Chapter 30: Shopping

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"Jeez, what was her problem?" I asked when Nadia left.

"Probably the same as Liam, they're obsessed." Tom said.

"Is that why you got that restraining order against her?"

"That, and the fact she would break in into my house in the middle of the night."

"And I thought my relationship was bad. Okay, I have to go, I'm meeting up with Eliott."

"You still sure that guy is gay?"

"One hundred percent. Oh, don't be jealous, I'll always choose you. Really, you are going to have to accept the fact you're stuck with me."

"Okay, what are you going to do then?"

"Working out?"

"On your period?"

"Yup, it'll be good for me."

"You're going shopping, aren't you."

"Maybe, but I told you that you can only use those psychic powers I taught you on others, not me."

"If you're getting me a milkshake you'll be forgiven."

"Fine, you'll get your milkshake. Happy now?"

"Very. Now go before you get late." Tom said, kissing me on the head.

"You're the best, okay, bye." I said, before leaving the house.


After two hours of walking through stores, me and Elliot took a break to drink something at this one cozy café.

"When will you tell Tom the news?" Elliot asked, sipping his tea.

"When I'm ready and that's not now. I want to wait for the right moment, okay?" I said thinking of a better excuse.

"There'll never be a right moment, so why aren't you telling him yet?"

"Because he's still worked up about the whole Nadia situation. I don't want him to worry even more now."

"He will find out in a few months, there will be enough evidence."

"I know, but I have no idea how I'm supposed to bring this to him. Can't you tell him?"

"This is about you, not me, so I'm not going to tell him. Sorry sis, but you gotta do that yourself."

"Fine, but first the milkshake. Maybe he'll be more focused on his drink and won't hear what I'm saying."

"Keep dreaming, girl."


When I got home, I was kinda nervous to tell him the news, but I knew I had to.

"Hey honey, you're home." Tom said hugging me.

"Careful, don't want milkshake all over you." I said laughing, but not really happy.

"What's wrong? You seem kinda off."

"You maybe wanna sit down for a moment, it's kinda shocking."

"Oh, okay..."

"I don't know if you're gonna like what I'm going to tell you, but-"

"You're not pregnant, are you?"

"No, that's not what I'm trying to say. I got a job offer as a star on the upcoming Falcon and The Winter Soldier series from Marvel."

"Really!? Wow, that's great, why wouldn't I like that?"

"Because I'm going to play Bucky's love interest..."

Don't worry, darling (TomHollandxReader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora