Part 2 Chapter 24

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Rest easy Monica even though I hated your guts you will be missed.. I guess. I laughed to myself while listening to my family talk about Monica and her memories. It was fucking weird that she wasn't here anymore but I'm not sad at all. I know it makes me a shitty person but I'm ready to just do the funeral and move on with our lives. And I can't handle seeing Zara cry it's too much for me. I hate seeing her hurt. I got up from my spot on the couch and went into the kitchen because I was hungry.
"Hey boo" Terrence said hugging me from behind
I ain't even here him come in. Annoyed I looked up at him then pushed him away from me. He was laughing before he walked away.
"Hey dumb ass the hell you wants so where you been at?" I asked
I cocked my eyebrow at him as he shrugged. He looked me up and down before grabbing a bowl and a spoon. He went towards the pantry and grabbed the cereal. Still eyeing me as he sat down.
"I'm hungry... Can you pass me the milk boo?" Terrence smirked before opening the cereal up
"Here." I said rolling my eyes
"Soooo, How are you feeling?" Terrence asked
"I feel the same as I always feel. I'm fine and is it bad to say that I'm not sad.. or even care that much?" I whispered
Terrence tried to hold on his laugh but he started coughing to cover it up. He shook his head before he spoke.
"Stop you're gonna make me laugh! And I feel the same way I didn't know her much so I just was like damn that's tough" Terrence shrugged.
"Yup I mean poor Mariah though."
"Yeah true but look at it this finally got a daughter"
"Terrence!" I said shocked
We both started laughing but stopped once we felt like we were getting too loud. I wipe my eyes from the tears then continue putting some grapes in the bowl. I'm going to hell.
"I'm just saying it all worked out for you.. but Aye Alana can we talk about something later?"
I stopped what I was doing and looked him in his eyes. I could tell it was a lot on his mind.
"Yeah I can find you later on."
I sat down on the counter and ate my grapes. I looked Terrence over and realized this man is fucking forty.. i started laughing out loud and Terrence raised his eyebrow at me.
"What's so funny?" Terrence asked
"You're forty!!" I taunted
He dropped his spoon in his bowl and looked at me.. He laughed a little then shook his head. It's like he forgot he's that old now.
"Shut up and im a sexy ass forty year old man too."
I nodded my head but didn't say anything because it was true. This man was gorgeous and his age made him even sexier. Oh god! Am I really looking at him like that? Ewww nooooo! Terrence saw me looking at him then he smiled at me. I turned my head looking in the living room and saw that Chandler was there. Watching me...wait no not watching more like glaring..
I got off the counter as he walked into the kitchen. He picked me up kissed me then laid his head on my shoulders. I kissed his neck and whispered into his ears. Terrence looked at us out the corner of his eyes but kept on walking out the kitchen.
"I really really wanna fuck you right here..right now!" I said
Chandler laughed then licked my neck down to my shoulders. He started sucking on my shoulders then went back to my ears. He nibbled on them and squeezed my ass.
"You just had some horny ass. Maybe a little later" Chandler said. He was rubbing the inside of my thighs still sucking and kissing on my shoulders.
"What you and Terrence need to talk about later?"
"Mhmmm I knew you wanted to be nosey and see why we was talking about.. but I don't know baby he ain't say" i said grabbing his face and kissing him
Chandler pulled me closer to him and kissed me harder and biting my lips.
"He's being a little friendly to you.."
"Because he knows Ima kill him if he makes one more wrong move." I said
Chandler laughed then backed away from me. He felt a tug on his leg and it was Mariah looking up at him. My heart instantly broke for her because she never will have her mother. She has me her stepmom but it's not the same love. We won't have the same bond but I will love her and let her know that I'm here for her always.
"Can I sleep in the room with you tonight daddy?" Mariah asked
He looked from me and I nodded before answering.
"Sure baby you can sleep in the room with us. I'll just have to make the bed first." Chandler kneeled down to push some of the hair out of her face. He kissed her cheeks then gave her a big hug.
"Make sure you tell Serena to give you a bath. Okay sweetheart." I said
"Okay Lana!"
Mariah ran out of the kitchen and I put my hand over my heart. It truly is heartbreaking for her. Chandler turned back to look at me to help me down.
"You sure it's okay for her to sleep in our bed? I can go in her room and sleep in there with her." Chandler asked
"No it's fine. I probably will be with Zara anyways."
