Wakanda (Part Two)

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             Alex and Bucky caught up with what she has been up to in Wakanda. They were sitting by the lake looking at the scenery. Bucky was on the ground leaning against a tree, Alex was rested between his legs. Her back rested against his chest. He held her close to him with his right hand.
            "It really is beautiful out here." Bucky agreed, his blue eyes watched the sun setting with her.
            "It really is isnt it? Just the calm that comes to this place. I don't think I ever want to leave." Alex mentioned, she rested her vibrainium hand over his. Bucky rested his bearded jaw on her head and swallowed.
            "Then lets not leave." He finally let out. Alex's eyebrows twitched and she sat up quickly and turned to face him.
            "R-really?" Alex said sounding shocked. Bucky nodded his head and smiled gently at her.
            "Your happy here, and I'm sure I can grow to love it." He mentioned looking at the scenery.
            "I'd like that. We might have to pull some weight around here." Alex chuckled and she leaned back and relaxed into Bucky's chest. He wrapped his strong arm around her torso and inhaled her scent deeply. He had never had such a connection to someone since the 1940's. He smiled to himself remembering Alex's interaction with the children of Wakanda. Alex seemed like such a different person around children. He snapped out of his daydream when he heard someone walking towards them. Alex heard it too and sat up again, Bucky had his hand on her thigh. Ayo was walking up to them.
             "It is time Sergeant Barnes." Ayo spoke softly to him. Bucky patted Alex's leg so she would have to move. Alex stood up and stretched. Bucky rose from his comfy spot and turned slowly to Ayo. Alex turned and bit her lip. She was nervous about what was about to happen with Bucky. Bucky turned his head and motioned for her to come to him. Alex wrapped her small arms around his waist, he wrapped his arm around her shoulders. He placed a strong kiss on her head, looking out at the sun set.
             "Don't worry Doll, I'll be okay. Why don't you head back to the hut and try and get some sleep?" Bucky told her. He pulled his head away and looked down at Alex, she had a hard time letting go of him. She inhaled deeply and pulled herself away from him. She nodded as she let out a huge yawn. Bucky smiled at his lovers yawn. She shook her head after she completed her yawn. Bucky grabbed her jaw quickly and gave her a quick kiss. He dropped his hand and turned, walking away with Ayo. Alex decided to make her way back to the hut.

             Alex let out a huge yawn as she turned the corner of her hut. A small figure made her jump out of her skin. Atem was sitting next to her hut.
             "Atem, what are you still doing awake?" Alex asked him, holding her chest from her tiny heart attack. The child looked up at her with a worried look on his face.
             "Does that mean your going to be leaving?" He pouted. Alex frowned and sat on the ground beside him.
             "Why would I leave Wakanda?" Alex asked him. He looked down at the ground and sniffled.
             "Cause your friend is back..." Atem replied, with sadness in his voice. Alex smiled and shook her head.
             "As long as your King lets us we have decided to stay. I couldn't leave you guys." She leaned over to him and bumped his shoulder with hers. The child almost fell over, Alex quickly grabbed his small arm to prevent it. The child looked up at her with excitement in his eyes.
             "Really?! You going to stay?" He chimed. Alex smiled at his excitement and nodded in agreement.
             "Of course, it really is peaceful here. After all that Bucky and I have been through, we need the peace." Alex mentioned as she looked out into a nearby field. Atem pouted again and looked at the ground. Alex turned her head back and her eyebrows creased.
             "What's wrong?" Alex questioned. The child shrugged his shoulders and continued to gaze at the ground.
             "Promise you will still play with us?" Atem finally spoke after a short period, his small brown eyes looked back into her blue eyes.
             "Of course Atem! I gotta keep my guard up though, you guys are more dangerious than the Dora Milajae!" Alex chuckled and pulled the child into her side, she wrapped her arm around his small figure for a hug. He wrapped his tiny arms around her shoulders.
             "Will your friend be okay with it?" Atem questioned.
             "He wont be able to argue with me." Alex chuckled at the child. He was so jealous of Bucky. Alex heard a twig snap behind them, she immediately stood up and spun. Ayo emerged from a set of trees. Alex frowned and stared hard. Atem was now standing behind her.
             "We didn't mean to scare you." Ayo apologized. Alex swallowed and watched Bucky emerge from the shadows. She hated the look on his face, he had been crying.
             "What happened?" Alex's eyes shot back to Ayo. Ayo looked behind her at Bucky who stopped behind her, he looked hard at the ground. Ayo turned her attention back to Alex.
             "Try..." Ayo spoke to Alex. Alex frowned and tilted her head in confusion.
             "Try what?" Alex questioned. Ayo motioned her head to Bucky, it took Alex a minute to realize what Ayo requested of her. She wanted Alex to use the codewords Bucky was coded with. Her frown grew serious as she stared at Ayo.
             "Atem, is that you." Ayo peered around Alex's frame. Atem peered around Alex's leg and chuckled. Ayo spoke to him in her native tongue, Atem ran over to Ayo and stood next to her. Alex stood alone, Bucky finally brought his gaze up to her. Alex's blue eyes shot over to Ayo once again.
             "Are you sure about this?" Alex swallowed hard. Ayo nodded and stood her guard protecting Atem. Alex inhaled deeply as she took a step forward. Bucky tensed up immediately. Alex licked her lips and closed her eyes and spoke in Russian. (I am writing these in English)
             "Longing, Rusted, Seventeen, Daybreak, Furnace, Nine, Benign, Homecoming, One...Freight Car." Alex finished the codewords and opened her eyes. Bucky stood there and immediately teared up.
             "I'm still here Doll." He smiled at her. Alex brought her hands up to her gaping mouth, tears formed fast. The algorithim worked! Bucky sniffled and tears dropped down his bearded face. Alex fell to her knees and started to sob, Bucky walked over to her and crouched. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders, crying with her. Tears of happiness, the Winter Soldier was long gone. Bucky kissed the top of her head as he held her close to him.
              "Your finally free Buck." Alex finally let out, she lifted her head and gazed into his tearful eyes. He smiled and nodded, planting a kiss on her small lips. He finished the kiss and rested her forehead against hers.
              "It feels great Doll. Thank you, Ayo told me how hard you and Shuri worked to get this to work. Thank you Alex, for everything. I love you." Bucky whispered to her. Alex wrapped her arms around him and buried her head into his neck. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and smiled.
              "I'll always be here for you Buck. Always, until the end of the line." Alex whispered into his ear. Bucky closed his eyes firmly. She used the same wording Steve and him always used.
              "Did you hear that line from Steve?" Bucky smirked and pulled himself away from her.
              "I don't think so. Well I'm stealing it now." She laughed and pulled her head back from his neck. He chuckled and yawned.
              "We should really get to bed. It's late." Bucky mentioned as he stood up and pulled Alex up with him. Alex nodded in agreement before turning to Ayo.
              "Thank you for taking care of him Ayo." Alex thanked her. Ayo nodded her head and looked down at Atem who was still standing there silent. Atem walked around Ayo and walked right up to Bucky. He looked up at the tall ex Assasin and frowned. Bucky looked down at the child and looked concerned, Alex watched him. The child spoke in his native tongue to Bucky, then proceeded to kick Bucky in the shin unexpectedly. Bucky didn't even flinch, Atem took off running to his home. Alex let out a burst of laughter at the shocked look on Bucky's face. He turned his head to Alex.
              "What did he just say to me?" Bucky asked his lover, still with a shocked expression on his face. Ayo smirked and replied to his question.
              "Don't let your guard down White Wolf."

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