Chapter 5: Spending the night

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When we arrived at Tom's house, the first thing I saw that it was suprisingly small. Still, it was way bigger than my place, but not that much.

"Wow, I had expected that you would be living in a villa or something, giving the fact that you're famous. Don't get me wrong, it's an amazing house, but-"

"Yeah, I know. It isn't very big, but it reminds me of my childhood home. Shall we go in, kinda cold out here." He said, cutting me off.

"Good idea, I didn't put freezing to an early death on my bucketlist." I said, while we went inside.


Tom jumped on the couch from behind, which was funny to see. I sat down the normal way next to him, but leaving some space between us.

"Do you maybe wanna watch a movie, it isn't that late." Tom suggested.

"Uh, yeah sure. Sounds fun." I said. "As long as it isn't a horror movie, if that's okay?"

"Of course, I don't like those either. But no cry movies, I can't even watch Bambi without crying."

I slowly turned my head to him, not believing what I just heard.

"Are you serious? You can't even watch a kids movie without crying? Look, I understand if you cry during Avengers: Endgame, but Bambi?"

"It's really sad when his mother died, okay? You know what, we are watching a horror series, with murders, serial killers and teen detectives."

"Do you mean Riverdale? That's not a horror, that's amazing. I watched that at least 5 times."

"No way, you've got to be kidding me. Wait, please tell me that you ship Bughead, otherwise this relationship will never work." he said. Did he just say relationship? What the heck?

"First, of course I ship them, Barchie is disgusting, but second: did you just say relationship?" I said, imagining question marks above my head.

"Oh, I must have mispoken. Of course I ment relation- friendship, not relationship. Totally friendship, right?" he stammered.

"Yeah, totally. Just turn on the TV, so we can watch?" I said, also still processing the conversation.

"Yeah, let's do that."

We watched the show for a few episodes, but after a few, I felt very tired. I rested my head to the cushions on the couch, and before I knew it, I was thrifting away in a deep slumber.

Tom's Pov:
After a few episodes, I started to notice that Y/n did say anything. I looked over, and saw she had fallen asleep in the couch. And of course the train wreck that I am, started to panic a little. Should I move her or just let her sleep here? Did she need a blanket? Should I lay down next to her and pull her close or leave her alone? Was she comfortable? It was exhausting.

When I was done having my little panic attack, I saw she was turning and mumbling something I couldn't understand. I think she was having a nightmare, because the words "No" and "Don't" came back a lot. My instincts took over, because the next thing I knew is that I was sitting on the couch, with Y/n's head on my chest and with my hands going through her hair to calm her down. It did work, after a few minutes she had calmed down. So I fell asleep, with a girl in my arms who I had met two days ago, but it felt good. If you would ask me, I would give my life for her.

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