Chapter 32: First day

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"Tom, you don't have to drive me to set, you know that." I said, sitting in the passenger seat of the car.

"I know, but that doesn't mean I can't wish my girlfriend good luck on her first day of shooting." Tom said.

"Are you sure it isn't about the fact that I'm playing-"

"Nope, it's not about that. Besides, I had to be near by anyways."

"If you say so."

We got at the set and I said goodbye to Tom. Walking to where we were filming, I saw Anthony Mackie coming my way.

"Y/n Jones, nice to finally meet you in person. Anthony Mackie, at your service." He said, bowing down.

"Well, the pleasure is mine." I said, having trouble controlling my laughing.

"Y/n, you're here! Finally some decent company." Sebastian said, coming out of nowhere.

"Who, me? Decent? I think you have the wrong Y/n, because I'm super annoying, probably even more than Mackie over here."

"That is not possible, I'm the most annoying figure walking through these halls." Anthony said, defending his title as most annoying person.

"Of course, how could I forget. Well, come on to the set, where magic is created." Sebastian said, grabbing my arm.

"Disney obsessed as always. Bye Cinderella, I'm being captured by Elsa the snow queen." I said, laughing.

"You saw the interview! Proud of it!" Mackie yelled back.

"So here is your make up team and dressing room, you'll get the script in a few minutes and I'll see you then, bye." Sebastian said, dropping me off at my room.

Inside I saw the script already lying down on the table, so I took a look at it.

"Holy shit, my character is a total badass. Let's see, she fights with Sharon Carter? Wow, I did not see that coming. Hold up, Zemo!? No way, he's a baron? How did we forget about that, damn, this gets better and better. But who the hell is John Walker and why do I have the feeling that I don't like him?" I said, looking through my lines.

Then I got a call from Tom, so of course I answered it.

"Hi Tom, why did you call?" I asked.

"Just curious how you've been doing. Did you get your script?"

"Yep, the character is so amazing, But the plottwists, wow."

"What happens? What plottwists are we talking about here?"

"Not telling you because you're gonna spoil it. And you know you will, so I'm not telling you anything. You just have to wait until the trailer comes out, which it will in one week."

"Awe, come on. One thing, just one."

"No, Thomas, I'm not saying anything. I promise you get to come with me to the premier, but other than that you know absolutely nothing."

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