Infinity War (Part Two)

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              Alex met her first opponent in the battle, she was immediately taken down by one of the aliens. She placed her Vibrainium hand into its mouth, grunting as it chopped down onto the metal. She released a charge and it yelped, Bucky aimed his rifle and fired. Shooting it in the head, it fell hard ontop of her. The battlefield was in destruction as the Avengers and the Wakandans fought. Bucky ran to Alex's aid pushing the heavy beast off of her.
              "God damn that thing reeks!" Alex screamed out, she gave it a hard kick. Bucky grabbed her arm and pulled her away from a laser blast. He let her go and spun fast to take down another beast. Alex started taking down more and more foes. She panted as she finished another beast off. She felt something hard strike her. She groaned in pain and dropped down, she saw a spear in the corner of her eye. She caught it and sent a electrical charge through the spear and she heard a chuckle. Alex peered past her shoulder and there was a woman alien standing behind her.
              "You have fast reflex's girl." The alien spoke to her. Alex chuckled and immediately swung her arm at the aliens legs. The alien slammed her foot down on Alex's arm. Alex cried out as the alien jabbed her spear at her. Alex caught it with her free hand and sent another charge. Nothing happened. Alex's blue eyes widened as noticed the spear, it was very familiar. The alien woman chuckled and kicked Alex hard in the face. Blood splattered across her face. Alex's groaned in pain as she recieved another kick. The alien dropped her guard, big mistake. She turned to defend herself against rifle blasts. Alex quickly rolled over and grabbed the aliens ankle. She sent a very deadly charge to the woman. The alien grunted in pain and dropped. Alex chuckled and rolled on top of the alien, delivering punches. The alien brought up her spear to defend herself, Alex grabbed the spear and tried to pry it from her gloved hands. Alex almost had it, when another beast clamped its strong jaws on her shoulder. Alex screamed in pain as its teeth dug into her arms, they started to spark. Bucky witnessed it and cried out to her, trying to make his way over to her. Alex was lifted off of the alien woman. Alex did the one thing she could do to release herself. She placed her hands over the giant jaws of the beast, she shut her eyes fast. Releasing a powerful surge of electricity, electrocuting herself and the beast. She screamed in pain, so did the monster. The beast loosened its jaw, Alex pushed her legs off its chest. She grabbed the back of its head and flipped it over her back, twisting its neck. The neck snapped and the monster dropped dead to the ground. Alex groaned in pain as her arms repaired themselves. She turned to find the alien woman she was attacking. Recieving a harsh slash to Alex's face, Alex cried out and felt the blood pool down her face. The alien woman continued to swing her staff at Alex. Alex blocked all the attacks barely. Bucky was closer and closer to her, he was surrounded by many foes. They started to take him down. Alex witnessed the event and accidentally let her guard down. She felt a sharp pain hit her shoulder and collarbone. The alien woman, impaled her with her spear. Alex let out a deafing scream as the alien hoisted her up on the spear, throwing Alex's body down hard. Bucky was able to fight some of the beasts off of him, when he saw the event happen his heart dropped. Alex was on the ground, blood poured out of her collarbone. He growled and kicked more of the beasts off of him. A loud thunderstrike hit the field. The alien woman was about to finish Alex off, Bucky raised his gun fast to fire at her attacker. He was about to fire when a flash blinded him. Bolts of lightning struck, taking down many of the beasts. Including the ones attacking him and even one hit the alien about to finish off Alex. Bucky rose up fast and ran over to grab Alex, he saw a huge axe flying through the sky. He slid over to Alex and picked her up.
                "I got you Doll! Hold on!" Bucky started to run, to take Alex to safety. He ended up taking her behind a trench he lowered her slowly and unclipped one of her pouches that hung from her pouch. Alex was barely consious. Bucky grabbed a spray and swung his rifle across his shoulder, he unlatched the spray and started to spray her collar bone.
                 "Thor made a grand entrance I see." Alex smiled watching the axe zoom above them. Bucky ignored her remark and finished spraying her wounds. He tossed the empty canister away and grabbed her face with his hands.
                 "We gotta get you to safety Alex, your badly hurt." Bucky looked at her worried. Alex shook her head.
                 "Not a chance in hell Barnes. I'll be okay." Alex refused to listen. Bucky sighed and smiled down at her. He rested his forehead against hers once again.
                 "And that's the reason I fell in love with you. You don't back down from no one. Not Hydra, not your father, and not whatever the hell these fucking things are." He smiled. Alex chuckled and he pulled his head away from her. Alex immediately pulled Bucky's pistol from his hip and shot a few rounds behind him. He turned fast and watched four bodies drop. He turned his head back to her, shock plastered on his dirty face.
                 "Didn't know I knew how to use a gun did ya?" She laughed at his reaction.
                 "Keep that damn gun with you!" Bucky laughed back at her. He reached into his pouch and handed her some ammo. Alex placed he ammo in her pouch.
                  "We gotta keep fighting Bucky, I have a feeling we aren't gonna get that special time to ourselves just yet." Alex stated as she pushed herself up. Bucky rolled his eyes.
                  "I think your right, try and stay close okay Doll?" Bucky noted as he picked up his rifle and stood. He reached down and pulled Alex up, she winced with pain.
                  "I'll do my best Buck." She panted. They immediately were ambushed, they started firing off their rounds. Alex got many, Bucky as well. They were both very well trained. Alex missed one and the gun jammed. Bucky turned and fired his rifle taking another enemy down. He saw Alex was struggling with the gun and went to defend her. A blast from a gun tore the upcoming enemy to pieces right before it attacked Alex.
                  "What the fuck?! That was not a familiar gun!" Alex frowned, frantically looking around. Something brown and fuzzy climbed over the remains of the body.
                  "Heya love birds! Can we keep this shit rolling?" The creature yelled over to them, he started firing his strange gun and took off fighting more of Thanos' army. Alex and Bucky stared clueless as they watched the creature run.
                  "Was that a fucking raccoon?" Bucky's jaw dropped. Alex shrugged her shoulders.
                  "I think so?" She blinked. They both looked at eachother, and started to run back into the battle.

                 Many and many more foes were taken down. Alex and Bucky remained at eachothers side. They were fighting alongside the raccoon who had spoken to them earlier. Bucky even at one point picked the raccoon up as the two of them worked together to take down a barrage of enemies. Alex had to use her powers a couple of times and then watched Bucky drop the raccoon.
                  "How much for the gun?" The raccoon looked up at Bucky. Bucky was firing his rifle and didn't break his eye contact with his aim,
                  "Not for sale!" Bucky replied, Alex held her laugh in at the random conversation happening during the battle.
                  "Well, how much for the arm?" The raccoon asked eyeing his arm. Bucky stopped firing when they were in the clear. Stared down at the raccoon and ran away starting to fight more enemies.
                  "Your not gonna get that arm Raccoon." Alex mentioned as she started firing her pistol. The raccoon growled.
                  "It's Rocket! And I'll get that arm!" He peered over to her. Alex finished taking down her enemies and looked down at Rocket.
                  "Not a chance in hell!" Alex smirked down at him, she took off to fight with Bucky. Rocket rolled his eyes and chased after them.

                  A bright beam fell down from the sky, Alex and Bucky squinted at the light. They all stood and watched as a huge purple being came from the beams.
                  "The fuck is Grimace doing here?" Alex questioned. Bucky watched as the being stood tall and strong. Bruce's voice came through the telecoms.
                  "Hey guys, that's him. That's Thanos."

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