Chandler nodded and guided me out of the kitchen and back into the living room. I sat down on Chandler's lap and was next to Serena who was wincing and bending over in pain.
"You good Re?" Chandler asked
"Yeah she's just acting all the way up..She must knows that I'm not feeling like myself."
Chandler put his hand on her stomach to rubbed it for Serena who instantly relaxed. We were all talking when the doorbell went off. I saw Serena eyes get big before she grabbed her phone. She was clacking away texting whoever when I got up.
"I wonder who that could be." I said
"Me too baby." Chandler said
He walked behind me to the door and I felt my heart stop. I felt like my heart was going to jump out my body. Why the fuck? And most importantly how the fuck?! I instantly hid behind Chandler.
"How are you here?" I asked Derek
"Awww you don't know?" Derek said looking down at me before looking at Chandler then back to me.
"Know what?" Chandler said
"ReRe dropped the charges and I got out.. not enough evidence" Derek said
I ignore him and instantly went back into the living room screaming and hollering.
I stopped in the living room and had my eyes locked on her. She knew that I knew from the way she wouldn't look at me. I'm on her ass tonight! I don't care if they just lost their mother.
"Oh shit" Levi said standing in front of Serena. "What's going on?" Levi asked
"YOOOOOU DROPPED THE CHARGES! Are you fucking dumb!!" I screamed
"Whooooaaa wait a minute!! WHAT!?" Zara yelled
"When did you even start back talking to him again?" Levi yelled
"Fuck that shit! Why are you still in contact with him? What the fuck could you possibly have to talk about with him! I CANT FUCKING BELIEVE YOU!!!Are you an idiot!" I screamed
"I called to just check on him and it went on from there."
"HE STABBED YOU!" Zara and I yelled at the same time
Fuck she's right.. I hate when people are right. Everyone looked at me silently agreeing with her. I threw my hands in the air before saying one more thing.
"I-I uhh I hmmmm..Chandler talk to your daughter before I hurt her." I said accepting defeat to that statement.
I walked towards the door and stared at Derek. He was smiling but he wasn't talking anymore. He was just looking down at me.
"You gonna invite me in?" Derek finally said in a sarcastic tone
"No" I gritted
"Awww Alana don't miss me?"
Derek reached out to me but I quickly slapped his hand away.He moved his hand away and taunted. "Damn boo it's like that? And here I am thinking maybe we could all be one big happy family"
Those words triggered Chandler cause he was now after Derek. Chandler pushed me out the way with Levi right behind him. Chandler pushed Derek before swinging on him and Levi was right there ready to fight if need be.
"Alonzo baby go break up the fight" my mom said to my dad.
My dad walked over with a plate of food and watched. He looked uninterested before turning back around and looking at my mother. "They seem to be handling this situation.. punch him harder!"
My mom rolled her eyes then turned her attention to James.
"I got this." James said before walking pass us. "Chandler that's enough now boy get off of him!" James yelled
"Fuck you and fuck him! Serena if you want him you can go with him but he ain't stepping foot in this house!! Do you hear me?" Chandler yelled at Serena
She put her head down and just nodded before walking away to the guest room. I saw Levi and Derek still arguing before James pulled Levi back. Levi walked away before stopping,turning around and punching Derek one good time before finally walking away. I was about to close the door when Serena walked back out.
"You're not going with him" Zara said
"I know but I love him!"
"How could you be so damn stupid?!" I asked
"How could you be so damn weak!! Damn we talked about this!" Zara said
"I'm sorry.." Serena sobbed "I'm pregnant and I don't know if it's my hormones but I missed him so much."
"You a damn fool if you asked me!" I said rolling my eyes
"I'm not a fool!"
"Well what are you cause you one step closer to being a dumb bitch! You just going to forget what he did?!" I yelled. I was so heated about Derek being here that I wasn't thinking about anything I was saying.
"Alana that's enough! You have no right to talk down on her when you forgave Chandler." My mom said
"But nothing! You constantly forgave and forgave Chandler for all of his bullshit and decided to marry him after everyone told you not to. Let Serena make her own decisions all we could do is hope she makes the right one.. unlike someone!"
"Whatever. I'm over this shit! Re I don't care what decision you make but you better not let him in this house! You understand?"
"I got you Lana damn!" Serena said with her arms folded
I stomped my way upstairs to get myself ready for bed when I heard a knock on the door.
