Chapter 13: Fight

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It had been a week since that morning, and it was perfect. But you know how it goes, everytime something good happens, someone has to ruin it. The day started just like every day. I got up, ate my breakfast and went for a morning walk, the only thing different was that Tom was coming too. After that day with Liam, he said it was his job to keep me safe. I thought it was stupid, I can perfectly take care of myself, but he insisted. And of course, after 10 minutes I heard something I wish I didn't.

"Hey Y/n, come here. Why have you been ignoring me lately?"

"Because maybe, just maybe, I'm not your fricking girlfriend anymore!? So do us all a favor and go away, Liam." I said turning around.

I wanted to walk away so badly, but of course, Liam had other plans. He reached for my wrist, but someone stopped him.

"Dude, lay one finger on my girlfriend and you're dead." I heard Tom say, quickly grabbing my hand.

"Your girlfriend? Don't make me laugh, I bet you guys didn't even kiss yet. And besides, she's still my girlfriend."

"For the fucking last time, I'm not! I ended it, after you got all addicted and started fricking hitting me. Don't you remember, don't you remember all those night when you beat me up?" I said, tears started forming in my eyes.

"I never hit you! You are just making that up so people feel sorry for you." he said, this time reaching for my waist, "I will show you what I can do."

Because he's way taller than me, he lifted me up and brought me to his face. I started kicking ang hitting him, but it didn't make a difference.

"Put her down this instant! You have no right to do that to her." I heard Tom say, but it seemed so far away.

"Ugh, whatever, you're no fun at all either way." And with that, he tossed me on the ground and walked away.

The last thing I remember is hitting the ground and some vague screaming, but after that, everything went black.

Tom's Pov:
Oh no, he did not just did that! I walked over to Y/n, seeing she had passed out.

"Shit, Y/n, please wake up." I shaked her a bit, but she didn't respond.

And then I saw that her foot was in a weird angle. She had to get that checked out in the hospital.

"Hello, 911? Yes, I'm here in the London Natural Park. My girlfriend just got beat up by her toxic ex and is now lying unconscious on the ground." I said, calling an ambulance, "Yes, she has a pulse. One more thing, her foot is in a weird angle, do you think it could be broken?"

"There is a possibility, yes. Stay where you are, try not to move her, we'll be there in 5 minutes." the person on the other side of the line said.

I ended the call and made sure Y/n didn't move.

"Please, stay with me, darling. I can't lose you, I can't." I said, waiting until the ambulance came.

Your Pov:
I woke up in a bright white room. I recognised it, I had been here before. I was in the hospital, but how did I end up here. I looked to my side, and saw Tom with his head resting on the mattress, sleeping while holding my hand.

"Tom? Tom, wake up." I said, shaking my hand.

He immediately woke up, and hugged me when he saw I was awake.

"Oh thank god, I thought I had lost you."

"Why, what happened?"

"Uhm, Liam showed up in the park and..." He said, but he stopped.

"Oh no, not again. Seriously, why does he always have to ruin things?" I said, while getting up.

I felt a sharp pain in my right foot, and when I looked down I saw that it was in a cast.

"Did I break my foot?" I asked Tom, but he didn't answer me.

"Tom, tell me what happened. How and why did I break my foot?"

"He threw you to the ground. Your foot took all the damage, I'm sorry, I should've protected you better."

"Hold up, wait a minute. No, no no no, you are not going to blame yourself because you did or didn't do something. Look at me, you are not responsible for what he did. Understood?"

"Yes, but-" he said, before I cut him of, "No buts. Now, help me get some crutches so I can stand up and can properly hug you."

He handed me the crutches that were standing in the corner, and I got up. I'm pretty used to walking with them, it wasn't the first time I had to use them. On that moment a nurse came in the room, I recognised her.

"Hey Becky, how are you?"

"Y/n, what did he do this time? That foot was the only bone that has not been broken except for your skull and neck."

"He threw me on the ground in the park, foot took the damage."

Tom just looked shocked. I would be too, but I didn't have time for that.

"Can I go now? You know hospitals make me anxious on the long term."

I got released from the hospital in half an hour, and I was so glad I could go home. Tom was driving, so I just sat next to him.

"Are you sure you're okay? You look a little pale."

"Yeah, just tired. Wait, does Courtney already know?"

"Yeah, the doctors called her. She's your emergency contact, seems like you need that."

After we got back home, I wanted to get out of the car and just make my way to the door, but Tom had other plans.

"You are tired, if you fall you might break something else. I'm carrying you, end of discussion." He said, picking me up bridal style.

"Fine, if you insist." I said. I just let him do his thing, probably he still felt guilty.

When we got inside, Tom put me on the couch and Courtney came running to me.

"Oh my, your foot! You know what, I'm staying here with you." she said.

"Oh hell no, you already planned that whole vacantion for yourself. Just because I'm injured, doesn't mean that you should just throw all of your plans out of the window. You've always wanted to go back to New York, I'm not going to stop you. Now, go to the airport and step on that goddamn plane, thank you."

Don't worry, darling (TomHollandxReader)Where stories live. Discover now