Chapter 9: Liam

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When the interview was over, I headed to the recording studio. Everyone was so nice and we recorded the song, but after that I just went home. I was tired of the day, and just wanted to lay down. As soon as I opened the door, the smell of freshly baked cookies came in my nose.

"Wow, it smells great in here. Have you been baking again?" I asked Courtney when I stepped into the living room.

"Yeah, I had to do something while you were gone. Oh and the interview was amazing." she said, coming with a tray of cookies, "Do you want one?"

"I can't say no to that."

I have to say, the cookies were delicious. We ate them watching something on TV, when the doorbell rang.

"Did you invite someone over?" I asked her, because I didn't.

"No, but I will go and look who it is." she walked to the door, and probably someone was there for me, "Oh yeah, she's in the living room, come in."

At first I couldn't see who it was, because the person was holding a bouquet of peonies. Strangely enough, those are my favorite flowers.

"Hi Y/n, I thought I would bring you these. You did an amazing job on the radio." The person said.

And I recognised the voice, it was Tom's.

"Aww, thank you, that's so sweet. Okay, let me take these, before they dry out." I said, taking over the flowers and putting them in a vase with water.

Courtney's Pov:
I don't see how they don't see it, but they're obviously in love with each other. Maybe it's because I write my own stories, which makes me good at picking up and reading signs. Right now, they are giggling and blushing. How obvious do they want it to be? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think Tom likes Y/n, but he doesn't know if she likes him back and Y/n likes Tom, but has trust issues since her last relationship didn't end well.

"Y/n, don't you have to go running? You have this whole schedule, you have to follow it."

"Yeah, that's right. Sorry, I have to go, it was nice talking to you." she says, grabbing her phone and earphones, and walks out the door.

Now it's just me and Tom, and he makes it way to obvious that he likes her. I mean, no one stares that long at a door someone just left through.

"Okay, cut the crap. You like Y/n, it's obvious, just ask her out already." I said.

"What, n-no, I don't like Y/n. Where did you get that idea from?" he said, stuttering and blushing the crush away.

"Dude, everyone can see it."

"I don't even know if she likes me back."

"I knew it! And she does, she doesn't want to admit it, but the girl has a crush. She just doesn't want to mess it up, her past relationship was kinda very toxic. Now, run after her, she's heading to the park."

"Okay, I guess I can do that. Thank you though, you're a good friend."

"Yeah yeah, I know. I'm an amazing match maker, now go."

Your Pov:
I was running through the park, when I saw someone I didn't want to see. I quickly turned around, praying he didn't notice me.

"Hey babe, how are you doing? Haven't seen you in a long time." Too late, he saw me.

I turned around again with a straight face. I didn't really want to talk to him, but it was the responsible thing to do.

"Liam, we are not together anymore. I ended it, like a bunch of times. Just accept that we're over and move on, it's pathetic."

"Oh baby, you don't really mean that, I know you still love me." He said, walking towards me.

"No, I don't. You are a liar, a cheater and abusive. Now leave me the hell alone!"

Suddenly I felt an arm wrapping itself around me, but it wasn't Liam's. I looked to the side, and saw that it was Tom.

"Is he bothering you, darling?" He said, with a look in his eyes that seemed to say "Just trust me, okay?".

"No, he was just leaving, don't worry about me. Hey, can we go now, it's getting late." I said.

"Really, Y/n? I knew you were a sneaky bastard, but I didn't think you would cheat on me." Liam said, grabbing my wrist.

"Dude, leave her alone. She's with me now, so back off." Tom said, pulling me a bit closer, "Come on, we're going home."

And then we left, walking back home. I don't know why he would do something like that for me, but I'm glad he did. Jeez, why do I feel like I'm so safe with him?

A/N: Hi guys! You might have noticed that the story was doing a little weird. There was some technical issues going on, but as far as it seems it is all clear now. Hope you don't had to much trouble with it! Love you all, you're the best! And if I may say so, I ship Tom and Y/n, they're just too cute for this world.

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