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           Thanos had arrived to the battle, this was the being that was planning on wiping out half the Earth. Alex heard something come through the telecom, it was Shuri.
           "We're under attack! Vision is gone fighting something!" They heard blasts and attacks. Alex's head shot over to Bruce.
           "I'm going to help him!" Alex spoke into the earpiece. Bucky looked at her and she looked back.
           "I'll go with you!" Bruce spoke inside the Hulksmasher suit.
           "Go Doll! I'll be right behind you!" Bucky nodded his head. Knowing she needed to go and help. She nodded and ran over to Bruce as he prepared to lift off.
           "I love you!" Alex called over to him.
           "I love you too! Now go!" Bucky called back, before starting to fight against the enemies with Rocket. Alex jumped up onto the armour, Bruce launched.

            It was a short flight to where Vision was, Alex dropped down and Bruce landed next to her. Alerting a large alien and another alien male that looked familiar to the last one Alex had fought.
            "Oh hell no! If you wanna get to him, you have to go through us!" Alex growled, she charged up her arms. Bruce started to fire his blasts from the armour at the attackers. He took on the larger one while Alex tried to deal with the alien male. He was a tough foe, but she as determined to fight. He tried to attack her the same way her last big battle was. Alex charged up her arms and jumped up onto the enemies back. She grabbed his face and sent a surge through him. He screamed, dropping his spear and grabbed her vibrainium arms with shaking hands. He grasped her arms tightly and bent down, ripping her from his shoulders. He slammed her hard against the ground, her arms pinned behind her back. He pressed his knee hard against the back of her neck, she cried out as she felt the pressure of her chip in her neck start to strain. She used whatever strength she had left to shift to her right, his knee slipped off. She pulled his arms and pulled the being close to her body, wrapping his arms around her.
            "Oh shit this is gonna hurt." She thought to herself. She powered up her chip, a huge blast of electricity struck them both. The alien man screamed as his body was hit. His body loosened and dropped. Alex felt dizzy, she dropped down onto her back. She had used all her chips power for that blast. She heard something going on, tried to lift her head. The alien recovered quickly, he was about to stab her with his spear. She brought her arms up to defend herself, when Vision took him down. Alex dropped her arms, and heard Bucky's voice through her telecom.
             "Alex! Doll are you okay?!" She heard him firing his gun. Alex groaned and rolled over to her side, her eyes widened fast when the alien man had Vision.
             "No!" She screamed as the alien thrusted his spear into Vision's stomach. She struggled to get up, still weak from her attack. Vision dropped to the ground, his skin glitched. The alien pulled his spear from Vision and turned to face her. He was going to finish her off. Alex groaned and tried to scury away. Not fast enough, the alien slammed his foot down hard on Alex's neck. She screamed in pain as the chip started to disconnect, her right arm stopped moving.
              "Alex! Hold on! I'm coming!" Bucky's voice screamed into the earpiece. Alex brought up her left hand and felt the aliens foot. She tried to push his foot off of her. The alien chuckled and he pressed harder, Alex let out a piercing scream as the chip cracked under the pressure, its electrical currents zapped through her veins. Alex grew immediately exhausted, dropping her left arm to the ground. She was finished.
              "ALEX!" Bucky's voice screamed into the earpiece yet again. The alien chuckled and spoke softly to her.
              "Say goodbye." He spun his spear around his head and was ready to kill. Alex closed her eyes.
              "Buck-" She started to speak weakly into her earpiece. The alien threw his arms down, something tackled him down. Alex groaned and slowly started to lose her consiousness. She saw a blur and tried hard to focus on who had just saved her. The man slid to her and grabbed her shoulder, rolling her over. It was Steve.
              "Buck! I got Alex! Hurry, shes hurt bad!" Steve spoke fast into his earpiece.
              "I'm coming! Get her to somewhere safe!" Bucky called back to his friend. Steve quickly looked Alex over, she had fallen unconsious.
              "Alex! Cmon don't do this! Shit!" Steve begged shaking her. Vision slowly sat up. He watched painfully as Steve was trying to help Alex. Wanda emerged from the bushes and ran to his aid.
              "Wanda stop, you need to help Alex. The chip is damaged, I know you can repair it." Vision grabbed her hands as she was trying to use her powers to heal him.
              "Vis- I can't. I need to help you!" Wanda shook her head, her eyes filled with tears. Vision shook his head and looked back at Alex's unconsious body.
              "Please help her, she saved me." Vision begged once more. Wanda looked her lover in his eyes and sighed. She turned her head to where Steve was. He was trying to give Bucky directions to their location. She looked back at Vision and nodded, she let him go and ran over to Alex. She rolled Alex on to her side, and started to work on Alex's chip. Bucky finally made it to where they were, he saw the condition Alex was in and dropped his rifle. He immediately ran to her aid, Steve stood up fast and stopped Bucky.
               "What the fuck are you doing?!" Bucky fought back, trying to get around Steve.
               "Buck, just wait! Wanda's going to help." Steve assured him, he placed his hands on his friends shoulders. Tears fell from Bucky's blue eyes, Alex was covered in blood. He dropped to his knees, Steve went down with him. Wanda used her powers, she could see that it was working. Alex groaned slowly and her eyes opened. Wanda finished repairing her chip.
               "She is going to need time to recover, take her somewhere safe." She looked over at Bucky. Steve let Bucky go, who shot up fast and ran to Alex. Alex was in rough shape, he crouched down and placed his right hand on her cheek.
                "I'm here Doll, cmon lets get you somewhere safe." He spoke softly to her. Alex nodded her head slowly. Steve handed Bucky his rifle, who wrapped it around himself. He slowly lifted Alex up from her spot. She yelped in pain.
                "Ouch!" She whimpered.
                "I'm sorry Darling." Bucky apologized. A twig snapped, all of their heads snapped in the direction it came in. Thanos had found them.
                "Get out of here!" Steve screamed over to Bucky. Bucky took off with Alex in his arms.

