Chapter 7: The Interview

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"Come on, Y/n, it's almost starting!" Courtney yelled from the living room.

"She said for the last hour. If you're so into him, why don't you ask him to marry you." I teased her.

"And steal your one shot at true love? Nah uh, not after-"

"Don't say his name, he's not worth mentioning. Now, turn on the TV and enjoy your nachos."

Courtney turned on the right channel and we saw Tom entering the interview on the Jimmy Fallon Late Night Show.

Tom's Pov:
"Thank you so much for coming, Tom." Jimmy Fallon said.

"No, it's amazing to be here, so thank you."

"Oh how sweet. Now, let's cut to the actual questions. Very recent photo's have showed us you were at a karaoke bar with this girl. What can you tell us about her?"

"You already know? Oh, well, I'm not going to say her name for privacy reasons, obviously. But yeah, we were there, to hang out as friends." I answered.

"So you aren't in a relationship then? Because according to other pictures and sources, the same girl was spotted at your house."

"Yeah, because of the paparazzi. We didn't want them to follow her to her house to bother her, so she stayed at my place for the night. Can we please just move on to the next question?" I begged.

"Almost, Tom. So when did you two met?"

"We met in the grocery store, after I bumped into her and knocked her over. But again, just friends, really. I do have to say that she's an amazing singer, even though she doesn't always gives herself the credit she deserves."

Your Pov:
We were watching, when my phone rang. "Sorry, I have to take this, excuse me." I said, when walking away for some more privacy.

"Hello, this is Y/n Jones. Who is calling?"

"Hi, it's Andrea Wilson, we spoke the other night in the bar?"

"Oh, hi Ms Wilson. Why are you calling if I may ask?"

"Please, call me Andrea. I'm calling because there was a video taken of you the other night when you were singing. It has gone viral, people love you!"

"Wait, are you serious? What do they say?" I asked, very shocked.

"The title is: Demi Lovato's Heart Attack is reinvented in the karaoke bar - Amazing girl kills the song. Really, look it up."

I looked it up and indeed, it already had 50.000 views in 24 hours. "Oh my god, this is amazing!"

"And have you looked at the comments? 'Never heard anything better' 'She's amazing!' 'We need more from this girl' 'Who is this mystery girl?'

"Holy cow! Andrea, this is great, what do we do now?"

"Record it of course! Do you have any song written by you, because the audience wants more."

"I have a few, I'll pick the best one and bring it to see if it's good."

"Great, meet me at *insert random address* at Saturday, be there at 1 pm sharp."

"Got it, bye now." I said, ending the call. Like she knew it, Courtney ran into the kitchen, where I was standing.

"You have to come back now! They're still talking about you, girl, you are becoming famous."

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