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(Hello to all! Thank you all for hanging in there! I hope you enjoy these next couple of chapters surrounding Infinity War and End Game, you might wanna grab a box of tissues though...I know I will >~<)

Two years had passed since Bucky's coding was long gone. Alex and him ended up living togther in a small hut down from the old village. T'Challa allowed them to stay in Wakanda as long as they pulled their weight. He agreed with the fact that this was the peace the couple needed from their previous battles. T'Challa sat back in his chair in his office and rubbed his temples. He had just recieved a call from Steve, who warned him about a dangerous foe named Thanos. There was a war coming, and Wakanda needed to be ready. He sighed heavily as he reached down to his intercom. He slowly pressed the button.
"Shuri, get the arm ready. We need to go see Alex and the White Wolf." T'Challa spoke deeply into the intercom.
"O-okay." Was her reply. He let go of the intercom button and rose from his seat. He walked around his desk and made his way out of his office.

Bucky was out gathering firewood, Alex was down by the lake fishing. Bucky turned his head to watch Alex, he chuckled as he watched her swear when she lost her fish. He heard a commotion and turned his head sharply. He saw T'Challa and the Dora Milajae walking up with Shuri.
"Doll! Come here!" He shouted back to Alex, who was throwing a temper tantrum over the loss of her fist. Alex turned and noticed the commotion and walked out of the lake. She made her way over to Bucky and stood next to him. They waited for the arrival of their guests. T'Challa had a worried look on his face as he set down a large case on the boulder next to Bucky and Alex. He unclipped the case before opening it revealing Bucky's new Vibrainium arm. Alex frowned at the arm and her head shot up at T'Challa. Bucky sighed and wrapped his arm around her shoulders.
"Wheres the fight?" Bucky asked, looking at the King.
"On it's way, we need you two to be ready." T'Challa replied with pain in his voice. He snapped his fingers and two of the Dora Milajae came forward and placed down two huge cases on the ground. Alex bit her lip and closed her eyes. This was going to be a very serious battle.
"Who are we fighting?" Alex finally asked, she left Bucky's side and walked over to one of the cases and bent down. T'Challa looked down at her as she opened the case.
"I'm not certain who he is, but he is plotting to destroy half the planet...and its civilians." T'Challa tried to explain. Alex brought her head up before she unclipped the case. Bucky watched Alex lift a heavy gun, it was the same gun Bucky used during their battle against Tony and Zemo. Bucky walked up to her and pulled the gun out of her grasp.
"Where do you want us to meet you?" Bucky asked looking back at T'Challa.
"Meet us at the main tower, in twenty minutes." T'Challa replied, with that he spun on his heel and walked away with his guards. Leaving Alex and Bucky to get ready. Alex stood up slowly, pulling up a piece of fabric. It was a tight vest with many straps. Bucky set his gun down and looked down at the new Vibrainium arm. Alex placed her vest down and went to help Bucky with his new arm. She unwrapped the clothing hanging from his shoulder and brought the arm its connector. It clicked when it connected and Bucky frowned at it. Alex stood back and observed it.
"How does it feel?" Alex looked at him, Bucky looked down at the new arm. He recoiled it and spun his arm harshly, it made a noise and he relaxed.
"Comfy, it feels weird having two arms again." He smiled at the arm. Alex's blue eyes widened at the motion he just made, Bucky looked at her blankly.
"What? What's wrong?" He chuckled and frowned.
"Don't ever swing that arm like that again." Alex squinted her eyes and bit her lip. She picked up the vest and made her way towards him.
"Why not? I thought it was cool." Bucky chuckled at her reaction. Alex stopped beside him and looked at him, with a quick look up and down his arm.
"Cause that was sexy as hell!" She gave him a evil smirk before she smacked his behind and walked away non chalantly. Bucky was stunned at her slap.
"Did you just slap my ass?!" He spun fast, picking up the remaining cases.
"Damn right I did Soldier Boy! Now hurry up!" Alex yelled back as she entered the hut. Bucky chuckled at her remark and entered the hut. He set the cases down on their bed and watched as Alex peeled her shirt off. He flushed red and then frowned when he saw the scars on her back from her wiring. He grew worried, but he knew he would protect Alex in this fight. He slowly walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her. She shuddered when the cold Vibrainium touched her bare skin.
"Didn't mean to startle you." He chuckled, placing a kiss on her bare shoulder. She laughed and relaxed into his chest. He held her close and then kissed her neck.
"We gotta get ready Buck..." Alex said with a worried tone. He sighed and rubbed her arms.
"I know Doll, but I just gotta say...when we win this battle-" He leaned into her neck kissing it again and whispered into her ear.
"We have to try out this new arm." He gave her ear a kiss before returning the slap on her behind. Her eyes widened as she spun fast.
"Really Buck?! That's not fair!" Alex's jaw dropped. He chuckled and bent down, wrapped his arms around her hips and lifted her up. Her legs wrapped themselves around his hips. She rested her head against his forehead and her arms wrapped around his shoulders.
"Just had to tease you Sparky." He chuckled and gripped her behind firmly with his hands. Alex made a face and laughed.
"God I hate that nickname. Okay Bucky seriously though, we have to get ready." Alex laughed as she pressed her lips against his. He chuckled and slowly placed her back on the ground. His hands left her behind and placed them on her hips.
"Yeah, you're right. Besides, we will have more to celebrate when we kick that guy's ass." He smirked as he gave her behind another slap, then turned around leaving her standing there, jaw dropped again.
"Okay, I'm gonna ignore the fact you just seriously suggested that. Horn dog." Alex threw her hands up in defeat. She turned and started to put on her new outfit. Bucky stripped out of his clothing and placed his new outfit on. Alex finished putting her outfit on and turned, her eyes widened as she was now staring at Bucky. He was shirtless, picking up his jacket to put it on. He looked at her and smirked.
"What are you looking at?" He asked her, raising his eyebrow.
"You! Argh! Let's hope this ends fast, when it're in so much trouble!" She gritted her teeth and bit her lip. He chuckled and placed the jacket on himself. He walked over to her and she started to do up the fastenings on his jacket. He watched her focusing on the straps. She finished and looked up at him.
"How much trouble?" He asked her with a devilish smirk on his face. Alex rolled her eyes and placed her hand over her face.
"I don't recall that arm having the abilities to make you suddenly horny." Alex laughed. Bucky laughed and bit his lip he leaned into her ear, grabbing his rifle.
"But it made you didn't it." He whispered dangerously walking past her and out the door. Gun in his arm. Alex stood there with shock and red all over her face.
"You're gonna pay for that Barnes!" Alex screamed out at him, grabbing the rest of her gear before bolting it out the door.

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