Part 2 Chapter 14

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"Well Alana can I get a house tour. You have such a lovely home." Laura said to me.
"Umm yeah sure let me put my clothes back on" i said grabbing my robe since apparently me and Chandler can't seem to have sex anymore.
Levi still married. I started laughing as I look at Zara who was laughing as well. I have so much to tell her but I won't do it in the presence of Laura. She looked at me and just smiled at me. I can tell she's dying to ask me what she's thinking. I walked out the bathroom and showed her the upstairs since we're already here.
"Yeah we have 6 bedrooms upstairs, two of them masters bedrooms. And there are 4 bathrooms up here as well." I said showing her rooms. I quietly opened Avery's door because he was napping and didn't even try to open the twins door. They were working on my nerves so they need to sleep as long as they can.
"So how long have you and Chandler been together?" Laura asked
"Ummm we started sleeping around when I was eighteen and was off and on from there finally officially got together when I was twenty one. So seven years." I said
"Wow and your mom and dad. How do they feel about this?"
"My mom hates it she is slowly getting used to the idea. And my dad couldn't wrap his head around it he was angry about everything but he's forgiven Chandler" I said truthfully
"And I know Monica wasn't happy. Good! Someone had to do show miss I think I'm all that that she ain't shit." Laura said
I laughed at what she said about Monica and thought about my mom.You have no idea how hard I had to beg my mom to come to the wedding because she hates Chandler with everything in her now but she's cordial. Laura admired the picture hanging in the hallway and stopped at our family pictures.
"Wow this one looks exactly like Chandler.." Laura said pointing at Avery.
"Yeah that's his twin for sure." I said
"Hmm they are cute.he couldn't deny them if he tried" Laura said
"Yeah i know."
"Same nose and everything. So weird"
"Umm yeah sure. I guess" i said looking at Zara who just shrugged
"I can't believe Chandler has six kids now. He always just wanted three."
"Well seven counting the one growing in my stomach" i said while rubbing my belly.
Laura looked me up and down and I can tell that she wasn't happy. I don't understand why but she wasn't. She gave me a fake smile before turning her attention back towards the pictures.
"Wow you really turned him into some different person I hardly can tell who he is..Yeah you're lucky to have Chandler" Laura said giving me another big fake smile.
"Yeah I guess so." I said
"The one that got away.." she said under her breath but she didn't think I heard but I did.
I looked at her and something about her vibe seems off. I don't know what it is but she seem like she got some up her sleeves. Every time I say something she has some backwards ass compliment right afterwards. I looked at Zara who just looked at me. She was thinking exactly what I was thinking. I guided her towards our stairs and we walked down towards the den where Levi and Chandler. Levi was going on and on about how he hates her and wishes that she was dead. I saw Zara go towards the kitchen so I quickly walked to her.
"Yeah so this fight ain't got shit to do with us so we are going to go snack in the kitchen" i said as I grabbed Zara to walk faster.
"Damn Alana I'm about to trip."
"Girl I need to tell you some things and I need to tell you them now!" I whispered
"What? What's going on?"
I walked towards the entrance to the kitchen looked out there and then walked back to Zara. She was looking at me so confused but she was ready for the tea. I sat down next to her and got really close to her.
"So you remember when we got drunk before I got married and Levi picked us up?"
"Yes." Zara said opening up her chips
"Well that night I told him that I was in love with him and then we had sex" i blurted out
Zara stopped eating her chips and her eyes were wide. She started smiling and then pointed at me. "I knew that night y'all did it!"
"Sssh anyways your Levi told your mom and she told your dad. And he may be pissed with me even though he claims he's not I know he is. But the kicker is that he doesn't know that me and Levi had sex that night, I might have left out that small detail."
"Question." Zara said looking at me
"Answer" I said making Zara roll her eyes
"Are you in love with Levi? Are you in love with my dad?"
"I'm definitely not in love with Levi. I love your dad with so much in me that I can't think of being with anyone else."
"He's not just cause you're comfortable is it?"
