Chapter 21

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I was currently at Fat Gum's agency since morning and now afternoon while having lunch with Kirishima and Fat Gum inside his office while (Y/n)'s was off duty still don't have in good terms with Hawks after their serious argument few weeks ago they just barely talked and see when it just comes about hero's business and nothing else.

"Look (Y/n) out for me..I know that you're her boyfriend and you already knew what to do with her especially with her attitude and adding the fact we're not in good terms,but still I'm worried as her best friend that something might not be right in the future..So I'm just leaving the rest up to you about (Y/n)'s safety."

"That was all Hawks said to me yesterday when we happened bumped into each other."I said.

"Bumping into the number 2 hero is really a coincidence but him saying that is not in his position if you already knew it Tamaki-senpai on how to deal with Ms.Hado,then he wouldn't say that to you."Kirishima said as I begun to feel sad.

"T-Then does H-Hawks mean I'm irresponsible to take care (Y/n) as her boyfriend?"I said as Fat Gum shake his head.

"What Red Riot said is true,but what you said is a false Suneater..It might be Hawks is trying to warn you about (Y/n)'s safety in the future regarding about her being the hero back in action after she hide for months."He said.

"I see it also could be that Tamaki-senpai but don't fret or scared I know you can protect her because you're a man Tamaki-senpai!"Kirishima exclaimed as I went into the corner.

"Come on Suneat cheer up! Red riot said is definitely true you don't wanna be such a baby to her,don't you?"Fat Gum said as  I look at him with a nod.

"I almost forgot Tamaki-senpai I heard that Mr.Aizawa was trying to have contact with Ms.Hado about inviting her as a guest in our class I think she'll be training us in the future though but I don't think it would be dangerous for her since she's gonna be surrounded with bunch of heroes like us."Kirishima said.


"What's the matter?"Fat Gum said.

"We are needed for back up on a near bank there's a villain taking a hostage!"

"Alright! Let's go team!"And with that we headed to the bank where the villain was taking up.




I was heading at a small bar,we females decided to have some fun before we get back into our time of duty by the other next day.

I was with Ryuko,Nemuri,Rumi,Yu and Uwabami as we headed inside the small bar and ordered a cocktail on each one of us before taking our seats where we fit all of us.

"So how are you doing now (Y/n)? You've been back as a hero in action now how does it feel,dear?"Uwabami asked as I chuckled.

"Well,it's kind of tough as usual and sometimes it gets me bored you know between and working together with the number 1 and 2 hero."I said as she nods.

"Are you and Keigo dating?"Nemuri said as she raised her eyebrows while Yu playfully nudge her arm.

"What? Am I wrong?"Nemuri said as Rumi nods her head.

"Didn't you even heard? That she's dating the semi-pro hero named Suneater."Rumi said.

"R-Rumi."I tried to called out as she just smiled with an arm crossed.

"Oh,that Suneater! He's one of the big tree on UA and also a third year."Nemuri finally gets it as the other girls nod their heads.

"So tell us about your life with Suneater,(Y/n)."Ryuko said as I looked a bit taken back.

'Ryuko never wanted to know and to hear any of our love lives and she suddenly asked mine?! Is this really her?!'

"Well..We've been doing good together he always look after and taking care of me as I did the same to him you know giving affection with each other."I replied as she nods.

"You do really love that Suneater,don't you?"Rumi asked as I nod.

"To be honest,I really do love him I know it's just months before we then became official."I said.

"Now,now let's stop the love life of (Y/n) and get down to our real business since we had more things to do by the next few days before the mission that it assigned to us."Ryuko said as we begin to hear out.

"But don't you think that we're really dragging you down with this mission Uwabami?"Yu asked as Uwabami shakes her head.

"Girls just relax I'm not that super busy since I'm always on the magazine and other photo shoot I wanted to help especially we're getting a reunion from here and then we got a mission together just us!"Uwabami exclaimed with a smile.

"If Uwabami is with us with this mission she could help us a lot with the help of her quirk to investigate about the place."I said as the other nods in agreement.

"Do you think that we could do this just the 6 of us?"Nemuri asked as Rumi clench her fist.

"We don't need any males into this mission! We all got this and besides we're professionals!"Rumi said.

"Since (Y/n) was invited at the UA for having a training with the class 1-A first years we're going to change the schedule..How about by the next day after (Y/n)'s training with the class?"Nemuri said as the others agreed.

"Then it's decided.."

"We're taking action of it by Wednesday,then."

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