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            Alex's blue eyes fluttered open. She groaned in pain and tilted her head forward.
            "Alex, are you okay?" Sam asked her. Alex turned her head at a angle and opened her eyes again. She noticed the cuffs on her arms.
            "Remind me to knock out Rhoads. Wait! Where is Bucky?! Is he okay?" Alex realized that he wasn't in the vehicle.
            "He's okay Alex, he is in the vehicle in front of us." Steve glanced at her through the drivers rear view mirror. Alex sighed with relief and saw the vehicle in front of them. Then she frowned and noticed, there was a man sitting next to Steve.
             "Who in the hell is this?!" Alex frowned looking at Sam who held in a chuckle.
             "I am King T'Challa of Wakanda. The man you took down when I almost had my revenge of the death of my father." T'Challa introduced himself.
             "You the dude in the cat costume? Want some catnip?" Alex smirked, she felt a shock of electrical surge shock her.
             "Apparently, you take after your father when it comes to sarcastic comments. That was supposed to keep you quiet until we arrive." T'Challa spoked again.
             "Well I can stop you right there your Highness, I'm nothing like my father. I'm a lot worse." Alex smirked and let her head tilt back and relax. She closed her eyes and sighed.
             "So you like cats?" Alex and Sam asked at the same time.
             "Guys." Steve went to stop them.
             "Dude shows up dressed like a giant cat, and we aren't supposed to ask questions?" Sam replied back. Alex sniggered.
             "The Black Panther has been in my culture for years. It is handed down through generation to generation. As my father wielded it before I did, until your friend killed him." T'Challa explained.
             "Well I'm gonna stop you right there Pussy Cat, cause that wasn't Bucky." Alex spoke back before recieving another shock.
             "Final warning Miss Stark." The guard warned her. Alex stuck her tongue out at him and laid her head back again.

           They finally arrived at their location. Alex was hauled out of the vehicle since her arms were still tied up. She was grabbed roughly by the guards and she was pulled around the vehicle. She was faced with Sharon Carter and a man whose name she didnt catch. She heard a machine beep and watched as Bucky was pulled out of the vehicle he was in. He was strapped into a very high defensive chamber.
            "Is that really necessary?!" Alex looked back at the suited man.
            "He is a very dangerous man, your lucky Miss Stark. He could have killed you." The man spoke to her. She let out a laugh.
            "Your joking right?!" Alex gritted her teeth, she really wanted to punch someone.
            "Be careful Miss Stark, as I last recall. That charge on your neck gives one hell of a punch." He smirked at her. She smirked back at him.
            "Your going to regret putting a innocent man behind bars." Alex glanced over at Bucky who looked very concerned. Steve placed his hand on the girls shoulder.
            "Enough Alex, it's okay. Bucky is going to be okay." Steve assured her. She was still looking at Bucky who nodded at her, she could tell he was telling her he would be okay. She sighed and looked back at Sharon and the man.
            "Now we are going to remove the bonds. Don't make any moves or your going to another facility." The man stated. Alex allowed the guards to take the bonds off of her arms. She rubbed her arms as they started moving. She looked back as the bay doors holding Bucky closed. She was scared for him. Steve turned and watched the fear grow in her eyes.
            "He's going to be okay Alex, nothing bad will happen to him." Steve assured her. Alex swallowed hard and held her tears back.

