitors in the main living room. Alex frowned and tilted her head in confusion.
                   "Is that fucking Scott?!" Alex asked outloud. Scott was screaming waving his hands.
                   "Hi! Uh anyone home? Gorgeous you there?! This is Scott Lang! We were at the airport! A few years ago?! In Germany? I kept hitting on you and I thought your scary boyfriend was going to kill me! Until I got big!" He kept babbling as Steve watched the feed.
                   "Is this an old message?" Steve looked over at Alex. Noticing Natasha was now walking over.
                   "What is that racket?!" Natasha asked.
                   "You know?! Ant-Man! Ant-Man you know me!" Scott screamed back into the microphone.
                   "N-no! This is live feed!" Alex's jaw dropped. Scott growled with annoyance.
                   "Gorg- god no! Alex if your in there! Open the gate!"

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