The Battle (Part One)

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             The three of them were able to escape Spider-Man's webbing. Alex, Bucky and Sam ran out of the airport. Alex was still pulling strands of the webbing off of her arms as they met up with Steve and the others. They made it over to a airplane when they were met by Vision's beam. They all stopped dead in their tracks. Tony and his team all landed in front of them. Alex frowned as her fathers face was revealed by the mask when it opened.
            "Really Rogers, you had to get my kid involved?" Tony called over to him. Alex clenched her fists.
            "She made her decision, she knows a innocent man when she see's one." Steve replied back. Alex took a step forward and looked at Spider-Man who seemingly gulped under his mask.
            "So, does this mean I'm disowned? You go ahead and adopt a new protoge?" Alex tilted her head, her blue eyes drifted over to her father's brown ones. He brought up his finger.
            "That is not what this is Alex! You are defending a criminal! Plus you kept him hidden! Therefore you too are a criminal!" Tony lashed out at his daughter. Alex chuckled and backed away and stood infront of Bucky.
            "He is not responsible for the bombing! If you would just listen!" Alex yelled back.
            "I don't want to hear another peep out of you! If you know what's smart, walk away!" Tony screamed back. Alex felt hatred as she stood her ground.
            "I can't let that happen Dad, he is a innocent man!" Alex gritted her teeth growling at him.
            "Okay we can deal with this Romeo and Juliet situation later, I've had enough." Tony threw up his arms in defeat. Steve stood infront of Alex.
            "You sure you wanna go down this path Tony? It doesn't have to end like this." Steve spoke to Tony. Tony ignored him and the Iron-Man mask took place over his face.
            "That usually means 'Yes'" Alex peered over Steve's shoulder. They all started to run towards them, knowing the fight that was about to happen.
            "Uhm Mr. Stark, they're not stopping!" Spider-Man called over as they started to jog.
            "Neither are we." Tony mentioned as him and Rhoady flew up into the air. Alex was going to end up facing one of them, she just didn't know which one. The teams clashed fighting one an other. Alex fought off Natasha who had seemed to hold back.  She skidded over to a crate and charged up her arms. She noticed Bucky was fighting T'Challa, and was slowly losing his fight. She ran over and was able to get a grasp of T'Challa's armor and sent a surge of electricity through his suit. T'Challa grunted as he went down, Alex threw him into a nearby crate.
            "Go!" Alex called out to Bucky, as she was taken down by Spider-Man again. Bucky took off running towards the airship that Clint had gotten for their escape. Alex slid into a stop by a plane and Spider-Man jumped back.
            "I'm sorry Miss Stark." Spider-Man winced as his suit charged up ready to take on Alex. She smirked and ran towards him, her arms charged up. He started throwing webs at her trying to stop her. She zapped them away, ready to throw a surge at him. Spider-Man quickly jumped over her, spinning a web at her. She caught it, her back still turned.
            "Gotcha!" She spoke to herself with a smirk. She threw her arm down, pulling Spider-Man down to the ground. He cried out as his body hit the cement. Alex sent a charge to him, he cried out in pain as the electricity hit his veins. Alex dropped the web and went to start running when a powerful blast hit her hard. She flew into a water truck, it dented as her body hit it. She groaned as she hit the ground hard.
             "Stand down Alex." Rhoady floated above her, charging another blast. Alex chuckled and spat some blood onto the pavement.
             "You know, I still have to pay you back from that arrest you made on me." Alex stated as she looked up at her father's friend.
             "I don't want to hurt you Alex." Rhoady told her. Alex snorted to herself and shook her head as she stood.
             "No, you wont be able to this time." Alex smirked up at him. Rhoady sighed as his blast started to power up. Bucky watched from afar and pulled off a large piece of metal from a nearby plane. He hurled it hard towards Rhoady, who saw it come up on his monitor. He spun and blasted the metal into pieces. Alex took her chance and jumped up onto a couple of crates, getting closer to Rhoady. She got onto the last crate and used all the leg strength she had. She jumped up and latched herself onto the back of Rhoady's armour. She shoved her hand into Rhoady's armour and held her breath. She sent a shockingly large amount of power into his suit. He cried out as they dropped fast. Alex pushed herself off of his armour and tucked and rolled. Rhoady hit the ground hard, the equipment sparked and glitched. Alex panted as she stood up and turned to face him.
             "Stay there...oh sh-" She immediately noticed that Vision's foot was in her eyesight. He kicked her hard and she flew into the airplane near them. She splatted against the ground and moaned in pain. The chip sparked and she rolled over onto her back.
             "Okay that one hurt!" Alex winced as she laid there.
             "My apologies Miss Stark." Vision apologized to her as he tried to help Rhoady get up.
