End Game (Part One)

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(Thank You All For Your Support! I have to say, this story has been one I have been constantly updating cause I don't want to leave you all in the dark for too long! Please stay tuned for a new series that will becoming out after I have finished with End Game.)

                Each of them had a task. The plan was to go back in the past and gather all six of the Infinity Stones. Tony along with Bruce, Rocket and Alex were able to get the machine working properly. Alex was asked to stay back to guard the machine. She watched as her team all vanished into their seperate time spaces. She looked at the clock on the wall.
                 "Five, four, three, two, one." She counted down and hit the switch to bring them back. They all came back but one. Alex noticed Natasha was missing. Clint fell to his knees. Natasha had recruited him earlier. Bruce in his Hulk form looked down at Clint.
                 "Clint, where's Nat?" He asked. Clint bursted into tears, Alex brought her hand up to her mouth as she sank to the ground. Nebula explained that in order to get the Soul Stone, a sacrifice had to be made. Natasha had sacrificed herself to gain the Soul Stone. The team went outside to for a moment of silence over their loss. Alex sighed heavily as she watched Bruce throw a bench across the lake. She looked down at her feet, unsure of what to say. Tony finally broke the ice.
                  "Did she have any family?" Alex turned her head to her father.
                  "Yeah, us." Alex wiped her tears away as she gritted her teeth. Tony sighed realizing she was correct.
                  "Then we have to make sure her sacrifice was worth it." He replied, he cleared his throat. It was time, to bring their friends and family back.

                   Thor and Tony argued over who was going to wear the gauntlet. Alex laid down on the couch and rubbed her eyes. She developed a small headache. She grew tired of the bickering and sat up.
                   "Guys what about Bruce? His body can handle the radiation!" Alex suggested waving her hand over to Bruce. He frowned and then looked over at Tony and Thor. They agreed on it, Alex watched as Bruce put the new gauntlet that Tony, Rocket and Bruce had worked on. He sighed heavily, sweat poured from his brow. He cried out when the gauntlet tried to fight back.
                     "Okay, so just snap and things will be back to the way the were..."Bruce spoke to himself, he was struggling to keep his pain. Alex patted the giant green mans back.
                     "You got this big guy." Alex assured him, she slowly backed away. Unsure of what was going to happen one he snapped his fingers. He licked his lips and slowly brought his fingers together. Thor placed himself in front of Alex to defend her. Bruce inhaled deeply, holding his breath. With in a slip second, he snapped is fingers. A light flashed bright, the gauntlet fell from Bruce and hit the ground. Bruce went down. The team broke apart and rushed to his aid. Alex ran over to the gauntlet and kicked it aside as steam and sparks came from it.
                      "Bruce! Are you okay?!" Steve called out bending down to check on Bruce. Tony put a kind of freezing powder on Bruce's damaged arm.
                      "D-did it work?" He finally let out. Alex sighed with relief. Scott walked over to the glass window and noticed some birds sitting on trees. A smile crept on his face as he got emotional.
                      "Hey guys, I think it worked." Scott announced happily, a tear streamed down his face. Alex heard a phone vibrate and she turned her head watching Clint walk over to it, his face immediately tears falling down it. He picked up the phone and looked relieved as he heard his wife's voice on the other line. Alex looked down at the corner of the room, she walked over to it and bent down. She picked up Bucky's gun, she cried out when her telecom started to screech in her ear.
                       "Ouch! What the f-" She started to curse, when she saw something outside. It was Thanos' war ship.
                       "Guys!" Alex screamed over to them. Thor was the first one to make it over to what Alex was yelling about. He was about to warn the team when missles from the war ship fired. Thor grabbed Alex quick, she held onto the gun tightly. He swung his hammer and as the missles collided with the Avengers compound, he lost his grip as he fired off. Alex was thrown back by the blast, she hit the ground hard. She cried out in pain, no noise came out of her mouth. Her ears rang sharply, she couldn't hear anything. She was covered in debris. Her vision was blurry as she laid on the ground. Thor called out for her, she could hear him muffled. He found out where she landed and ran over to her, pushing the debris off of her. He called out her name as he snapped his fingers in her face trying to get her to focus. The squealing from the telecom alerted her.
                       "What the hell is with this thing? Is everyone okay?!" Alex called into the earpiece. Thor helped her up, they both coughed as the dust cleared. She heard her friends, some were in trouble others were okay. Thor led her around the destruction. They found a clearing and looked down, Thanos was sitting alone. He seemed proud at his destruction of Avengers Campus. Alex was ready to charge at him when Thor grabbed her arm.
                       "Just wait, we don't know what we are rushing into." Thor warned her, his eyes were fixated on Thanos. Alex was growing impatient with anticipation. The earpiece in her ear squealed again. She cringed and reached up to her ear.
                       "Is your ear piece spazzing out?" She looked over to Thor who shook his head meaning no. Alex sighed and sat down on a piece of rubble. She sighed and looked over to her right and saw Bucky's gun. She rose from her spot and walked over to pick it up. Her hand grasped the gun and she lifted it gently. Tony came out from the rubble and ran to his daughter.
                        "Are you okay?" He lifted his hand to check his daughters dirty face. Alex nodded and noticed that Steve had found his way over. Tony released his daughter and walked around her. He noticed Thanos and stood next to Thor.
                        "What's he been doing?" Tony asked Thor who refused to break contact with the killer.
                        "Absolutely nothing." Thor responded. Steve walked up with Alex, his grip on his shield tightened.
                        "Where are the Stones?" Steve whispered quietly over to Alex, her glare rested on Thanos. How badly she wanted to shoot him.
                        "Somewhere underneath all of this. All I know is that he doesn't have them." Alex replied, not breaking her eye contact. She gripped the gun tightly. Steve noticed her anger was starting to boil.
                        "Stay back here, you have amazing aim. Besides, I don't want to see you get killed." Steve ordered her. Alex gritted her teeth, she wanted to defeat Thanos. She sighed and nodded.
                        "You guy's know this is a trap right?" Alex lifted the gun to her chest. She pulled back, loading a bullet into the chamber.
                        "Yeah, I really don't care." Tony replied.
                        "Good, as long as we are all in a agreement." Alex lifted the gun to her shoulder, looking at Thanos through the scope. She inhaled deeply, getting her finger ready on the trigger. Thor summoned Mjolnir and Stormbreaker.
                        "Let's kill him properly this time." He said with a smirk on his face.

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