Chapter 46: Hospital

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After hearing those words, I started to shake and almost dropped my phone, if it wasn't for Taylor to hold me straight.

"Hey, what's wrong, you've got tears all over your face," She asked.

"T-Tom, he's i-in the hospital," I said in a shaking voice.

"Oh no, no shit. Okay, I'm going to drive you to the hospital, don't worry, I've got you."

"No, our meeting would be ruined."

"Y/n, we can't focus when your boyfriend is currently in the hospital, you have to be with him."

"Are you sure you're okay with this?"

"Stop asking questions you already know the answers to, of course I'm okay with this. We can meet another time, it's not problem."

"Thank you so much, you're a really good person."

"That's what friends are for, I've got you."


Arriving in the hospital, we immediately ran to the reception, to find out which room he was taken to.

"Hi, my boyfriend got into a carcrash and is supposed to be here in the hospital," I said, catching my breath.

"His name?" The lady behind the desk asked.

"Tom, Tom Holland."

"Are you family of his?"

"Well, not really, but-"

"I'm sorry, but only family is allowed to visit him."

"She's his girlfriend your moron, just give us the damn information," Taylor said, activating 'best friend' mode.

"Do you have any prove of that?"

"Are you seriously gonna tell me you don't see that the Y/n Downey is standing in front of you? What are you, blind?"

"I'm sorry, but without confirmation, we can't let you through."

I started to get really impatient, but also extremely stressed. What if something happened and I wasn't there to at least say... goodbye?

"Is there anyone here that can confirm that she's his girlfriend?"

"There was another young man who brought him in."

"His name?"

"Harrison Osterfield."

"Wait, I know Harrison! Please, can you ask him to come, I really need to see them," I said, basically pleading the lady.

"Yes, just one moment."

Only one minute later, Harrison came storming into the waiting room.

"Y/n, there you are. Come quickly, before Tom wakes up," He said, taking both mine and Taylor's hand.

"How did he get into the accident? Tom can drive very well, it's Chris Evans who's got speeding tickets to prove it," I said, knowing it's true.

"Some drunk drove straight into his car, it made a few turns before it stayed still."

"Seriously? That is gonna cost that drunk some serious money," Taylor said, which only made Harrison realise now who he pulled with him.

"Holy shit, you're Taylor Swift!"

"Maybe I am, maybe I'm not, that doesn't matter now, just get us to Tom's room."

"Right, sorry."


Seeing Tom with all those bruises and stitched made my heart drop into my stomach, I couldn't believe that it was actually him. Probably the doctor saw that too, because he walked over to me, putting a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

"You must be Miss Jones, Mr Holland mumbled your name over and over before he went unconscious," He said, "I'm Dr Phillips and I can assure you, he's going to make it."

"Thank you so much, that really means a lot. Will he... will he be out for long?" I asked, wiping the tears from my cheeks.

"Probably for a few hours, but everything went completely fine. I do have to inform you, he has some cracked ribs and a broken arm, other than that, maybe a light concussion. That should be gone in a few days, but the bones... that might take a few weeks to months."

"Completely understandable, I know. Just knowing he'll wake up is enough for now, again, thank you."

"No problem, you can stay here until he wakes up, all of you."

Dr Phillips left us alone in the room, so I sat down in the chair next to the bed.

"Don't worry, darling, you're gonna be okay," I whispered to him, somehow knowing he could hear me.

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