Newt- I need your help

Start from the beginning

"Like her, like her, like her, like

"Like her as in like her, like her"

"Like her I wanna fuck her like her"

"Like her, like her I really like you like her"

Thomas snapped his fingers " like her, like her as in like her more than friends?"

"Shit" I combed my hair with my hands.

"Shit" Thomas agreed.

Y/n pov:

"So you know I've liked Newt ever since I came up the box" I explained " and I think it's time I finally tell him how I feel rather than just stalk him because I think he's starting to get a little creeped out. I thought you would know what to do considering Thomas and all"

"Ok, so we need to start of slow, take it easy, not rushing into anything to soon"

"I could tell him, I like his hair?"

"His hair is cute" she agreed " but I think I like your eyes is better"

"Oh! I could tell him that pick up line we talked about the other day"

"The are you tired because you've been running in my mind all day?"

"No that's a good one, but I was thinking about the, are you a cake because you're sweet one"

"It's a bit to cheesy, and not powerful enough" She thought " what about are you a school bus, so you can put your children in me?"

"Holy shit Teresa I can't say that!"

"Yeah, maybe that ones little to far"

"I'm fucked" I sighed.

"You're fucked"

"Like majorly fucked"

"Fucked, not getting railed fucked, I bet you wish you were, by blondie"

"I'm completely fucked"


Newts pov:

"Ok so what do I say again?" I asked Thomas.

"Say hi, ask her how her day was, respond and leave"

"Ok can't be that hard right?"

"Yeah I specifically made it not to be hard Newt because the most you've ever been able to say to her was  , Hai,helooooo,gdbeee, and that's not even a real world"

"Thankyou for the encouragement Tommy"

"Ok look she's coming this was remember to stay calm I'll be right by the table"

Y/n pov:

"What do I do again?" I asked her.

"You say hello, complement his eyes, say goodbye"

"Ok this is terrifying"

"Just relax, remember to breathe, literally please breathe because last time you held your breathe and I swear you started turning blue"


"Look he's coming this way just remember what I told you I'll be right by the tree"

Newts pov:

I slowly walked up to her until we were facing. I kind of just stood there for a little bit until I realised I was doing nothing.

"Uhhh... I... hi Y/n"

"Hey... Newt"

"How... how was your day"

"Its was, it was good" she said " I like your eyes"

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