Chapter 110

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The Nightmare

Xu Ran had not anticipated something like this happening to him. There had been warning signs, but he had ignored them.

Gao Quan's true identity was complicated. He had suspected it from the start, as had Tongtong, who claimed Gao Quan possessed the same kung fu as his father. Gao Quan and Tongtong's father, no, Tongtong's foster father, were both guys working for Tongtong's biological father, according to Xu Ran. People from the same area have a natural affinity for one another.

Tongtong's uncles appeared to be average, hardworking farmers. His foster father, on the other hand, was a unique individual. He was skilled in hunting and kung fu, as well as being literary. He couldn't possibly be a plain farmer, could he?

Even if others couldn't figure it out, how could he, a twenty-first-century person, be unaware of it? He simply didn't want to ponder too much.

Du Xin and Lu Qi, on the other hand, must have been keeping an eye on his family! Back then, he put up an inexplicable defense against Du Xin. He didn't understand why at first, but now he does.

He had not expected that they still found his place.

Gao Quan was lucky that he didn't agree to take Tongtong away; else, he wouldn't have known where to look for him. He might never see Tongtong or his children again in his life.

He was well aware of the enormous disparity between aristocrats and commoners in this era. His father was a famous general, and King Yan was the only king who was not a royal member. It was simple for King Yan to hide someone or make them vanish from the world forever.

Xu Ran became scared all of a sudden. He was baffled as to why such things occurred. Someone who had been so close to him turned out to be an aristocrat. He was a commoner, and the social divide between them was too great.

It made him panic.

His Tongtong, who had previously been his exclusive possession, now had an older brother. He came from a noble family, it turned out...


Xu Ran quickly turned around in order to find Liu Tong. Tongtong was his, and he could never be anybody else's!

While talking to the twins, Liu Tong was holding young Baozi in the room, who were terrified by what they were told and refused to leave Liu Tong.

When Xu Ran walked into the room, Guoguo said, "Don't worry, Daddy. Uncle Gao Quan will teach my brother and me kung fu, and we will protect our younger brother."

Xu Ran saw Liu Tong stroking Guoguo's head and smiling gently. "You both are good children. I'll let you protect your little brother from now on."

The twins exchanged sincere nods. "We will, Dad."

For a long time, Xu Ran stood at the entrance. He was extremely moved. This was his loved ones, his family. Someone, though, wanted to separate them.

"Why are you standing outside the door, Ran? It's a chilly day outside. Come in!" When Liu Tong looked up, he noticed Xu Ran standing dazed at the entrance, so he called him in.

The twins quickly walked up to Xu Ran when they saw him. "Dad, don't worry, we will protect our brother."

Xu Ran smiled. "Great. You are so sweet."

Xu Ran walked in, claimed he hadn't heard what they had just spoken, and inquired as to what they were discussing. As a result, the twins reiterated their pledge to safeguard their brother.

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