Chapter 49: Party

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When we pulled up at the driveway after Tom got released from the hospital, I could already hear people inside having a good time.

"And there she is, our very own Lady Downey!" Mackie said when we walked in.

"No, Lady Downey is my wife, Y/n is Ms Downey for you," Dad said, handing me a glass of champagne.

"I have to say, you all really outdid yourself. I never imagined having so many people over for my birthday, let alone some of the most famous people, who are now my friends," I said, looking around the room.

"Happy 25th birthday, girl! So, how was the past year?" Scarlet asked.

"Well, let's just say that I went to the store for groceries one day and I came back with the start of my life as we know it today."

"My god, we've been together for a year already? Times flies when you're having fun, doesn't it?" Tom said, placing one hand on my waist.

"It sure does, I can't believe this was only a year, it feels like a lifetime."

"Aww, look at you two all being cute, stop it. Seriously, stop it, you can have fun in your own time," Dad said, making everyone laugh, "Oh, and now, my toast for your birthday.

Y/n, the most stupid thing I've ever done in my life is not fighting harder for that damn custody over you. You had to life in a daily nightmare because I wasn't there, and I'll never be able to forgive myself and missing your entire childhood. But, now is not the time to shed your tears, it's the time to look back the moments we did have. I have to say, it wasn't very subtle of me with that whole flower debacle and maybe I shouldn't have acted like it was nothing- god, I make way too many mistakes, but I'm human. Sweetheart, you turned out to be a beautiful, talented- I mean, have you heard or seen her- woman, and I'm so proud I can call you my daughter. So, happy birthday and let's hope that I'll be around to see the next twenty-five years of your life. To Y/n."

"To Y/n," Everyone said in unison, raising their glasses.

"Aww, look at you all being a good father figure, stop it," I said, mocking what he said earlier.

"Yeah, no doubt, you two are the same person. I mean, like, it's obvious that you two are related, the sarcasm in this room is way too much," Anthony said, making me shake my head.

The rest of the night went by smooth, that was until Tom decided to throw some drama into the mix. I was introduced to Tom Hiddleston, who had gladly accepted the invitation dad had given him.

"Thomas William Hiddleston, at your service," He said, shaking my hand.

"Y/n Downey, nice to meet you. So tell me, do you always introduce yourself to people with your entire name?"

"No, not really, actually. I think it's the champagne and the beer talking, I usually have a cup of tea so my system is just messed up now."

"I forgot that you're British for a moment, that was until you mentioned the tea."

"Yeah, like I said, alcohol messes with your head. So tell me, how does it feel being a part of the MCU?"

"Well, I don't know about you, but it was absolutely amazing. I think it just opened up a completely view of the world, for me at least. It was so wonderful to just, you know, inspire people, let them know they can achieve their dreams."

"Well, I for one loved you in your part. Really, you did an amazing job, darling."

"Yeah, that's just how she is. But remember, Y/n is my fiancée, so keep it together," Tom, my Tom, said, walking up next to me.

"I'm sorry, did we skip a chapter or something? I don't remember hearing about updating my status to being your fiancée!?" I said, everyone was looking shocked at us at this point, just as I was.

"Shit, I'm starting to believe we are in a story, since I just spoiled my own propasal- There, I did it again, can someone please stick some ducttape over my mouth?"

"You just spoiled what!? Tom, this isn't something you should be joking about, stop it."

"Well, I guess I am doing this now, god I'm nervous, okay, here we go. My dearest Y/n, I know this may seem a little soon since we've only known each other for such a short amount of time, but the car accident made me realize that there's only so many time left. I don't want our story to end just yet, because it doesn't feel like we've only met six months ago. It feels like I've known you all my life, I've felt like that from day one. We don't have to marry anytime soon, just promise me we're in this together, forever. Okay, so now the real question: Y/n M/n Downey, will you do the honors of becoming my wife, will you marry me?"

Don't worry, darling (TomHollandxReader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora