"You have more?!" I question, sitting up in excitement.

He glances at me for a moment, "Of course I do—I'm the one who made them."

"Can I have some?!" I say, pulling the blanket off my bottom half before shuffling towards him.

Levi silently pulls out another box, lifting the lid to reveal another box filled with the same weapon, "I already have some ready for you."

"That's really nice of you!" I express.

"Quiet; you're going to wake up the other squad leaders from their rest."

I pout, "Is it so wrong to be excited about something like this? Plus, I think everyone is still recovering from all the alcohol they drank last night. To be honest, we should be resting too—that's the whole point of this day."

"I could be doing something else." Levi retorts.

"Okay, fine. Let's do something then...but we're going to make sure it's relaxing." I say, putting the lids on the blades before grabbing his hand.

"Let's take our horses out for a ride in the fields! You know, where all the tulips and daffodils grow?" I smile.

"How is that supposed to be relaxing?"

"We'll be outside enjoying the sun while it's out. Plus, imagine how great the fields will smell with all those flowers! Maybe we could take a sketchbook and do some drawings together!"

"You should be resting; I don't need you shitting yourself in Shiganshina today." Levi turns the idea down.

"What makes you think that you don't need rest?"

He stays silent.

Checkmate, bitch.

I can hear you when you address those thoughts to me.

"I meant for you to hear that anyway." I say, turning away with a short laugh leaving my lips. Playfully, I turn around and give him a wave with my tongue sticking out.

Levi creases his eyebrows before swiftly walking past me to another drawer across the room. There is no need for rummaging since every storage place in this room is organized to perfection. He pulls out something out of view before returning to me, handing me a notebook.

"Oh my goodness, I thought I lost this..." I say in awe.

"I found it after you went on that suicide mission back when we were keeping that lizard boy in captivity; I just forgot to give it back to you."

Opening the book, I take my time flipping through the pages carefully. Every drawing brings back a specific moment in time, and for a minute, all my worries have vanished from the tranquility of these landscape sketches. Some of these were done from before I was recruited for the Survey Corps, and the last entry is an unfinished sketch of trees from atop of one of them--it was from the night I left Levi squad.

"Thank you, Levi." I softly remark.

He hums in response before returning to his blades. I spend a few more minutes reminiscing on the drawings before closing it and holding it up to my chest. Instead of focusing on the past, it's time to look forward to the future. Releasing a deep breath, I turn to face Levi with excitement.

"I'll get everything ready—you just have to get dressed and meet me outside in the courtyard in half an hour!" I smile before closing the door.

Half an hour later, Levi arrived at the courtyard on time. We ended up finding a tree with sufficient shade and set up our little picnic there, enjoying the sky and the clouds which slowly moved above. Every minute towards the Survey Corps' most important mission drew closer with a sense of dread, and soon enough, we both were anxious with the need to act upon our own worries. In other words, we ended up leaving not even two hours later to begin our own preparations for the expedition.

Longing to Be Known | Levi Ackerman x OCWhere stories live. Discover now