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Alex was with Bucky and Sam. They were in hiding while Steve went to meet up with Tony. Alex exhaled and rested her metal hand on the bar infront of her.
"Remember when Cap tells us to move, we gotta move!" Sam looked at them. He was using Redwing to hear what was going on. Alex fixed the earpiece in her ear and nodded. They could hear the conversation loud and clear.
"Now!" Steve called throught the earpiece. The three of them started running. Alex heard a thud and looked up as some guy was climbing along the glass of the windows.
"What the hell is that?" Bucky asked as they kept running.
"Everyone's gotta gimick now!" Sam growled. The man broke through the glass and kicked Sam down. Bucky spun and threw his fist. The guy caught it. He was dressed like a spider. He looked at Bucky and Alex.
"You guys have metal arms?! That's so awesome!" The guy exclaimed. Alex and Bucky stared in disbelief. It was a god damn kid! Sam tackled him, Bucky grabbed Alex and pulled her away from the fight. They hid behind a sign, Alex growled and ripped part of the sign off and threw it hard towards the Spider-Man. He dodged it, Bucky pulled Alex into his chest.
"Hey I think you lost this!" Spider-Man yelled as he threw it back. It crashed against the post and Alex rolled out and got a web shot in the face. She cried out and ripped the webbing off of her face, she brought her arms up fast as Spider-Man flew in and tried to kick her. She grunted as she slid back a few inches, she gripped his ankle and sent a surge of electricity to him. Nothing happened, the suit he was wearing completely disolved the electrical currents. Her eyes widened.
"Sorry Charger, but your Dad didn't want you to use that! This might hurt ya!" Spider-Man chuckled as he charged up his suit. Alex growled and felt a huge sting hit her. The electrical currents she sent him bounced back to her. She flew back through a whole bunch of glass signs, she slid into a wall. She groaned in pain as smoke rose from her arms.
"Ouch!" She winced. Sam flew into Spider-Man distracting him. Alex panted and slowly got up, the chip glitched and she cried out.
"Shit!" She growled, she reached back and felt the heat from the chip. Spider-Man had fried her chip, she would be useless in this fight. Bucky ran over to her and kneeled.
"Are you okay?" He reached for her, pulling her up.
"He put a mechanism in that suit to fry the chip! I can't use my arms." Alex moaned in pain as Bucky threw her arm over his shoulders.
"How do we fix it?" Bucky asked as he led her into a safer spot. He lowered her down to the floor.
"I gotta idea, I need you to distract him." Alex panted. Bucky nodded and took off, leaving her a small gun for defense. She gritted her teeth and rose her hand to her ear.
"Scott, Clint...I need a favor." Alex spoke.

"Alex, are you sure this is gonna work?" Clint spoke through his microphone. He was ducked for cover as the fight was going on, Scott was crouched next to him.
"I know every inch of my Dad's suit, by his chest piece there is a small compartment. He keeps a extra chip in there incase I get hurt!" Alex's voice came through the reciever. The two men looked at eachother and nodded. Scott shrunk himself down onto one of Clint's arrows.
"Okay, get the chip! Disconnect his suit while I'm at it!" Scott breathed to himself.
"Alex hold on for a couple of minutes!" Clint spoke again, prepping his arrow and bow.
"Oh yeah Clint, just let me sit here and pull out a book." Alex replied sarcasticlly.
"Give me ten minutes gorgeous!" Scott got into position.
"I heard that." Bucky's voice came into the reciever. Scott yelped out and bit his tongue. Clint aimed for Tony.
"You got this?" Clint asked Scott.
"Y-yeah! I got this Arrow Guy!" Scott gave Clint a thumbs up. Scott held his breath and let out a scream when Clint released the arrow, parts of it started to explode around Tony, Scott jumped off the last part and landed on Tony's suit. He ran and slid through the arm and entered the suit. He made his way through Tony's suit and reached the chest piece. He pulled on the compartment and found the chip. He strapped it to his back and ran to the top and came out of Tony's suit by his head. He struggled to keep his balance.
"Okay Arrow Guy! I'm ready!" Scott called into the earpiece. Clint aimed another arrow and fired. Scott unlatched the chip and tossed it in the air. The chip magnitized to the arrow as it flew past Tony's head. It flew into the airport hallway where Alex, Sam and Bucky were fighting. It embedded into the ground across from Alex.

Sam noticed the arrow on the ground and activated Redwing, it disconnected from him and latched onto the arrow. It flew over to Alex and dropped the arrow in her hand.
"Thanks guys!" Alex pulled the chip off of the arrow and she tossed the arrow away. She reached up and disconnected the old chip from her neck, and placed the new one in. She heard it hum and she exhaled with relief.
"No problem gorgeous!" Scott replied. Bucky's voice immediately responded.
"Seriously man?" Alex chuckled and noticed that Sam landed next to her and helped her up.
"Are you okay?" Sam asked her. Alex cracked her neck and nodded. Spider-Man landed and sprayed his webs onto Sam, preventing him from taking off.
"Are those wings carbon fiber?" Spider-Man asked. Alex's head snapped over at him.
"Is that shit coming out of you?" Alex asked.
"What about your arms? Steel?" Spider-Man looked at Alex.
"I don't know if you have ever been in a fight before, but usually there isn't this much talking." Sam spoke to him still stuck.
"Yeah kid, obviously my Dad didn't let you know about that in the memo. So swing on out of here before you get hurt." Alex warned him. She clenched her fists and her arms started to power up. Spider-Man threw more webs at her, she used her arms to defend herself. She tried to pull them apart and failed. Spider-Man came flying towards the two of them.
"Oh shit!" exclaimed as he closed his eyes waiting for contact. Bucky charged out infront of them and recieved a hard kick in his shoulder. Pushing all three of them over the glass edge. They hit the floor hard. Spider-Man got Sam and Bucky down using his webbing. Alex recieved webbing on her mouth keeping it shut. She groaned and glared at Spider-Man as he landed on the platform above the three of them.
"Guys look, I'd love to keep this up but I've only got one job here today. I got to impress Mr. Stark. Alex, he told me that you should really stop swearing. I totally agree. I'm sorry." He was about to cover them with webbing when Redwing latched onto his arm and pulled him out of the airport hallway before dropping him.
"You couldn't have done that before?" Bucky asked Sam.
"I hate you." Sam growled. Alex laid her head back and chuckled underneath her webbed mask.

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