Chapter 36: Shock

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Tom's Pov:
I was hanging out with Harrison while Y/n was filming, when I got a phone call. As I looked at the caller ID, I saw it was Y/n, so of course I picked up.

"Hey Y/n, how are you?" I asked, expecting to hear her voice.

"Sorry, Anthony Mackie here. This may seem really weird, but Y/n is having a panic attack after finding out quite shocking news." I heard Anthony say.

"Shit, is she still okay? What happened?"

"I think it's the best if she tells you that herself, and given the current circumstances she's fine but mostly in shock."

"Okay, uhm, yeah I'm coming, I'll be there in fifteen minutes." I said, hanging up, "Sorry Haz, but Y/n kinda needs me right now. She found out pretty shocking news."

"Yeah, I understand, you should go. But if you got her pregnant, it's all on you." Harrison said.

"She's not pregnant... I hope for now. I'm going now, I guess you can stay here if you want."

"Yeah yeah, I know, just go and save your girlfriend, you div."

I got the car keys and speeded over to the studios. After finding the right dressing room, I saw Y/n shaking while Sebastian hold her.

"Dear god, what happened?" I asked, worried about who or what caused this.

"Read those two cards... on the table." Y/n said in a shaking voice.

I picked up both cards, and started reading them.

Dear Y/n,
I hope you're doing a great job
filming the new series.
I'm sorry I can't be there with you,
but I will do everything I can
to see you again.
~ Love, your dad

The first card said. Wait, this is what she told me about, her dad was trying to reach out to her. As I read the second one, my jaw dropped on the floor.

Hey Y/n,
I hope you liked the roses, I wasn't
sure what your favorites were.
Sorry I have to do it this way, but
for now it's the only way to contact you.

It was like I completed a puzzle, all the pieces fell together.

"Holy shit, is this true?" I asked, still in shock.

"Well, unless it's all a big joke from someone to get under my skin, it appears to be true." Y/n said, calmed down a bit but still looking like she saw a ghost.

"Wow, that is indeed quite a shock." I said, pulling her into a hug.

"If you don't want to continue the show, that's pretty understandable." Anthony said.

"No, I'm going to continue filming. Just because it feels someone came back from the dead, doesn't give me a reason to quit." Y/n said.

Your Pov:
I wasn't going to quit because my dad decided to show up.

"Now, let's get back to filming, the scenes won't play themselve." I said, wiping away the tears.

Don't worry, darling (TomHollandxReader)Where stories live. Discover now