Chapter 28

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Currently after months Amajiki and I started fighting over jealousy with each other..I wasn't at home either at my sister's place since I don't want her to be butted in this not so serious topic about my relationship with Amajiki..I was at the apartment where I usually rented which probably Amajiki would know if he finds out I'm not on the house staying.

'I don't wanna face him yet especially what I've done to him..I told him to break up with me in a harsh way of shouting on the phone and hang up right away.'

"I don't really mean to shout at me him in the phone in the harsh way.."I sighted and crawl out from the bed.

'Good thing he lost the spare key so he won't be able to open either unlock the door in the apartment.'

It was raining outside so it makes more lazy to stand up but I have to since my stomach is growling of hunger I made my way to the kitchen and when I open the fridge there's nothing left except milk and a single apple as I sighted.

'I should really pay attention about the food..'

I made my way back to my room and didn't take a shower instead just change into a (f/c) hoodie and blue mommy jeans with a white rubber shoes and change my hairstyle into a long ponytail and plugged my phone and took my wallet before heading to the nearest supermarket.

"Good thing today's off for my duty."I then made my way inside the supermarket and took in my hoodie on before taking a cart.

'I just need some milk,eggs,a cereal,some fruits,2 liquors,raw bacons,some ramen noddle cups,toast,meat and chicken..Then we can go back home and make breakfast.'

"That would be ¥840 Yen."The cashier said as I paid and took the paper bags and went home.


I then proceed to the kitchen and put the paper bags on the counter and put an apron on and started cooking for my breakfast which was bacon and eggs with some French toast.


"Huh? Did I order anything..?"I then turn the stove off and wash my hands before going to the door.

'It could be him..Should I open it or not?..Or did I really ordered anything yesterday? I don't even remember it!'


"Lets get over with this! Whether if it's him or not what more important is that I'm waisting that person's time especially it's even raining outside."I sighted again and hold the door knob.

'What if Amajiki got soaked by the rain? Wait! Let's prepare some hot towels first.'

I then immediately went to the kitchen and took the towel at the lower cabinet and pour a hot water on it and prepare it just in case if it's really Amajiki outside.

I then went back to the door and opened it as I saw.

"Ma'am here's your delivery."The delivery man said as he handed me the box.

"What did I order again?"I asked.

"It's building blocks ma'am."He replied as I sign the papers and put aside the box.

'Building blocks? Ah,I see..I must dial the wrong number when I was drunk that's why I wonder why Rumi didn't pick the phone up..Jeez! It's so embarrassing..'

"I should just put this back at the room maybe I could play with it later.."I then picked up the box and put the box into the coffee table and I was about to close the door when a feet was there trying to push the door back open as I opened it back.

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