But ollivanders seemed even more happy and said " ofcoarse a wand won't be sufficient for a powerful one like you. Let's look at staves i have." percy was surprised there are staves so he asked " i thought wizards only use wands." ollivander replied " yes normally wizards use wands. But for who has more potential can only use a staff. Merlin was the last one to use a staff. Now staves sometimes have different cores and with different material. Now I have a special staff. it was made on suggestion of Royal Duke Duncan (Hephaestus). Here try it".

He handed percy a beautiful staff. It looks like  it was made of celestial bronze, with Stygian Iron at end tip and imperial at the head, it has silver lining as spiral.  it was same height as him even a little bit high but when percy touched it he felt perfectly balanced. It is giving him the same feeling his beloved riptide gave him. It felt like holding a trident. Ollivander took it from him and took a box with trident symbol from a cabinet. In the box there is a single hair. Percy knows it was his father's. Ollivander took the hair and tied it in middle of the staff, suddenly staff sucked it. Now staff became even more beautiful with waves engraved on it.

Ollivander handed it to him saying " A staff made of celestial bronze, imperial gold and little Stygian Iron and some hunter's silver with core of a cheif merman and thestral tail hair and Poseidon's hair. 75 inches most powerful one, truly unique." Percy held the staff in hand now it feels like it truly belongs to him. it's like finally being complete.

When percy registered the words of Ollivander hunter's silver was given to hunters by Artemis if his staff has it. it means Artemis indirectly given him this. Seeing Percy's expression ollivander explained " The staff  represents your great achievements celestial bronze represents your greek adventures, and imperial gold represents your achievements as a roman. While Stygian Iron represents your journey through pit, hunter's silver represents Royal Duchess Diana's (Artemis) acceptance for you. While staff itself is special. The cores are even more unique the merman hair cores are rare and a cheif was even rare. While your father's hair was for you to connect your magic completely. It is thestral hair that was the special one".

Percy didn't understand how a creatures hair was more special than god so he asked "what's so special about it " ollivander replied " Not many knows this but a thestral was made as symbol of unity between big three. Thestral was a type of winged horse which can only seen by people who have seen death. There is only one wand with thestral hair and that was made by death himself. with all of this combined you will be the most powerful wizard that ever walk on earth."

Now percy don't know how to feel.  He wasn't comfortable with being the most powerful demigod but now onwards most powerful wizard too. Then he suddenly said " wizards use wands, you're saying Merlin is the last one to use staff. If i use this staff now i would stick out. Can you do anything about it?" ollivander nodded took his wand out and chanted in greek now the staff turned into a beautiful wand. ollivander said  " if you want a staff all you have to do is summon, the wand will turn into staff. Now that would be 50 galleons". Percy paid and said goodbye to Garrick.

when he came out remus asked what took him soo long percy just shrugged. After that they went to Madam Malkins Robes for all Occasions. Madam Malkin greeted them and asked what they want. Percy said " I want to have Hogwarts robes, along with some common robes for simple occasions". Madam Malkin raised an eyebrow and asked " I didn't think i see you here before, which house are you in?" remus replied for him " he was home schooled. he is starting Hogwarts  this year." Madam Malkin nodded and asked him about his preferences for common robes. Percy asked his robes to be different shades of blue, grey and sea green.

After robes they  bought a trunk and went to Flourish and Blotts books store. Remus ordered all six years term books. When wandering and looking through some books one book caught his eye. The title reads ' Royal Wizards and their Magic '. He took the book he wants know what wizards know of them. He didn't know anything even what their names in wizarding world. He only knew 3 name they are his father's because he saw it in blood test, Artemis because her name was her roman name and the last one was he was guessing Hephaestus because he can only provide every  weapon materials. He came and added the book without Remus noticing. They paid for the books and came.

Remus said " For now you can use Hogwarts equipment for potions and astronomy. you can buy your own when you start your sixth year. Now you only need a pet, i suggest an Owl they used for many things. you can send letters, order anything you want through owls." Percy stopped to think he wasn't a big fan of owls at the same time they didn't like him either because of Athena. Here they have many uses, let's take a look since Athena tolerates him now they may tolerate him. So they went to Eeylops Owl Emporium.

When they entered into the shop, Percy closed his eyes and get ready for hoot sounds and attacks. When none came he was relieved and opened his thinking he can get an owl. They didn't try to attack him but they are glaring at as if to convey they didn't mind killing him either, but restraining themselves. when he want turn back to left, one big brown owl caught his eye. Unlike other owls it's not glaring at him. The owl was bigger than all the owls in the emporium. It's yellow eyes are starting at him with curiosity. He went and softly stroked the owls head she hooted softly. when he came to the counter with the big owl on his shoulder the shop owner looked relieved. Apparently many pure blood wizards try to buy it because of its size. But the owl attacked them. Shop owner said it was a female Blakiston's fish owl. Percy paid 60 galleons and asked to send her food to Hogwarts Owlery.

It was 7 pm when they bought all necessary supplies for him including some quills ink and parchments. Remus and Percy went to leaky cauldron said bye to Tom and used floo to go to Hogwarts.

When percy stepped out of the fireplace the first thing that caught his eye was the magnificent phoenix. It's black eyes held recognition on seeing him. Suddenly a voice breaks the staring competition between between him and phoenix " Haa looks like you met my familiar. This is Fawkes my friend. he is a phoenix. Hmm truly magnificent creatures"  said dumbledore. Percy just nodded.

Dumbledore said " I put your things in a room next to remus's. You both eat your dinner and go to bed. we will talk tomorrow morning". Percy nodded both he and remus ate in silence. Percy went to his room. he was so tired. It was a long day. He put trunk next to his luggage and fell on his bed. He entered into Morpheus realm the second he hit the soft bed.

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