                Alex was still weak from the damages, Bucky fought off more foes that came to their hiding spot. It grew quiet after a while. Bucky crouched down to Alex.
                "Do you think it's over? Did we win?" Alex asked, breathing heavily. Bucky looked around, concerned about the silence.
                "I don't know, cmon. Let's go find out." Bucky replied, he reached down behind Alex's back. She wrapped her right arm around his broad shoulders. He pulled her up to his side and they slowly started walking. It took them a bit to walk back, something was wrong. They finally saw Steve and slowly approached him. Bucky felt strange and frowned and stopped walking.
                "Buck? Whats wrong?" Alex turned her head to him. Bucky frowned and looked over at Steve. Steve turned to face them.
                "Steve?" Bucky spoke, his body slowly turned to ash. Dropping to the ground, Alex remained standing as his arm slipped right through her. He was gone. Alex shot her head up.
                "Steve what just happened?!" Alex let out, tears immediately formed in her eyes. Steve's blue eyes widened.
                "He did it..." Steve let out. Alex looked down at the ashes on the ground.
                "What the fuck does that mean? Steve what happened to him?!" Alex started to lose control, her body started to shake. Steve's eyes filled with tears.
                 "Alex, Thanos won." He cried out. Alex stared at him, hyperventiliating.
                 "Oh god no! Please tell me your joking! Steve! Please tell me your joking!" Alex begged, her knees became weak. Steve dropped his shield.
                 "Alex, I'm sorry..." He shut his eyes, refusing to look at her. Alex looked back down and saw a glimmer of silver underneath the ash beside Bucky's gun. It was his dog tags. Alex dropped to her knees. She slowly reached for the dog tags, feeling the ashes. Tears fell down her bloodied face. She bursted into tears as she grabbed the chain. Steve slowly opened his eyes, watching her gather Bucky's tags. Tears fell down his bearded face. She pulled the chain to her chest, falling back into her behind. She inhaled and screamed in agony. A deafening sound to Steve's ears. Bucky was indeed gone. She had just lost her lover.

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