          Sharon explained that their uniforms would be in holding as they entered a office. Alex walked right past her angry father as he was on the phone with the Secretary of State.
           "You are grounded! Do you hear me?!" Tony snagged his daughters arm. She pulled it away and sat down at the table and lifted her feet up. She could see the monitors and her heart fell when she saw Bucky in his cage again. The men were speaking to him but she couldn't hear what they were saying. Tony slammed his hand down on the table making her jump.
           "So you have been harbouring a fugitive?! Alex do you know what he did?!" Tony hollered at her. Alex gritted her teeth and ignored him.
           "Tony take it easy on her, she was doing what was right." Steve objected. Tony told Steve to shut up before he turned his attention back to his daughter.
            "Alex, talk to me! What in the hell were you thinking?" Tony tapped the table. Alex sighed and looked back at the monitor.
            "I wasn't harbouring a fugitive. Dad, that isn't the bomber." Alex tried to explain before Tony slammed his hand down again. Alex felt tears forming.
            "Bullshit! You've seen the news! He was caught on camera!" Tony snapped. Alex sighed and shook her head.
            "Dad, I can vouch for him. He was in Bucharest with me at the time of the attack." Alex spoke again. Hoping her father would understand.
            "So what?! You shacked up with this guy Alex! He has killed many people! He could have killed you!" Tony yelled in her face.
            "He didn't! I'm still here! I'm telling you, they got the wrong damn guy! The Winter Soldier is long gone!" Alex yelled back. She slammed her fist down on the table, it cracked and she recieved a shock. Tony frowned at his daughter and shook his head in disgust and turned his attention to Steve.
             "Well since I both have you here. Sign it." Tony mumbled as he tossed the Sokovia Accords down on the table. Alex growled and stood up from her chair and pushed it away from her.
              "I'm not signing anything I don't believe in." Alex mentioned as she turned and faced the monitors. A man was now sitting in the same room as Bucky speaking to him. Steve and Tony continued their conversation. Steve told Tony no to signing the Accords before he turned and joined Alex.
              "Alex, don't get comfy here. We are leaving first thing in the morning!" Tony called to his daughter as he left the room. She rolled her eyes and looked back at the monitor. Steve patted her back.
              "Don't worry kid, he will pull around once we prove Bucky's innocence." Steve assured her as he gave her shoulder a squeeze. Sam and Sharon entered the room.
              "I wish we knew what was going on in there..." Alex mentioned glancing at Steve. Sharon reached to the intercom and hit the mute button. Allowing the Avengers to hear the conversation. Alex looked back as Sharon gave the girl a small smile.
              "Do you know where you are James? I can't help you if you talk to me, James." The psychatrist spoke to him softly.
              "My name is Bucky...is she okay?" Bucky spoke finally. The man tilted his head.
              "Is who okay?" He asked. Bucky swallowed hard fighting back his fear.
              "Alex, is she okay?" Bucky asked. Steve looked down at Alex who gritted her teeth.
              "I assume you are talking about Miss Stark. Yes she is fine. But we aren't here to talk about her. James we are here to talk about you." The man flipped some papers around. Bucky sighed and clenched his jaw, he looked up at the camera. Alex frowned, something wasn't right in her mind. Something was off about the psychatrist interviewing Bucky.
              "Hey Sharon, whats the name of the guy talking to Bucky?" Alex asked turning her head to the blonde.
              "Doctor Theo Brossard." Sharon said clearly. Alex turned to the monitor.
              "Can you pull up a photograph of him?" Alex asked, as the last words flew out of her mouth the power went off. Alex grew concerned immediately and looked at Steve. They both looked at Sharon as Sam stood up. She gave them the directions to get to Bucky. Alex, Steve and Sam ran out of the room down the hall. Hoping they would get to Bucky in time.

              The three made it to the corridor. Alex grew even more worried as they noticed that all the men were knocked out. Steve called over to the man interviewing Bucky who was now on the ground. He ran over and picked the man up and threw him against the wall.
              "What have you done?!" Steve screamed at the mans face.
              "I want to see a Empire fall." the man smirked. Alex made it into the room, immediately ducking as Bucky swung his metal fist at her. Sam ivaded Bucky and tried to fight him off. Sam was knocked unconsious, Alex glanced over at Bucky.
              "Bucky?!" Alex cried out, he threw another fist at her and she blocked it with her metal arm. She winced as the charge hit her with electricity. He grabbed her by her throat and pushed her back, she blocked his punches and threw some back.
              "Stop! Alex run!" Steve tried to help her but was sent flying back by Bucky. Bucky paid attention back to Alex. He rammed her back hard against the elevator doors denting it. She cried out in pain, feeling the charge fry. He gave her a evil smirk before he kneed her hard in the stomach. She noticed a piece of the charge falling down his arm. She clenched her hand around his arm.
              "I'm sorry Bucky." She let out a surge of elecricity and it hit him hard. He cried out in pain as he let her go and he took a step away to regain composure. Steve stepped inbetween them. Bucky growled and kicked Steve hard, he flew into Alex and it pushed them over the edge. Sending them both into the elevator shaft. Alex and Steve were both knocked out. Bucky checked to ensure they were out before he left.

              Alex shot up and winced. She looked up at the elevator shaft and noticed that Steve was down there with her.
             "Steve, wake up! We gotta get Bucky out of here!" Alex groaned in pain as she shook her friend. He woke up and cried out in pain. They decided to climb back up. Steve got up first and helped Alex out of the elevator.
             "Alex, let me go after Bucky. You go after that guy that did this to him! I promise I'll get him back!" Steve looked at the girl. She nodded in agreement and the two went there seperate ways. Alex ended up meeting Sam outside. He had lost track of the man.
             "Sam!" Alex called out, dodging the agents and staff panicking.
             "Are you okay?! Where is Steve and Bucky?!" Sam asked meeting up with her. She shrugged her shoulders and looked up. She saw something was happening on the roof.
             "Found them." Alex brought her hands up to her mouth, Sam watched with her as Steve was trying to pull a helicopter that Bucky was flying back to the paddock. They watched in horror as the helicopter crashed into the helipad and it went down crashing into the river.
             "We gotta go help them!" Sam grabbed Alex's hand and they went running towards the river.

             Steve gasped for air as his head hit the air. He pulled hard and got Bucky up for some air. Bucky had gotten knocked out from the impact of the crash. He panted and saw two familiar faces running towards him as he swam over to them. Sam and Alex pulled Bucky out before Sam helped Steve out. Alex held onto Bucky, she felt relief that Steve had Bucky.
              "Alex we gotta get out of here. He will come to, just got knocked out in the impact." Steve panted looking around frantically. She nodded and allowed Steve and Sam to move Bucky. She watched the two carry him away as she slowly followed. All she could think to herself was, Bucky was safe. And she didn't want to lose him again. She had a feeling that she was falling in love, with The Winter Soldier.

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