Chapter 15: Restraining Order

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It has been a week and Court is coming home from her trip to New York. Nothing really happened, well, maybe something happened. As in making out from time to time, nothing special, right? The cast around my foot still has to stay for another week, but I can walk on it again, so that's great. Tom still wants to do everything for me, but I tell him if he does that, he's dead.

"Y/n, are you hungry?" I hear from the kitchen.

"Thomas Stanley Holland, for the last time: I just ate! And for the record, I can make food on my own." I shouted back.

But of course, he already came with a sandwich in his hand, handing it to me.

"You sure you don't need anything? You look pretty tired."

"I'm not tired, but I'll take the sandwich because the smell is too damn delicious."

The doorbell rings, Courtney is home.

"I'll get it!" We both say at the same time.

I end up opening the door, because it's my friend.

"Courtney, you're back! How was NYC, tell me everything." I said, giving her a hug.

"Oh, it was absolutely amazing! The shops, the food, the skyline, everything was so great." She said, but then her face changed from happy to... guilty? "Y/n, I have to talk to you about something."

"Oh, come inside. Tom's in the living room, probably eating my sandwich." We walked to the living room, and Tom was indeed eating the sandwich.

"Sorry, I just got very hungry." he says.

"Oh, it's okay babe, wasn't that hungry. So, what do you want to talk about, Court?"

"As in private... It's kinda personal." she says, so we go to my room.

"Okay, you're kinda making me worry. What's wrong?" I said.

"Well, I'm glad you're happy with Tom, that makes this a lot easier. Y/n, when I went to New York, I stumbled upon Liam. He recognised me and said that he wouldn't rest until you were his again." she said looking at the ground.

"What!? Just when I think it's the last time I have to face him, he pulls these kind of tricks. I'm going to court to get a restraining order, it's the only way to make sure he doesn't come to find me."

We both walked downstairs, and after I explained the situation to Tom, we made an appointment so we could get that restraining order.


Today we are going to court so I finally won't have to worry about my psychopathic ex. I was kinda nervous, but both Tom and Courtney were going to testify on my benefit, so it would be alright.

"If everyone will stand up, the lawsuit can begin. Miss Jones, why have you requested a restraining order for Mister Connor?" A jugde asked me.

"Because of our history, your honour. He was abusive and the reason of my currently broken foot." I answered.

"Mister Connor, do you have anything to say why you shouldn't get a restraining order?"

"Y/n is my girlfriend and I love her so much. I see no reason why I should get an order, I did nothing bad to her, as in ever." Never been a good liar, Liam.

"Doctor Rebecca Lawson, I heard you wanted to testify on Miss Jones' behave. Is that correct?"

"Yes, it is, your honour." Becky, the nurse from the hospital, said.

"Do you swear to tell the truth, and the truth only?"

"Yes, I do. If you look at these xrays, you can see that her bones have been broken multiple times. Those bone fractures are not because she fell of the stairs or any other accident, they show she has been abused and hit, with stones and objects you would find in a kitchen, like a frying pan or even a kitchen knife."

"And who made that conclusion, Miss Lawson?" the judge asked, even I didn't know that.

"Doctor Temperance Brennan, an antropologist who works for the FBI. She's a close friend of mine." I owe that Brennan woman big time.

"Thank you, Miss Lawson, you may be seated."

Liam didn't have anyone to testify on his behave, so the jury was going to vote. I was pacing in the hall, when Becky came to me with another woman.

"Y/n, this is Dr Brennan, the woman who concluded your bone fractures were because of an abusive environment." Becky said.

"Well, I can't thank you enough. Wait, I know you. Aren't you the woman who solves murders, with that Booth guy or something?" I said, shaking her hand.

"Yes, Booth and I solve murders, even though that is not really my job. I see you have been watching the tv show." Dr Brennan answered.

"Y/n, the jury is back with a final answer. They want us all back in the courtroom." Tom said.

We all walked back and the jury gave the judge an envelope, with their final answer.

"The jury has decided that the restraining order against Mister Connor is... justified." the judge answered, but apparently there was more, "The jury also has decided that Mister Connor is being sent to prison for 2 years, for committing the crime of abusive behaviour in a relationship. The case is closed, congratulations."

Well, that went smooth... maybe a bit too smooth. Something should've gone wrong, it's my life, just saying. As soon as we stepped out of the building, we got bombed with questions from all these reporters.

"Is it true you got a restraining order for your ex boyfriend?"

"Are you and Tom Holland dating?"

"What happened with your foot?"

"How is the song writing going nowadays?" Reporters from everywhere shouted at me.

"Uhm, I have no idea how you knew I was here, but I'm willingly to make time for scheduled interviews. So please, make an appointment and step out of the way, so I can get into my car, thank you." I said irritated.

I so wasn't going to deal with this today. If they're good journalists, they'll find the contact info soon enough.

"That... was amazing. You really got all those reporters to just step aside, how do you do that?" Tom asked when I started to drive.

"Make them realise who's in charge of my life, me. I'm very happy we got that restraining order, but the only thing I can think of now is looking for an agent or something, so I don't get a million phone calls. Thank you very much, stupid reporters."

"You'll find someone, I know you will. But now, we are going out for dinner, celebrate our victory and have a nice evening." Tom said.

"You're so efficient, couldn't wish for a better boyfriend. Where do you wanna go?"

"Oh, I think I know a place."

A/N: Okay, for the people who recognised a name: Yes, I was talking about Dr Brennan from the tv series Bones. It's on Disney+, and it's about this very non social skilled woman who is an antropologist (she can get information by watching bones). It's funny, go check it out. It's a little tip. Also, I need a kind of favor: I'm writing this story called 'Queen of Ice and Stone'. It's about a princess who rather fights than wear a dress, that kind of type. And I need a love interest, it can be everyone except Natasha, because that would be weird. I know, very vague, but you'll understand when you read it. So please, give me ideas

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