             "Oh you ain't sorry for shit!" Alex spat back at him, she rolled over to her opposite side she landed on and slowly prepared to get up. Alex stood up slowly and held her shoulder, something had happened to it when she hit the plane. It was disconnected from her chip short circuting.
             "As Mr Rhoades has said Miss Stark, please remain where you are and surrender." Vision called over to her. Alex rolled her eyes and slowly turned to face him.
             "You know something, even when you were just some kind of technology my father built. Your still a pain in the ass." Alex panted staring at him. She chuckled and felt another shock from the chip, making her cringe. She fell to her knees and sighed. Vision was about to walk over to her to apprehend her. When Wanda landed infront of them and sent Vision flying using her telekinesis. Alex was still panting as she watched Vision fly away. She chuckled and relaxed and dropped her head.
             "I can't believe I'm gonna say this as an American, but thank god for Russia." Alex laughed as she winced again once her chip glitched again. Wanda turned and looked down at the girl. She looked up and saw that Bucky was running towards them.
             "You need to reconnect her wiring to her arm, or the chip will shut down." Wanda shouted over to him as she used her telekinesis to go and continue fighting. Bucky slid to a stop and ended up infront of Alex.
             "Jesus Christ Doll, your a hell of a fighter." Bucky smiled as he brought his metal hand to her neck to look at the chip, her skin was charred from over using it. She chuckled and winced at the pain she was recieving.
             "I'm gonna need a hand here." Alex looked up at Bucky with tired eyes.
             "Let's get you out of the possibility of another blast." Bucky mentioned as he watched that the fight was growing closer to them. He took Alex in his arms and ran over to another airplane and stopped. He slowly placed her down and crouched behind her looking at her neck once again. Confusion grew on his face as he looked at the difficult wiring.
              "Uh...what in the hell am I supposed to do here?" Bucky asked her confused. Alex used her uninjured arm and slowly felt the chip and the wiring. She felt the disconnected wire through her neck.
              "Okay, this is gonna seem weird. But see where my finger is?" Alex tapped the spot where the wire was.
              "Yeah. What do I need to do?" Bucky nodded and saw what she was poking at.
              "I need you to kind of shimy the wire up and reconnect it to the chips paddock." Alex explained. Bucky rose his eyebrows in shock.
              "How the hell am I supposed to do that?" Bucky laughed as he was even more confused.
              "You ever taken a splinter out of yourself?" Alex replied trying to imagine it.
              "Uhm...I think so. Maybe back in the nineteen hundreds." Bucky tried to remember.
              "Use your thumb and guide the wire out of the hole and pull some of it out. Reconnect it to the connector. But make sure it latches on properly or the zap could kill me." Alex explained it slowly so he could understand.
              "Uh, okay." Bucky grew more concerned as he used his right hand. His thumb slowly came to the spot where he could see the wire, he slowly pushed up on it. He was almost relieved when the wire started to move up her skin.
               "It kind of looks like a snake." Bucky chuckled. Alex gritted her teeth as she could feel the wire gliding along side her.
               "Yep, doesn't feel like it." She mentioned. Bucky could see the wire pop out of her skin and he slowly grasped it. Alex shuddered as he tugged on it. The wire came out slowly and he looked at the chip in her neck.
               "Okay I got it. Now what again?" Bucky announced.
               "Look at the wire, there is a small white plug on it. Connect that to the black part of the chip." Alex grunted as she felt the tugging.
               "Okay, hold on." Bucky cleared his throat as he brought the wire closer to her chip. He inhaled and held his breath as he connected the wire. A beep came from it, Bucky saw a green light go on the chip. He exhaled with relief and bowed his head. Alex's arm twitched and immediately jerked, hitting him hard in the face. Bucky lost his balance and hit the ground fast. Alex sharply turned and crawled over to him.
                "Are you okay?! I'm so sorry Bucky! I forgot to mention that might happen!" Alex cried out, feeling regretfull. Bucky reached up patted her cheek with his right hand. He rubbed his teeth with his tongue and chuckled.
                "I think you chipped a tooth." He laughed. Alex sighed with relief and laid her head down on his chest at the two of them laughed it off.
                "We gotta go." Alex mumbled into his jacket. Bucky sighed and rose his head up.
                "We gotta meet up with Steve, are you okay to fight? Need a break?" Bucky looked back at the girl relaxing on his chest.
                "Oh shut it Barnes, or your gonna lose another tooth." Alex playfully slapped his metal arm as she brought herself up. She stood up and saw the jet across the field. She reached down and helped Bucky up.
                "Come on!" Bucky grabbed her hand and pulled her along to go and meet with Steve.

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