Chapter 1: The grocery store

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"Courtney, I'm going to the grocery store for food, do you need some?" I yelled to my new roommate and best friend, Courtney Cooper.

"If you can bring me some cookies, that would be amazing." I heard her yell from upstairs.

I grabbed the car keys, my phone, wallet and bag and went outside. I drove to the store, and walked in. After a while I had everything I needed, but I remembered that I needed to bring cookies. As I walked into the aisle, I got knocked over by someone who wasn't paying attention.

"God, look where you're going." I said, grabbing my head.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" A masculine voice said.

"Well, could be better, thank you very much." I said, while looking up.

And then I saw who was responsible for knocking me over. The one and only Tom Holland. I don't care about status or anything like that, if someone is annoying, it doesn't matter whether they're famous or not.

"Well, again, sorry for that. Wait, let me help you get up." He said, while he reached out his hand to help me up.

I took his hand, but as soon as I was standing on my feet again, I pulled my hand back. But of course, for a moment, we looked into each other's eyes.

"Well, thank you for helping me up, but I have to go." I said.

"Can I atleast know your name?" He said.

"It's Y/n Jones, why do you need to know?" I said, kinda confused why he needed my name.

I have anxiety and have to deal with panic attacks, so consider it normal.

"So I know which name I have to give the number that isn't in my phone." He said with a smirk on his face.

"Uh-uhm, what?!" I said, creating a high pitch sound instead of a normal voice.

"Look, I want to make it up to you, because I knocked you over. So if you give me your number, maybe we can hang out sometime."

"Oh, uhm, yeah, okay, wait a second." I said, going through my bag, giving him a contact card, "Here you go."

"Wow, that's... a cool way to give a number out."

"Yeah, I know, it's just... I'm trying to make it in the music industry, so I have to be able to give out my contact info to potential producers." I said, kinda embarrassed, because who gives his number to someone via a contact card. I wanted to facepalm myself.

"Cool. Well, I'll text you then, I guess." He said, before he went further.

"Okay, did you just give your number to Tom Holland, a international celebrity? You, a normal girl who suffers from anxiety. Well, life just loves surprises." I thought in my head on the way to the exit.

I drove back home, and when I arrived, I saw that Courtney had decided to finally get out of her bed.

"Wow, are you out of your bed before 2 pm? I'm impressed!" I said, with a smirk.

"I'm not the one who has been gone for 45 minutes! The store is a 10 minute drive, what took you so long?"

"I bumped into a guy, with a result of me ending on the floor. We had a little talk, exchanged numbers, stuff like that."

"Oehh, a guy you say. Come on, tell me his name!"

"Oh, I'd rather not." I said.

"Comee onn! Just tell me his first name then!" Courtney basically begged.

"Fine, it's Tom."

"As in Tom Hiddleston? Did you bump into Tom Hiddleston?!"

"No, you dumbass. It's Tom as in... Tom Holland." I said, instantly regretting saying that.

"Hold up, wait a minute. Are you telling me, that you, a basic average girl, exchanged numbers with fricking Tom Holland? I don't believe it! Why is the interesting stuff always happening to you?" Court said in a 'it's not fair' tone.

I threw my hands in the air, like I was attacked.

"I don't know about you, but in my eyes is dealing with depression, ptsd, anxiety, trust issues and many more mental illnesses far from interesting. And to be clear, it was kinda annoying. I know he's famous and all, but still, he knocked me over. It still hurts." I said, trying to defend myself.

I put the bag with groceries down, and went to my room when I realised something.

"Oh and maybe I forgot the cookies you asked for. Sorry, Court!" I yelled to her from upstairs.

"Y/N! You know what, doesn't matter. In a few years you will buy me your own brand of cookies because you are Tom Holland's wife!" she yelled at me back.

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