Infinity War (Part One)

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(Ughhh, here we go ><)

              Alex and Bucky arrived to the main compound. They watched many Dora Milajae preparing for the upcoming battle. T'Challa was in his Black Panther uniform.
             "How is the new arm Sergeant Barnes?" Shuri asked as they walked up to join. Bucky smiled and looked at the arm.
             "It's great, thank you. Alex seems to like it too." He playfully bumped Alex's shoulder. She rolled her eyes at his remark, trying to ignore what had happened when they were getting ready. Shuri chuckled and walked over to Alex. She leaned into the girl and whispered in her ear.
             "You won't believe the new features that arm has. Enjoy it girl." She playfully slapped Alex's arm and walked back to join her brother. Alex growled and shook her head to remained focused. They heard a jet approaching, Alex and Bucky looked up and watched it approach. The barrier opened allowing the jet to enter Wakanda. Alex slowly placed her hand into Bucky's Vibrainium hand. She immediately felt something, she was scared. Bucky looked down at her and squeezed her vibrainium hand.
              "We're gonna be okay Doll." Bucky spoke softly to her. Alex exhaled as the jet landed. They jets hatch opened, Steve and Sam carried a wounded Vision off the jet. Wanda, Natasha and Bruce joined, some doctors and Shuri ran over to assist Vision. They took him and joined everyone. Wanda left with Vision and Shuri. Bruce was speaking to Sam as they all walked up to eachother. Bruce bowed to T'Challa. T'Challa waved him off.
               "We don't do that here." He told him firmly. Bruce made a face and glared at Sam who laughed. Steve and Natasha smiled over at Alex and Bucky as they walked over to join the team. He looked down and saw that they were holding hands.
               "You two are still together I see." He smiled at them. Alex and Bucky let go of their grasp, Steve hugged the both of them.
               "Oh cmon Rogers, you think I was gonna leave this adorable face?" Alex chuckled as she reached up and squeezed Bucky's cheeks, smushing his face. Bucky blushed at her motion and chuckled.
               "It's good to see you two! Are you ready for this?" Steve grew serious. Alex and Bucky looked at eachother and nodded at him. Bruce walked over and grabbed Alex and lifted her up into a hug.
               "Holy crap Alex! You've changed!" He exclaimed happily squeezing her. Alex grunted and patted the doctors shoulder.
               "Yup, you too Brucey. Is the big guy ready for this fight? We are gonna need him." Alex replied, he set her down and chuckled nervously.
               "Y-yeah about that, he isn't wanting to fight." He rubbed the back of his neck. Alex frowned.
               "What in the hell does that mean?" Alex grew seriously worried, knowing they would need the Hulk. He shrugged, not able to understand. Alex's eyes widened with fear. Rhoades dropped down.
               "I got a plan for him. Don't worry Al." Rhoades spoke as his War Machine mask peeled away from his face. Alex's face dropped, the last time she saw him he was fighting against her.
               "Nice to see ya Rhoady." She smiled at him. He smiled back and dropped a large mechanisim on the ground.
               "You look good Al, upgrades I see." He pointed at her arms. She looked at them and nodded. An alarm started to sound, alerting all of them.
               "We must go! The enemy is near!" T'Challa called out, starting to make his way to the ships. Alex inhaled deeply as she was joined by Sam and Bucky.
               "Lets do this." Alex noted as they started walking. Sam looked at her and Bucky as they started walking. A smirk winded up growing on his face as he looked at Bucky's new arm.
               " guys do it yet?" The question blurted out of his mouth. Alex's eyes snapped towards him, Bucky as well. Alex brought her leg out, tripping Sam. He yelped and went down.
               "Easy Wilson, or your not gonna even see this fight." Alex threatened as Bucky assisted her into the ship to transport them to the battlefield. Sam got up fast and checked to see if anyone witnessed the incident.
               "That wasn't cool Stark!" He growled as he joined Alex and Bucky in the ship.

              The ships arrived at the battlefield. Alex, Bucky and Sam jumped off and went to go join Steve and T'Challa at the frontline. They waited there in silence, a rumble started to emerge from past the barrier.
              "What the hell is that?" Bucky questioned watching closely. Alex frowned and started to charge up her arms. A large army came upon the broken down trees. They watched painfully as the trees were torn from they're roots.
               "Thank god we evacuated everyone." Alex mentioned watching the army grow closer and closer. Bucky looked over to Steve and T'Challa who begun to start walking. They were going to meet the leaders of Thanos' army. It was dead silent as they walked over. Alex bit her lip and looked down at the ground, clenching her fists. Bucky peered over to her, something was bothering her. He was about to speak to her when there was a loug bang beyond the barrier. They both snapped her heads up and realized something was happening. Steve, T'Challa and Okoyoe ran over fast.
                "Guess they aren't backing down." Alex mentioned, her arms were fully charged. Bucky loaded his rifle and stood strong. The leaders reunited with they're army and stood in silence. The doors of the enemy ships opened and some kind of alien dogs emerged from them. Alex frowned. Bucky lifted his rifle to his chest. They all watched at the alien dogs started attacking the barrier, most of them died and some made it through.
                "What the hell?" Bucky mumbled, Alex watched the beasts start to disburst. She watched them as they made around the barrier, she frowned and called over to T'Challa.
                "T'Challa! If they get around the barrier there is no way to protect Vision!" Alex was well aware of why. T'Challa nodded and looked at the hoard.
                "Unless we open the barrier." He replied, he spoke into his telecom. Demanding them to open the barrier to let the army in. They all got ready to fight once T'Challa had the barrier opened. They all cried out "Wakanda Forever" and ran into the battle.

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