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             Alex, Natasha and Bruce followed Thor down the stairs of the compound outside. A bright light beamed in the dark sky. Alex squinted at the harsh light as it grew closer and closer. It was a woman that carried a unknown ship. She landed and the ship rested on its landing gear. The woman walked out from underneath the aircraft. It wasn't from this world. The hatch of the ship opened, Tony emerged from the ship with some kind of cyborg female helping him walk. Steve booked it over to Tony to help him.
             "I lost the kid Rogers." Tony let out, his face was soaked with tears. Steve felt his pain and smiled.
             "You didn't lose yours though." Steve mentioned as he turned to show Tony. Tony's eyes filled with tears when he saw Alex. Pepper had started to run over to him. He saw Alex had something hanging from her neck. He embraced Pepper and they kissed. Alex finally decided to make her way over to her father.
              "Well, you look like shit." Alex said to him. Tony looked down and saw that she was wearing dog tags. He frowned and looked back up at her face with tears in his eyes.
              "I'm glad to see you Alex. Come here." Tony waved her over to him. Alex slowly walked closer before she wrapped her arms around her father.
               "I'm glad your still here Dad." Alex finally whispered, tears formed in her eyes. Tony sighed and wrapped his arm around her. Steve was still holding onto Tony. He was as weak as Alex was when they arrived.
                "I'm sorry you lost him Al." Tony apologized. He knew who's dog tags she was wearing. Alex kept her tears at bay.
                "Thanks Dad, now lets get you inside. You don't look good at all." Alex pulled herself away from him, pulling his arm around her shoulders. Alex and Steve assisted Tony to get inside the compound safetly.

                 The team was gathered around the table. Going through a plan to find Thanos again. Alex sat on the kitchen island, her eyes were glued to the screens. The team was going through the fallen members. Tears hit her face hard when Bucky's picture came up on the screen. Tony saw her reaction in the reflection, then had the same reaction when Peter's face hit the screen. Alex gritted her teeth and gripped her hands hard, Tony sighed and leaned back in his seat. His IV tapping against his shoulder. Tony eyed over to Thor who's back was turned.
                  "What's wrong with him?" Tony asked. Rocket sighed and moved from his spot.
                  "He's pissed, he think's he failed. Which of course he did. But you know, there is a lot of that going around. Ain't there?" Rocket stood infront of Tony who blinked.
                   "Honestly, at this exact second, I thought you were a Build-A-Bear from Alex's room." Tony stared at Rocket.
                   "Hell maybe I am." Rocket replied with a tone. Alex slammed her hand down hard on the kitchen island, it cracked under pressure. Tony jumped and spun in his chair.
                    "Are you fucking kidding me right now? Making jokes at a time like this? Dad we lost everyone we cared for! I sure as hell know I did! And yet you just sit there like you don't give a shit?!" Alex jumped down from the island.
                    "What did you expect me to do? People were gonna die Al." Tony sighed, rubbing his temples. Alex made her way over to him, Steve was trying to stop her. She was too fast for him shockingly. Alex stood infront of her father and crossed her arms.
                    "Do you not see this? We lost everyone! You have no idea what I've been through! What any of us have been through!" Alex screamed at him. Tony eyed the dog tags dangling from her chest.
                     "Yeah Alex I get it, you lost your boy toy." Tony growled at her. Alex's face dropped, Thor turned to watch as Alex brought her hand up hard, striking Tony across the face. The sound from the slap echoed across the room. Everyone stared harshly and concerned. In Tony's weakened state, that strike could have killed him. Tony groaned in pain as he brought his hand up to his face, stunned at Alex's strike.
                     "Bucky wasn't my boy toy you arrogant son of a bitch! He's done a lot for me than you ever have done!" Alex spat in his face. Tony sniffled and looked back at his daughter.
                      "From the bruises and the scars, you almost fucking died." Tony spat back. Alex growled and her left arm switched to its vibrainium form, it powered up. Steve intervened.
                      "Enough! From the both of you!" He grabbed Alex's arm. She was breathing heavily, trying to pull her arm free. Steve kept a strong grip. He knew how much Alex's loss was hurting her. But he wasn't going to watch her attack her injured father.
                      "Alex, enough." Thor finally spoke up. Alex looked over at the God of Thunder. He looked at her with a sad look in his eyes. She sighed and realized that the two men were right. She relaxed her arm and it powered down. Steve slowly let Alex go. She stood back looking at Thor. She understood that he lost his entire planet and his brother in the battle with Thanos. She sighed and walked over to the patio door and slid it open, slamming it behind her. She sighed as she leaned against the patio walls. Resting her head on the railing, the dog tags hung from her neck tapping against the concrete. She closed her eyes, flashes of her and him flashed in her mind. From their first kiss, to their last kiss in Wakanda. She inhaled deeply. A woman walked up to her.
                        "Are you okay?" The woman asked her, Alex lifted her head. It was the woman who brought Tony and Nebula back. Alex learned the name of Nebula but didn't catch this woman's name.
                        "I'll be fine when Thanos' gets what's coming to him." Alex gritted her teeth and looked out at the quiet city.
                        "What's your name?" The woman asked, leaning against the railing.
                        "Alexandra Stark, I'm that assholes kid." Alex frowned and motioned her head back to Tony. The woman's eyes shifted to inside the room where Tony and Steve were in a argument.
                        "Well Alexandra Stark, I'm Carol Danvers." She brought out her hand to the girl. Alex frowned and slowly took the womans hand.
                        "Captain Marvel, I've seen your file." Alex smirked at Carol. Carol smiled at the girl and rested her other hand on the girls back.
                        "Look, I know your in a lot of pain from losing your boyfriend. But your family needs you. Not just your father and your step mother. All of them. Including Sergeant Barnes." Carol reminded her. Alex felt pain in her chest when she brought up Bucky's old military name.
                        "Your right Danvers...we all need to fight this dickhead together." Alex nodded in agreement looking back at Carol. Carol smiled gently at her.
                       "Yes we do. How do you think we can do that?" Carol asked her watching the fight inside. Alex sighed and turned to face the interior.
                       "Easy, we find Thanos. Get the Stones. Cut his fucking head off." Alex gritted her teeth. Carol chuckled and looked back at Alex.
                       "Did anyone mention that you swear too much?" Carol asked giggling. Alex smirked and looked at the ground.
                       "Absolutely, doesn't mean that shit is gonna change." Alex chuckled. Carol admired the hell out of this girl. She was definitely her fathers child.

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