Chapter 33: Filming

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Filming the first scenes was pretty amazing. Of course we all made many mistakes, ending up in hilarious bloopers, but it didn't matter.

"And cut! Anthony, please, focus." The director said.

"I'm sorry, it's just that Sebastian keeps making all these weird faces." Anthony said.

"Don't put the blame on me, I did nothing. Personally, I think it's Y/n who keeps messing up the scene." Sebastian countered.

"Wha- I'm not even in this scene. How does that make sense? You both are at therapy, not the airport! I come in at the airport for the first time, don't blame me." I said.

"Y/n is right, this is on you both. Now please, can we do that scene again?" The director said.


After them messing up the scene another three times, we were done by lunch. I grabbed something to eat from the buffet, and then went to sit in a chair to quietly enjoy my meal. Little did I know the boys needed to mess with me even after shooting.

"Y/N! We need your help over here!" I heard Anthony call.

I stepped into the cafeteria like room, but no one was there. Then, out of nowhere, Sebastian and Anthony scared the living daylights out of me, so I jumped up.

"Jezus christ, why did you need to do that!?" I half screamed at them.

"Sorry, we just had to scare you. You should've seen your reaction, it was priceless." Anthony said, currently rolling over the floor, laughing.

"Just wait until you're on the set after lunch, it'll get even worse." Sebastain said, having trouble controlling his laughing.

"Why me? I mean, come on, there has to be something else you guys can do." I said, already getting tired of it.

"Nah, we're good with doing just this."

"You two are big children, I swear. Well, I'm getting into character now and change, so just wait until I arrive on set." And with that, I walked back to my dressing room.

That is where I saw a bunch of white roses, standing in a vase.

"That's weird, those weren't here before." I said to myself, examinating the flowers.

It had a card attached to it, so I opened it. My first thoughts were that they were from Tom, but that wasn't the case.

Dear Y/n,
I hope you're doing a great job
filming the new series.
I'm sorry I can't be there with you,
but I will do everything I can
to see you again.
~ Love, your dad

My dad knew I was on this show? Since my parents split up when I was just a few months old, I never knew who my father was. I had the urge to break out in tears, but now wasn't the moment, I had a series to shoot. Not that I would've had much time for crying anyways, because my style and make-up team came in to prepare me for filming.

I was supposed to play Zemo's daughter, the character portrayed by Daniel Brühl, Cheryl Zemo. She's a twenty-two years old undercover agent who can be a flirt somtimes, and is supposed to help her father and his companions to find these people called the Flag Smashers.

"And done, your make-up is done and your outfit is on. Good luck with filming, Ms Jones." the make-up artist said.

As I walked on stage, I saw someone I didn't expect to be there. The one and only Chris Evans.

"Good luck guys, make me proud!" He said, and like we dicussed it, we all saluted.

"Camera. Set. Action." I heard the director say, the scene was about to start.

Don't worry, darling (TomHollandxReader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat