Chapter 43: Phonecall

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"Mum, this is the best food I've ever had," Tom said, enjoying his dinner.

"Oh, big mistake, son," Dom said, knowing what's about to happen.

"Are you insinuating that I can't cook?" I asked, activating 'offended girlfriend' mode.

"Are you insinuating my previous cooking wasn't as good?" Nikki asked, activating 'angry mom' mode.

"What, n-no, that's not what I meant, please don't kill me," Tom said, becoming actually scared.

"Good," We both said, waiting three seconds before breaking down in laughter.

"Do you get what's going on?" Sam asked his twin.

"I have no clue, man," Harry said.

"You guys were messing with me, weren't you?" Tom asked, embarrassed that he bought our act.

"Of course we were, hun. It's a girls thing, you wouldn't understand," Nikki said, wiping her tears away.

"Don't ever scare me like that again, it's not funny."

"Yes it is, now get over yourself and continue your dinner, Tom."


The rest of the dinner went well and after I volunteerd to do the dishes.

"Oh, you don't have to do that, honey," Nikki said, being the extremely nice woman she is.

"No really, it's not a problem at all, I'll do it," I said while smiling.

"Well then at least let Tom help you, you aren't do all that by yourself."

"Why do I have to do the dishes?" Tom asked, or more like, whined.

"Because I told you so, now go help your girlfriend before I decide that I'm trading her for you."

"Oh no, Robert Downey Jr won't like that."

"Why wouldn't RDJ like that?" Sam and Harry asked at the same moment, making Paddy gasp in offensive.

"It's her dad, you divs. Don't you guys follow the news, or interviews, or social media?" He asked his older brothers.

"No, because unlike you, we have a life that doesn't exist out of stalking the girlfriend of our brother," Harry said.

"And that's our cue to do the dishes, this way m'lady," Tom said, taking my hand.


"Thomas Stanley Holland, do not throw the dishes into the cabinet, they're gonna break," I said, after Tom threw the plates on a stack.

"They're not gonna break, trust me," He said, throwing another one.

"And what if they do, you're gonna glue them with web-fluid?"

"Well, I am Spider-Man after all."

I wanted to argue about that, but then my phone started ringing.

"Unknown number, that's suspicious."

"Pick up then, ask what they want."

I walked out of the room, picking up the phone.

Tom's POV:
Y/n had to make a phone call, so I just went to the living room since all the dishes were clean.

"Hey, where's Y/n?" Paddy asked.

"She got a phone call from an unknown number, must be something from work," I said.

I was used to this, it's what you get when you're dating an actress slash singer-songwriter. After like five minutes, Y/n came back into the living room with the biggest smile on her face.

"Okay, what kind of exciting news did you get? No wait, let me guess, you got another casting oppurtunity? Or even better, did Liam die?" I asked her.

"Uhm, no and no, unfortunately. They wanted to know if I was interested in doing a collab album, and I said yes," Y/n said, probably not even believing it herself.

"I need more details, or as most people would call it, I need something that I can spoil later on Instagram."

"Well, they're pretty well known, made quite a few hits. Oh, what was her name again, uhm, something with a T... Wait, it was Taylor Swift."


As you could see, I was very calm about it.

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