Chapter 34: Realisation

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After filming the scenes for the day, I went back to my dressing room, where I couldn't keep staring at the flowers and the card. Who could've sent them? Was this a prank or real? And most importantly, how did they know I was here? All these questions in my head drove me insane, so I dropped my head in my hands while sitting on the couch. I didn't know how long I had been wondering, but surely for a long time, because I heard someone knock on the door.

"Y/n, are you okay in there? We haven't heard from you in a while, just checking." I heard Sebastian say on the other side.

"Oh, uhm, yeah, I'm fine." I said, not really finding the correct answer.

"You don't really sound okay. Are you sure there's nothing going on?"

"I- uhm, just come in, it will make sense."

Sebastian came in, and noticed the flowers.

"Pretty flowers, who sent them?"

"M-my dad." I stammered.

"Wait, your dad? Didn't he leave after you were born?"

"Divorced my awful mother and couldn't get custody over me, yes that dad. Do you understand my frustration now?"

"I sure do, girl. Maybe you should go home, process it a little, get some rest. And talk about with Tom, I don't think you want to make him worry over you."

"Oh, you really are the best. Thanks, and yes, I should get going after getting out of this suit."

"I'll leave you now, and know you can always talk about it."

"I will remember it, thank you."

Sebastian left and I got out of my filming outfit. Go home and try to relax, that is what I'm going to do.


When I got home I saw Tom sitting on the couch, he got up when he heard me.

"Hey darling, how was the first day of filming?" he asked, wrapping his arms around me.

"It was alright, thank you for asking." I said, not really sounding excited.

"What's wrong? You sound like it was terrible."

"No, it was amazing, it's just that... that my dad sent me a bouquet of roses. Little side note: I've never seen him since he divorced my mom when I was a baby."

"But if he wasn't allowed to have custody or even contact, how did he know that you were filming the series?"

"That is the point, he couldn't have known. The only ones who know are you and the other people who work for Marvel, no one else does."

"Wow, that is really creepy." Tom said, running his hands through my hair, "Unless..."

"Unless what? Tom, this is kind of scaring me, so please tell me what you're thinking." I said, looking him in the eyes.

"I know it's a long shot and totally absurd, but what if someone from the Marvel cast or crew is your dad?"

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