A Familiar Face

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(Skipping to the part where Natasha, Sam, Steve are in the car with Jasper Sitwell. I have also added in some Russian and I will translate)

Alex followed close behind the car. She drove a motorcycle. Shield was indeed compromised. By Hydra, and the shooter she had tried to stop earlier was known as The Winter Soldier. They were trying to get more information. Alex frowned and looked in her mirror as a military vehicle was coming up to her. She was about to call Steve on the earpiece when she felt something land on her bike. She felt a cold metal hand grab her throat. She felt her chip crunch and she did the only thing she could do. She let go of the handles and braced for a impact. She hit a barricade and the man and her flew off the bike. She hit a moving vehicle and slid to a stop. She groaned and stood up as fast as she could. Her blue eyes widened as the Winter Soldier stood in front of her. He took off running towards the rest of her team. She tried to call Steve on the earpiece and it only squealed in her ear. She winced and took out the ear piece. She heard guns clicking behind her. She turned and was face to face with Hydra agents.

        "Oh come on! Five against one?! So not fair!" She yelled as she started to run. They fired at her. She did her best to dodge the bullets and noticed that the car carrying her team mates had crashed. Romanoff turned fast and took down the men shooting at Alex. Alex noticed The Winter Soldier was about to fire a grenade launcher. She clenched her fists  and slid right under neath him. She quickly jumped up and landed a punch on his face. He quickly grabbed the back of her neck with his metal hand. She cried out as he pushed her to the ground.  

        "ты начинаешь меня раздражать " (You are beginning to irritate me) The Soldier spoke to her as he squeezed again. The chip sparked and she cringed. He gave her a hard knee to the face, knocking her out. Steve screamed at the scene. Natasha was ready to fire. The Winter Soldier fired his grenade at Steve first who went barrelling through a bus. Natasha was sent over the bridge but was able to save herself. Alex groaned quietly as she opened her eyes. Her nose was broken and she had a splitting headache. She looked up from her spot she was left at and realized that the Winter Soldier and his men were distracted. She looked down and saw a gun and grabbed it. She stood up quietly and ran over to the ledge of the bridge. She quickly jumped and landed on a turned over semi truck. She looked back up and noticed the men were waiting for something. So she aimed her gun right at the Winter Soldier. She fired and almost cheered when it his his goggles he wore. But the men started to shoot at her. She saw Natasha shooting back trying to help her escape. Sam took them down. Natasha started to run and Alex went to help a man out of a flipped over car.

"Run! Get the hell out of here!" Alex screamed at him. She turned and her heart stopped. "Shit..." The Winter Soldier had jumped down from the bridge and landed on a car, damaging it as he landed. He walked off the car and Alex took off running. "ты начинаешь меня раздражать!" (Sorry about the shades!) He fired his gun at her. She turned and used her metal arms to deflect the bullets. She didn't do so bad. But missed one, it hit her hip and she cried out. She went down, trying to run. She cringed and hid behind another car. Hoping to god he wouldn't find her. She frowned she she heard a weird noise. Like a ball rolling. She looked down and saw Natasha's cell phone. She quickly looked under the car and noticed a small silver ball. She knew exactly what it was. She took off as fast as she could but the blast of the bomb went off. She was hurdled to a van, she hit it hard causing it to dent. "Ouch..." She winced as she slowly got up. She heard a gun click and she turned her head. The Winter Soldier had his gun aimed at her. "Oh you sneaky bastard!" She growled. She was waiting for her end when a device hit the Soldiers metal arm and it electrocuted it. Disabling it.

"Run!" Natasha called out to Alex. She grabbed Alex and ran with her. Alex winced at the bullet in her hip. Natasha left Alex by another car when she went to go and fight the Soldier. Alex grabbed some spray from her cargo pants and sprayed her wound. She peered over the car and saw that Natasha was knocked unconscious. He was about to finish her. Alex ran over quickly and grabbed his metal arm and send a surge of electricity through his arm. He grunted and threw his arm back shoving her against a car. She felt the chip crack and the surge stopped. He looked at the metal hand holding his arm and glared at her. She frowned, there was something about this mans eyes she recognised.

"Боль в заднице" (Pain in the ass) He growled at her before he pulled his arm back. He threw a fist at her and she stopped it. He almost looked shocked. She chuckled and used her other fist and blew a punch in his stomach. Sending him flying into the car opposite of her.

"Да, у меня тоже есть металл" (Yeah I got metal too!) Alex smirked at him. He regained himself before she ran over to him. Some punches landed and some missed. She did her best to fight him in combat. She felt the chip spark again and received a blow in the back of the head. She hit the ground hard. She groaned as he grabbed her hair with his metallic hand hand pulled her head up. A gun at her throat.

"С меня достаточно тебя" (I have had enough of you) The Soldier growled. She closed her eyes. Steve's shield hit him. The Soldier dropped her and Steve charged at him. He tackled the Soldier. Alex winced and rolled over looking at the sky as she heard the fight in the background. That mans eyes seemed so damn familiar. She closed her eyes and remembered her time at the museum with Steve. Looking at the picture of Bucky. Her eyes snapped open.

"There's no damn way!" She shot up, she watched as Steve and the Soldier fight. Steve was losing, she noticed the shield was on the ground near them so she got up. She booked it over to the fight and picked up the shield, she threw it at Steve and he caught it. He was able to defend himself. He flipped the Soldier over his shoulders. She ran over as he pulled out a knife. She slid and used the same move on him as before, instead of a punch. She grabbed his black mask. She threw him over her shoulder with all the strength she had left and he rolled away from her. The mask was in her hand. She froze when he stood, as did Steve. The Soldier turned.

"Holy shit." Her mouth dropped. Steve stared with unbelief in his eyes.

"Bucky?!" Steve called out, he felt his heart drop. Alex stood from her position and stared right at him. The friend who had died all those years ago defending his country, was standing right in front of them.

"Who the hell is Bucky?"

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