Chapter 5

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Justin's POV

"Detention for two weeks including the weekends, cleaning up after everyone's dinner, and whatever I ask you to do you will do" was all I heard came out of Mrs Williams mouth for the past 25 minutes, "And you will go now and clean the paint off the wall" she ordered.

"Okay... cool"Selena said and walked out of the office.I decided to do the same.

When I got out of the office I saw Selena with a bottle of some type of chemical with a brush, and we both got cleaning. Within 2 hours it was clean but not that clean, there were still colored stains and then we were told to paint the wall in its original color. White.

The bell rang at 2:30 pm. Students came out of their classes while we were still painting... a girl pushed Selena in her back making her spill some paint and also making her front mesh against the wall that wasn't dry .

" What the fuck?... Watch where you're going BITCH!!! "Selena screamed at the dark haired girl.

" Who the fuck do you think you're talking to?" the girl said, "Whore" she then muttered under her breath obviously in order for Selena to hear then she walked away her heels making an annoying click sound.

Selena kept muttering under her breath "Why the fuck should I care about who she is ?, and did she seriously call me a whore, did she look in the mirror?"

I chuckled at her,"hey don't worry about her, she looks like those girls that speak in like mode while popping their gums, "I said making her laugh.

"What do you mean by 'speaking in like-mode?" Selena giggled was she continued painting.

"Those girls that are like " I was like... and he was like... and they were like... and Natasha was like ...",I said in a squeaky girly voice as Selena burst out laughing.

"Oh my-Hahaha, did you-did just you hear yourself? haha...O my god, Seriously that was funny... and Gay"she said looking at me,I didn't realize I was smiling at her until she notified me." Why are you smiling at me? " she finally calmed down.

"Me?smiling? At you?... sweetheart you're mistaken, actually I can very well prove to you that I'm not gay and I'm manly enough for any woman." I teased her.

"oh really, trying to get in my jeans already?" she said returning to paint the wall, and I took it as a cue to paint because the sooner the better.

"If I remember correctly, I never mentioned you, I said any woman" I said dipping the roller into more paint.

"so am I not a woman?" she asked.

"You're still a girl, sweetie... but if you want me that badly, I can make an exception" I said looking at her, she looked at me and I gave her a wink.

"Omg, ew Justin, never in a million years" she said laughing...

After another hour we were completely finished. We had to change our uniforms because of the paint and change into casual because we're supposed to go in detention so what was the use of changing into clean uniforms?

Usually I ditch detention but I wanted to hang with Selena, she's my first friend at this school and she's cool.

Selena's POV

After I took a bath, I put on a white top with music notes printed on the front with a pair of turquoise skinny jeans. I had detention from 4 to 6 so now was 3:45 pm so Ariana Taylor and I ended up chatting, Taylor and Ariana had to work on their music projects, which reminds me that Justin and I are yet to do something for our music project.

When it was time for detention I left, heading towards the English Room. When I entered Justin was already there playing with his fingers.

"Miss Gomez, may I have your phone or whatever electronic device you have on you." Mr. Buyer asked (that's what's his name tag said).

"I didn't get to bring any, they're in the dorm" I lied. He nodded.

I took a seat the opposite end of the class because knowing these bastards, they wouldn't want Justin and I to sit together.

Within half an hour Mr Buyer left to do something 'important'. Important my ass, the teacher never  stays because that's like of they have detention too.

I immediately made my way next to Justin.

"Hello my lovely partner in crime" I said

"Hey" he said.

"Ugh this is boring" I truthfully said."Let's play 20 questions "I suggested.

" OK you go first "

"Hmm...How many schools did you get expelled from?" I asked taking out my iPhone from my back pocket before sitting on a combination next to him.

"Um about like 8? what about you?"

"Whoa that's a lot, I've only been transferred 3 times, so you're a badass, eh?" I chuckled "So next question"

"Right uh... favorite color"

"Green and uh black, you?"

"Purple, black and red." he said watching me with amusement.

And we went on asking random questions, until one caught my attention.

"Have you ever been fucked?" He asked looking into my eyes with a mischievous grin.

"What? Justin Drew, what sort of question is that?" I scolded, but seriously he sounded sexy when he swears.

"What?" he said innocently shrugging "So I'm taking that as a no, aww Selly is still a virgin."

"Ugh, would you shut up, it's none of your business" I said.

"Don't worry, when ever you're ready, I'll take it baby"

"Wow, to bad I'm not your type"

"So what IS your type?"

"I'm lesbian" I blurted trying to keep a straight face.

His face dropped, "W-what, um, so-" he was speechless for a while, her leaned over to me, his eyes never leaving mine "It's a sin to lie babygirl" he whispered seductively.

I snapped out of it and pushed him away laughing"Dude, you need to go find a dick "I said and before he could reply Mr Buyer came in.

" You may leave, "he said before grabbing his stuff and waking away.

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Song: All that matters-Justin Bieber

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