Chapter 42: Meet the Hollands

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All the interviews had been done and it's been a quiet, peaceful week. Well, that was until Tom got nervous over actually nothing.

"Uhm Y/n, can I ask you something?" He asked one morning.

"Sure, what's up?" I said, putting my book down.


"I'm sorry, I didn't get any of that. Calm down and ask me the same question, but now slower."

"Do you want to have dinner with my parents?"

"Oh, that sounds nice, yes. Was that the reason you got nervous and started talking, like, really fast?"

"Yeah, that's why. I was just kind of nervous because you have a troubled past with parents."

"Hey that's not- You know, you're right, I do have a troubled past with parents. But yes, we'll dinner with your parents."

"You're not scared anything bad is gonna happen?"

"There's nothing worse than my parents, mother to be precise. I think I can manage yours, I'll be fine."

"Great, I'll text my mom. Do you have any allergies, by any chance?"

"I don't think so, I can pretty much eat anything."

"Good to know, now my brothers can't poison you with anything."

"What makes you think they'd poison me?"

"They're my brothers, you never know."

"Should I be worried?"

"No, you're good. Although, Paddy is a fan of you, so he might faint when he sees you."

"Oh great, now you got me worrying about the fact I make your brother faint."


A few hours later in the evening, we went over to the Holland family house, where I met Tom's parents.

"Finally we get to see the girl my son's so crazy about, nice to meet you," Nikki, Tom's mother, said.

"Mom, stop, you're embarrassing me," Tom said, getting red.

"It's her job to embarrass you, she's your mother. Hi Y/n, I'm Dominic, Tom's father," Dominic said, shaking my hand.

"It's nice to meet you too, thank you for having me," I said smiling.

"Are you kidding me? All my four sons would kill me if I didn't, they all love you," Nikka said, basically leading me to the living room.

"Oh. My. God! It's Y/n Jones, I'm gonna die, I will literally die!" Tom's youngest brother, Paddy, said, waving his hands in the way Tom said Omgitsrobertdowneyjr

"I hope not, I rather not be the reason you end up buried six feet underground," I said jokingly.

"Can you, if you want to, sign this photograph?"

"How can I say no to that, of course I will."

After signing his photograph, I gave him a hug, which I think almost killed him.

"Since when am I fully ignored here? I'm your brother for god's sake!" Tom said.

"Aw, does someone feel left out? Come here, you big baby," I said, kissing him on the cheek, which ended up with Paddy making fake puke noises.

"Gross, get a room! Harry, Sam, Y/n's here so get your ass down!" Paddy said, shouting up the stairs.

"Hi, Harry Holland here. One question: hwo much did he pay you to be his girlfriend?" Harry asked, while Sam continued.

"Because there's no way in the world that our brother ended up dating you, you're out of his league."

"You two have five seconds before I kill you, better start running," Tom said.

"No, spare them, they have a good sense of humor," I said, walking over to their side.

"My own girlfriend joins the enemies side, I feel betrayed."

Like it was we all thought the same thing, because at the exact same time, Harry, Sam, Paddy and me crossed our arms and shrugged.

"When did you two have the time to teach Y/n twin telepathy? This is just scary, stop it," Tom said and oh, we enjoyed it.

"What are you gonna do about it? Put on a black wig, grab an umbrella, start dancing in the rain while lipsyncing to Rihanna?" Harry asked, which made us lose focus and start laughing.

Don't worry, everyone eventually joined us.

Don't worry, darling (TomHollandxReader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat