Chapter 19

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"B-Bunny please stop!"I said trying to stop (Y/n) as she pay no mind.

"(Y/n) just don't get into this business!"Hawks said as they continue to fight.

Earlier this morning when I accidentally heard her conversation with someone on the telephone regarding about Hawk's business which I fully don't know she immediately went after Hawks as I follow her even she don't want me too I just came with her just in case.

They've been fighting not quite long ago since it started by (Y/n) as Hawks tried to stop her without getting her hurt by him just stopping her attacks by his quirk.

"Tell me Hawks why did you even became a hero? Are you trying to betray me?! Us heroes?!"She shouted.

"(Y/n) I can't say it and this us none of your concern I don't want you to get invol--"

"Because you think I'm weak and that's why you keep hiding it to me because you think you can! Do you have any connections about what happened at that incident?!"She shouted.

'Incident?! Does she mean that Hawks have any clue about the incident that happened on that day?! He's also responsibility of what happened to Endeavor and (Y/n) almost killed..'

'No way..There's no way a pro hero like him betray us..'

"I don't betray the heroes neither you..I've accepted this job because I wanted by my own will..Even it would risk my lif--"

"That you didn't even bother to tell me! I'm your friend Hawks you know you can count on me just like those old days!"She shouted as Hawks sighted.

"Just enjoy your life more with your new boyfriend than butting in this business with me..And you,Suneater take good care of her."Hawks said as I just nods.

"You're leaving now?!"She said as she was about to stop Hawks when I stopped her instead as she clenched her fist and I hugged her comforting her.

"You should rest for today (Y-Y/n)..Hawks might really just want you not to butt in."I said as she didn't reply.

Even she didn't reply neither talk to me it was fine since she followed what I said as we went to her home.


Nejire wasn't here anymore since she go back to her parent's house having a break time since we had a month of summer break and Mirio was taking care of Eri as we somehow visited their and (Y/n)'s gardener has done working here which it doesn't bother me anymore just leaving the two of us alone here inside her house.

"What do you want me to cook for you?"She asked as I shake my head and offer her to sit down with me first as she followed.

"I'm sure you're still not in the shape to process everything had happened about Hawks."I said as she sighted before nodding.

"And which means I need to go back quickly to me consciousness so I can move on and try to find out why he did that.."She said.

"Then,allow me to help you.."I said as she shakes her head.

"I know you don't want me to be bothered about this but we're together on this (Y/n)..Please let me help you.."I said as I held her hand while she just nods.

"So,what do you want to eat for lunch?"She asked as I shake my head.

"You should rest even a bit I'll handle the lunch for the both of us."I said as she follows and I went to the kitchen.

I decided to cook chicken curry with some rice balls.

I glance over at (Y/n) she was sitting on the couch while watching TV with some drama movies she pick.

'I hope everything will turn out fine about the two of them..Even after all what Hawks told to me on (Y/n),I still care about their relationship not being okay..'


I then called (Y/n) out from the kitchen to get ready to eat for the lunch as she sat down beside me as we then started to dig in into our foods.

"Your skill in cooking is improving well..I'm impressed Amajiki."She said as she kisses my cheek and I kiss her forehead in return.

"I'm glad you like them.."I said as she nods then looked at me.

"Is there something wrong?"I asked.

"Well,I've been thinking about this a few days ago already..You already met my last family members and some of my friends which are pro heroes,but.."She pause.

"But what B-Bunny?"I asked.

'What is she about to ask? This is getting me nervous..She won't break up with me,right? I know she won't because she loved me already like I do loved her so much from the start..'

"Don't get to nervous I'm not gonna ask or do anything bad like breaking up with you so rest assured.."She said as I sighted in relief.

"Then,w-what is it?"I asked.

"Just come to think of it we've been together for a month now and it kinda makes me a bit worried and curious that you haven't introduce me to your parents or have dinner with them together."She said as I froze.

"O-Oh..I see y-you wanted to meet them,is that it?"I said as she nods.

"If they aren't busy since I know you're not because you have a month of summer break..I was just wondering if I could meet them and you introduce me to them as your lover,won't you?"She said as I slightly nods.

"O-Of course I want you to meet them..Its just uh..I don't know their schedule yet so I'm going to ask them before we could have time with them,o-okay bunny?"I said as she nods.

"That's alright..I'll wait for that take your time thanks Amajiki.."She said as she kissed me and I kissed her back.

We continue to kiss back each other as it turns out into a make out session and then we cuddle each other into the couch while watching some movies to get entertained.

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