Chapter 12

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Those were the three emotions I'm feeling right now after I saw Amajiki was having a good time with a UA female student.

'Why am I feeling like this?..Maybe it was just someone close to him or his classmate,right?! Why do I feel so concern about it and why does it keep bugging me!!'

I wasn't at the apartment I was just done having lunch with Hawks and to sign the paper about taking my license back as a hero on duty since they needed me back because of how All Might resigned as the number one hero and making Endeavour the number one and Hawks second.

'He even told me that I need to gain a rank in order for me to have a solo mission with him or together with Endeavour..'

'All Might did also told me about his resignation and to take a look on Izuku Midoriya which is his successor..'

'I should have a meeting with Midoriya soon about this concern and how should I help him..'

'The business with my friend on the support agency was almost done I'm going to be able to go home and sleep peacefully in my one and only home bed at my favorite room..'

"But..I wonder why Amajiki didn't visit me a week now..Is he dumping me already?..Tch! Why does it keep bugging me! Damn it!"I accidentally exploded the can using my roots in my hand and I throw the can away.

"Jeez..I'm now wet..Better go home before it's going to get more da—"


'You gotta be kidding me! Heavy rain?!'

"Damn it!!"I quickly run heading my way to the apartment because no taxi was around.



'Luckily I made it..I would really suggest tomorrow of having a shelter near here..'

"I-Is that you? (Y-Y/n)...?"It was Amajiki waiting outside the aparment all wet from head to toe as I ran towards him.

"Why the h*ll are you waiting outside?!"I said as I hold his shoulder as his eyes and nose were all red.

"I-I lost the s-spare key s-sorry..I-I thought you dumped me.."He sobbed.

'I should be the one to tell that..But now's not the time for that!'

"Come on let's go inside and dry ourselves."We then went inside the house and I quickly take a towel and some spare clothes for Amajiki to wear as I dry our clothes at the bathroom and I changed clothes inside there too.



"Y-Yes?"He then sneeze twice as I went towards him and check his forehead as it was burning hot.

"Gosh.Come follow me let's go to my room."I said as he followed me and I assigned him to lay on the bed as I get a towel and a cold water inside the bucket as I sat next to him on the bed.

"W-What are you going to d-do?"He asked.

"Strip."I said as he get flustered.

"W-What? (Y-Y/n)..D-Do you want to do i-it?"He said as I flick his forehead.

"Don't joke around strip your upper clothe so I can wash your chest and your forehead so you won't get fully sicker by tomorrow."I said as he followed.

"I-It's cold!"He whined as he struggled and I forced myself to wash his chest.

"I-It's really cold (Y-Y/n).."He said as I put a blanket on him.

"Get some rest,okay?"I said as I put a towel on his forehead and I leave him alone inside the room to get rest as I went to the kitchen.

'A drink wouldn't hurt me..'

I then take three cans of root beer and went to the kitchen and turned on the tv to have some movie to watch while eating chips and drinking the root beer.

'Every movies gives me boredom..'

"They're no fun damn it.."And again the can of a root beer exploded.

"(Y-Y/n) why are you d-drinking..?"I turned around to see Amajiki was now standing beside me with a clothe on.

"Go back to sleep..I'm watching—"He then grabbed the can of root beers away.

"W-Why are you drinking?"He asked as he sat beside me.

"It's none of your business so give it back."I said as he shake his head.

"T-Tell me please? Remember no more secrets and hiding anything."He said as I turned around as I could feel my head that he was giving me headpats as he hugged me behind.

"I-I'll give you more headpats and wait for you then to tell me.."He said as I groan.

"I'm jealous because you were with a woman earlier,happy now?!"I said.

"Y-You're j-jealous?..Of course she's a woman,but she was just a junior of mine..We were just talking about the agencies.."He said.

"L-Like I care.."I said.

"(Y-Y/n) please don't be jealous..Y-You know I-I love you,right?"He said.

"P-Please look at me."He said as I followed.

"You're the only woman I w-want,o-okay? So stop being j-jealous..L-Let's just go to bed.."He said as he carried me all the way to the bed as we lay down together there.

"Amajiki.."I called it as he hummed and looked at me.

"I-Is it f-fine if I come back as a hero in duty?"I asked as he nods.

"That would be great if you come back as Gaia..I would be happy if you're out of the shell.."He said as I nod.

"A-All right..B-But if I saw you with another strange woman again that I don't know I'm really going to punch you."I said as he chuckled as he nod.

"I will not be near around on another strange woman that you don't know again..I-I promise.."He said.

"Good..I'll sleep on the cou—"Before I could stand up Amajiki grabbed me again as he engulfed me into a cuddle.

"Don't please..Let's just sleep here and cuddle each other,o-okay? So s-stop struggling."He said as I sighted and just agreed.

"Good night (Y-Y/n)..I-I love y-you.."He whispered as he stroke my heat and I hummed.

"I-I love you too..Amajiki.."

Light My Way{A.TamakixReader}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon