Chapter 6: Paparazzi

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Your Pov:
When I woke up, I felt a little disorientated. I looked up, realising I was not only sleeping on a couch, but also in Tom's arms.

"Morning, sleepy head." he said with a smile. I quickly got up, while apologizing. "Shit, I'm so sorry. Wait, how did we end up like that, I thought I had fallen asleep in the couch on the other end."

"You had a nightmare, thought you could use some safety. Sorry if I overstept, though. I don't want to come off as a pervert."

"No, no it's okay, thank you. Now, to repay you, I'll make breakfast for you. That's the least I can do." I said as I walked to the kitchen. I ended up making bacon and scrambled eggs, since that's just the thing a true Londoner has in his fridge.

"Wow, this is the best breakfast I've ever had. How did you make it?" Tom asked.

"Family secret, gives it just a bit more taste. Want tea?"

"Well of course. You can't have breakfast without tea." he answered. We talked about all sorts of random things, but after an hour it was really time for me to go home.

"I'll bring you, so you don't have to walk." He said. We walked towards the door, but as soon as he opened it, I was blinded by the flashing lights of cameras and I covered my eyes with my hands. It took me more effort to breathe, and I placed a hand to the wall to support myself.

"Are you okay? Wait, come with me." Tom said, shutting the door and leading me to the couch. "Do you need something? Can I do something to help?"

"My m-medication... front of... bag." I said between taking breaks to breathe, pointing to my bag I had taken with me.

"Here you go. Need something else?" he said, while handing me the jar with the stress relieving pills my doctor gave me once.

"No, I'm good. I'm so sorry, I just freaked out. The lights, the people, the flood of questions. I-"

"No, no, don't worry, darling. You can't help it, I completely understand. Hey, look at me. It is not your fault, okay? Now come here, I'm gonna hug you now." Tom said, cutting me of and giving me a hug. "I will tell them to go away, you stay here."


After a few minutes, he came back saying the coast was all clear. We drove home, and I stepped out of the car.

"Thank you, it was fun to hang out. We make good friends." I said before I closed my door. As soon as I stepped into the living room, Courtney came storming towards me.

"Y/n, you're back! Sit down and tell me everything! Leave no details- Did you guys already kiss?"

"Courtney! I told you, we went out as friends, nothing else. We just went to this karaoke bar, where I sang a song and knocked out some guys who were touching me, the look on Tom's face was priceless."

"I told you those self defencse classes would help someday." she said, while punching my shoulder softly.

"Yeah, you were right. The reason why I had to take them wasn't as fun, but I managed." I said, but I changed the subject. "Okay, to continue. When we went outside to go back home, there was all this paparazzi so we had to go to his house, otherwise they would've been here. We watched a few episodes of a series and we fell asleep. So-"

"Wait, you fell asleep?! As on top of each other or more like with your head on his shoulder kinda thing?" Courtney interrupted me.

"As in on the other end of the couch. Don't get any ideas in your head, Cooper." I left out the nightmare and the panic attack, I wasn't really in the mood for her to turn it an obsession.

"Oh by the way, did you know he's giving a live interview tonight? Maybe he'll mention youuu."

"One more word about it and I swear I will throw you in the river. For the last time, nothing's going on between us, we're just friends."

"Yeah, we'll see about that." Court ended with a smirk, leaving to the kitchen to make dinner.

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