"Come in." I said
"Hey boo. I know You ain't forget about talking to me have you?" Terrence said smiling at me
"Nah. Come on let's go sit outside." I lied. I did forget.
We walked back downstairs and towards the back porch and I sat down on the porch swing. Terrence went in his pocket and took out a blunt to smoke. As I watched him I realized he looked stressed the fuck out. Once he lit the blunt he took three puffs before passing it to me. I took the blunt and puffed on it. Smoking isn't really my thing but I'm not against it.
"What's in your mind?" I said passing it back to him
"Hit it one more time for me." Terrence said
I took another hit and held it for a minute before blowing out. Terrence took the blunt and sat down on the swing next to me and laid his head on my lap. We used to do this when we first got together when we wanted to talk.
"Ughhh I fucked up." Terrence said before putting the blunt back in his mouth
"What happened? Talk to me."
"I'm in love with Yas."
"I know that." I said taking the blunt from him
Terrence flipped his hair out his face and then laid back down on my lap looking aggravated with his hair.He usually keep his hair braided but for the pass week it hasn't been.
"I love Zara though. I don't know know what I wanna do it's fucked up."
I nodded my head and thought back to when Zara and him first got together. It was a shit show from the start I don't know why he decided to get this deep into it.
"Terrence just leave her and go be with Yasmine. You out here living a double life. I know that's where you was before you came here. Stop dragging Zara along and go be with the woman you truly love." I said playing in his hair. Terrence body relaxed as he closed his eyes.
"I truly loved you." Terrence said
Oh boy here he go.
"Terrence.. maybe in another life we were meant to be but I'm in love with Chandler. He has my heart." I said smiling when I thought about Chandler. Every time I thought about him my heart race and I get a giggly.
"I know lord don't I know it but I miss us being friends. I hate you hating me."
"I don't hate you Terrence I'm disappointed in the man you have became. You became a spiteful person and I know that I hurt you and I am deeply sorry for that but you shouldn't hurt Zara over it. I will always love you." I said still playing in his hair
"Hmmp I know you do. I know you miss me boo but I did love Zara but as the years gone by I'm slowly falling out of love. I don't even wanna be around her but I don't want to leave her. Make it make sense cause I'm lost." Terrence said
I couldn't make that make sense at all. Terrence and I just kept smoking in silence for another ten minutes before we had enough. He sat up and huffed as he pulled his hair into a bun.
"Well I can't make it make sense but you and Zara truly need to talk and I mean talk not argue. Do it later on though not now she just lost her mom."
"You right. I'll talk to her later on down the line. I just can't keep living like this."
"I hear you just make sure that's what you truly want." I said
"True shit..The least you could do is braid my hair." Terrence said
"I'll wash it and braid it in the morning but let me put it in one big braid so you can stop fighting it." I said
He sat down on the ground and I quickly braided his hair into one long braid. He got up smiling relieved before pulling me off the swing and into a hug.
"Mmmmm I miss talking to you like this. Well let's gone on in the house before you husband come looking for you." Terrence walked with me in the house and made his way to Zara as I made my way upstairs to Chandler.
Once I walked into our room I saw Chandler and Mariah in our bed sleeping. I smiled at them and made my way to the shower. I quickly took a shower and night clothes before walking out the room to check on my kids. I went into the room and quickly tucked them in and gave them kisses. I straightened up their rooms a little before finally leaving out. Finally feeling sleepy I walked towards my room but I heard whispering from downstairs.
"Who is up?" I asked
"It's me Alana. I'm leaving." I heard Serena say
I quickly walked downstairs and to her. I looked out towards the door and saw Derek in a car waiting. I looked back at her and was pissed off
"Are you forreal leaving with him?"
"Lana. I love him and my daughter deserves to have both parents in her life."
"But you don't need to be with him. He tried to kill you!" I said
"And again Lana my dad tried to kill you twice! If you could forgive my dad I can forgive Derek." Serena said grabbing her purse and heading to the door.
"Good luck Re. You're going to need it."
She stopped and looked back at me smiling.
"Bye Lana I'll call y'all when I go into labor." Serena said as she walked out the door.
I watch her get into his car and then kiss and hug Derek. My stomach turned watching them. Derek looked towards me and smirked before driving off. She's gonna need more than luck. Shaking my head I walked back to my room and got in the bed. I'm sure something bad is going to happen only time will tell though.

Loving him is so wrong!Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя