The Battle

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          Alex, Steve and Sam were running into battle to take down Hydra. They took down many foes along their path. Alex looked up at one of the ships and frowned.
          "Hey Sam, care to give me a lift?" Alex called over to him as they ran closer to the target. He grabbed her arm and told her to hold on. They jumped and Sam's wings lifted them to the airship. He dropped her off before evading a barrage of bullets distracting them from Alex. She clenched her fists as her arms shifted into their metal forms. She started fighting the men on the ship trying to take her down. It all seemed so easy. Alex went down into the corridor where she was supposed to replace one of the tracking chips. She regained her breath as she walked up to the paddock and hit the code to open it. She pulled one out and tossed it over her shoulder, and replaced it with the decoy Agent Hill had made.
           "First one is in the clear!" Alex spoke into her earpiece and she ran across the foyer to go back outside. She saw a jet fly past her and she stopped dead in her tracks.
           "Alex! You got a bogey in your area! Get out of there!" Hill called into her earpiece. Alex watched the jet go to turn and she growled in frustration as she took off running. She heard the gunshots go off at she ran faster and faster to jump off the ship.
           "Sam! You busy?! Get me out of here!" Alex screamed into the reciever as she slid underneath a unpiloted jet. She was getting closer and closer to the edge.
            "Get ready for my signal!" Sam replied. Alex had no other choice but to jump. She inhaled as she reached the edge and pushed herself off.
            "Not a option!" Alex screamed as she fell. Luckily for her she was headed right for the next airship underneath her. She braced herself for the impact she was about to recieve. She felt her legs hit hard as she tucked down and rolled. She rolled right into a parked jet. She cried out as she felt her right leg strain.
             "Alex! Are you okay?!" She heard Steve call out. She groaned in pain as she reached for her leg.
             "Remind me to stretch next time Cap-" She looked up and her eyes widened. The Soldier, was flying a jet. He aimed the guns right at her. "Shit!" She yelled out as she got up to run. She ignored the pain in her leg as she heard the bullets fly past her. She found herself behind another jet as she heard the shooting stop. Alex tried to figure out what position he was in. She look out a small gun from its holster. She peered quickly and noticed that the jet that The Soldier was flying was now landed. She slowly crawled over to some tactical vehicles that were near. She felt the pain in her leg throb as she peered through the windows of the vehicles. There was no sight of him. She heard the familiar sound of Sam's wings as they came closer and closer. She checked through the window again and watched as Steve and Sam landed on the platform.
             "Alex where are you?!" Sam called out. Alex groaned in pain as she slid down and looked at her swollen leg. It was definitely sprained.
             "Guys, he's on the ship! Be careful." Alex whispered into the microphone trying not to give out her location. She heard Sam call out Steves name and gunshots. The Soldier must have started fighting them. Alex peered around the corner of the vehicle and watched in horror as the Soldier pulled Sam's wings off before kicking him off the ship. Alex groaned pushing herself up as she decided to get away while the Soldier as distracted. She almost made it to the entrance. She was punching in the code to allow the doors to open. She heard footsteps behind her. She clenched her fist and spun fast, ready to attack. Steve caught her fist.
             "It's me Alex! It's okay!" Steve strained. Alex dropped her fist and sighed with relief. She growled at the alarm that the door was making and threw her fist back at it and it sparked. The doors opened. She reached into her pocket and handed Steve the last chip.
              "Go! I'll hold him off!" Alex pushed him past her through the doorway. He nodded and left her in the hallway. She waited for a couple of minutes before she heard Steve fighting someone. She looked past the doorway and Steve was fighting his friend. Alex took a breath before she pushed herself off the doorway. She saw that the Soldier had his metal hand around Steve's throat. She dropped her gun and charged her right arm. She jumped onto his shoulders squeezing his neck with her arm before she let out a charge of electricity. He cried out and dropped Steve as he reached up to her trying to pull her off of him. He walked backwards before she felt her back hit a post hard. Her chip shocked her and the electrical currents in her arm stopped. He growled and threw her over his shoulders, her body collided with the floor. She felt her breath seize as she tried to get back up. He grabbed her throat with his cold metal hand and lifted her up. She gasped for air as she gripped his arm with her own hands. She stared at this man with fear in her eyes, she could tell she was going to pass out.
          "еще раз, ты заноза в моей заднице" (Once again, your a pain in my ass) He spoke to her quietly. She lifted her left leg and gave him a hard kick, right in between his legs. He cried out and dropped her. She ran over and pushed him hard, they both hit the railing and went down. She hit the ground hard, she heard the glass crack. She groaned in pain as she tried to figure out where he went. She was about to call up to Steve when she recieved a hard kick to the face. Her vision went dark.

          A loud explosion woke Alex up. The ships were now attacking eachother. Meaning Steve was successful. Alex heard a loud scream, she looked ahead and noticed that Bucky was pinned underneath a large piece of steel framing. Steve jumped down from the platform and ran over to the frame.
           "You lift! I'll grab him!" Alex called over to Steve. Bucky looked at the two of them and growled trying to get free. Steve placed the shield on his back before he bent down to pick up the frame. He cried out as Alex noticed the frame start to move. She bent down and grabbed Bucky's lose arm. She pulled and felt him move, she pulled with all the strength she had and got him out safetly. Steve dropped the frame and it crashed loudly. Alex froze waiting for another blow from Bucky, but his attention was on Steve.
           "Alex, please. Get out of here!" Steve looked over at her. Alex frowned and stared at him, she shook her head. He took the shield off of his back and threw it hard at her feet. It hit the glass and cracked fast. She looked back at Steve with tears in her eyes as she glass broke underneath her and she plummeted down into the cold water.

            Alex coughed as she reached the waters surface. She used all her remaining strength to swim back to shore. She winced as she lifted herself up and she crawled over to the sand. She panted and rolled over onto her back. She heard the ship explode and she closed her eyes. She could have done something to help. Why did Steve sacrifice himself for her? She felt warm tears fall down her bloody cheek. She slowly sat up and her eyes widened as the water splashed. She watched as Bucky emerged out of the water, carrying Steve. Alex sighed of relief as Bucky placed Steve beside her and she noticed he was still breathing. She looked up at Bucky and was scared about what he was going to do. He walked around her and stopped, he looked out at the water.
            "Who are you?" Bucky finally asked. He turned and faced the girl. Alex looked up at him, squinting her eyes in the sunlight. She leaned back and let her back hit the sand. She reached into her pocket and pulled out the small black bag. She tossed it at his feet and chuckled.
            "Just a pain in the ass." She peered over at him as he bent down to collect the bag.
            "What is this?" Bucky asked, his blue eyes glanced at her. She glanced back up at him.
            "Something to jog your memory, if you want to know more. Meet me at the Captain America museum. I'll explain everything." Alex explained. She let her arm fall to the ground as Bucky turned to leave. She coughed and looked up at the sky. She heard Bucky's footsteps quietly depart.
            "See you later, Alex."

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