"Minho Oppa you're so smart" she compliments their boss.

"Imma fight her" Byul says getting up as Jisung holds them back. "Jisung let me rip that dyed dirty ass hair off her head" they tell Jisung fighting to get out of their friends hold. Byul needed a chill pill bad.

"Dude it's okay" Jisung tries to convince them as they glare at him. Noticing the obviousness of how it was not okay. "Mina isn't doing anything bad per say.." he trialed off.

"Jisung I'm not dumb. It's clear that you and Minho are dating. As your best friend I'm not gonna allow some rich ass bitch get in the middle of your love" Byul stated tensing their jaw as Jisung gulped intimidated.

"I trust Minho. He said he likes me and I believe him. I doubt Mina will change his mind" Jisung told his friend. Hopefully Mina won't right?

"Fine but if someone spits in her coffee when they do the coffee trip later it wasn't me" they tell Jisung who laughs but nods not believing his friend.


"Hey sir can you help me with this?" Mina asks Minho as he nods and makes his way over to help her with the box of papers she was carrying. Her hair tied back with a pink hair tie and her lips glossed over, she liked to always make sure her makeup was one hundred percent.

He was utterly confused as to why the intern needed so much help suddenly but one thing did pinpoint in the possibilities as to why but he didn't ponder on it for to long. She didn't even work in their department but in Seungmins after all. The younger should be helping her out seeming as he had his own team to help but he didn't want to be too rude and just say no. A friendly work environment was a necessity. He'd want Jisung to be helped if he needed it and not refused since they didn't work in the same department.

"Thank you so much" she thanks him. The two walk silently to Seungmins department. "Minho oppa you really are so considerate" Mina complimented once more as Minho settled the box down on the interns desk. The older shifted awkwardly now fully expecting just what was happening.

"Please don't call me Oppa. We aren't that close as well as I don't want people to think I'm playing favourites... I am your boss.." Minho tells the intern, trailing off afterwards as to remain as gentle as he could with the wording. He had to be firm but still polite. Mina nodded her head and stepped closer to him, taking this as initiative to be more honest. Her hand trailing his arm cautiously to test their boundaries before she spoke.

"I know we aren't close, but I'm really interested in becoming closer if you are" she hints a bit suggestively smiling before Minho pushes her arm off and steps back, deciding to take a more direct approach.

"Mina I'm sorry if you got any signals but I'm not interested in you like that.." he trials off biting his lip before just saying it. "I have a boyfriend— who I happen to really like and thinking about anyone but him just feels not only impossible but isn't desirable for me. I want to apologise to you again but I'm really not interested" Minho states watching as Mina's smile falls as her eyes widen, choking out on her words.

"I am so sorry, I thought you were single and I kinda thought you were playing hard to get— which was totally on me— god I am so sorry Minho" she apologised sincerely, not wanting to meet his eyes out of embarrassment.

"It's Jisung, my boyfriend is Jisung. I already know that seeing you hanging around me may have upset him so I had to tell you honestly that he's who I'm with. I don't want to hurt him" Minho tells Mina softly, not wanting to be a dick but making sure their boundaries are known.

"J—Jisung? You mean you're boyfriend witnessed me trying to— I am so sorry sir it won't happen again. Jisung is such a sweet guy and I'm glad he has someone as great as you" Mina tells him as Minho nods gratefully and walks away.

A/N: see this is called respecting people when they say they have a partner.

He stops at the doorway, a small smile itching at his lips when he noticed a pair of shoes. "Byul I can see your feet" Minho states making the intern awkwardly peak out their head and laugh deeply. "I'm guessing you were worried about Jisung?" Minho asks making the younger nod, their Adam's apple bopping a bit as they swallowed the saliva building in their throat. I was caught! Act cool Byul, act cool!

"Me? Worried, pfft no way why would I be I mean like I totally have no clue what's happening with you and Jisung at all, this is merely an oddly timed coincidence... yeah a coincidence" they chuckled, taking a step back. "Thanks though sir" they stated making Minho raise a brow.

"I though this was just a coincidence?" Minho teased as they reddened. Laughing awkwardly before agreeing.

So much for me judging Mina the whole morning... I should've just listened to Jisung but no... I had an opinion about her before I actually knew her. God I'm an asshole. "I guess I should get a new drink for Mina" they mutter walking off with the tray of drinks.

His Intern | Minsung Where stories live. Discover now