"Hell no! I would go to war over that man. Also when I see your mama I'm beating her ass" i said getting up from the table and grabbing me a bag of chips for myself. I'm so not cooking tonight it's going to be a delivery type night.
"Lana really. You're pregnant you can't be fighting."
"You right. Anyways how are you and Terrence. I know he still not thinking about making me a third in y'all bedroom."
Zara sighed hard before looking away from me. I could tell that she was going to cry but she refused to.I knew that they were going through it but I didn't know how bad it was. Oh so the baby is Terrence's. Zara finally came clean and told Terrence what was going on and of course they fought and yelled at each other but eventually he went to get the DNA test. I don't know about their relationship because sometimes he's around and sometimes he's not. Zara still won't leave him even though all the evidence was there that he was cheating on her.
"And the Yasmine thing?" I asked
"It hasn't gotten any better. I still feel like he's not being faithful to me but I have no proof. Any messages they have are only about their kids or the restaurant. He's always with me or with the kids so i don't know. Lana I don't know what the fuck to do!"
Right as she was ranting Terrence walked through the back door holding a sleeping Camille. He looked at Zara and me before walking towards the stairs. I can't wait until their house is ready because I'm tired of hearing them at night screaming at each other.
"Do you want me to talk to him for you?" I asked
"I don't want you to get involved."
"Zara ima be honest with you I'm tired of hearing you and him yelling at each other every other night about the same thing. You already think giving him a threesome would solve anything. And newsflash it won't! Yes you fucked up but so did he,I'm tired of you crying and stressing out because of his bitch ass! I wasn't asking I'm telling you that I'm talking to him.also when the doorbell rings grab the food" I said getting up and walking towards the stairs. I saw Terrence putting Cami down. He turned and saw me standing there.
"Hey" Terrence said
"Where have you been these past three days?" I asked
Terrence laughed at me and kissed the top of my head before walking towards their room. I followed right behind him and sat down on their bed. Technically my bed but it's theirs for now.
"Why are you on our business?" Terrence asked
"Because I'm tired of seeing her cry over you and y'all screaming in my house every other night like I don't have kids."
"Pssh your kids should be used to hearing screaming and seeing someone crying. Look who their parents are. Alana you have no room here trying to give relationship advice."
No he didn't. I'm gonna fuck his ass up. Terence saw that what he said got to me and he didn't care. He just smiled and shrugged before turning around getting clothes out for a shower. He plopped his phone down on the bed and walked away. I quickly silenced his phone and put it in my bra. Sad that we gotta take it there but it is what it is.
"Fuck you terrence!" I yelled
"Nah fuck you Alana!"
"You wish you can fuck me again! Anyways..I'm not here to give advice. I know that you and Yasmine are sleeping together and I know that you tried to force Zara into asking me to do a threesome with y'all. I'm telling you either leave or make this shit right with her."
"I didn't guilt her into asking you I made the suggestion and she went for it. Also, you trying to tell me you don't think Zara isn't wrong from sleeping with TJ and possibly pregnant by him?!" Terence asked
"I never said she was right for sleeping with him! But who cheated first? Who was fucking someone that wasn't their fiancé first?"
"You were!" Terrence said "you cheated on me with that screw up of a man in there and had more of his kids. Hell you're pregnant now! I didn't want Zara, I wanted you Lana! I wanted to marry you but you couldn't let go off your dumb ass baby daddy! It's supposed to be me and you but I settled." Terrence said
"I knew you were only with Zara to get back at me! You need to leave her the hell alone!"
"No! Cause even though I used her to get to you I do love her. I'm not in love with her but I do love her and now she also is the mother of my children so I won't leave her."
"You better tell her all this or I will Terrence."
"So you really gonna break her heart? What do you think is going to happen when I tell her that I'm in love with you and not her? You think she's not gonna think I'm fucking you especially since I asked you to be our third. She thinks I'm cheating but what happens if I tell her that I'm cheating on her with you?"
"So you're going to lie! Jeopardize my marriage and my friendship with Zara because you're angry? Fuck you Terrence!" I said before storming out of the room.
Ugh the men in my life are trash. Like honestly thinking back I should have told Zara my suspicions about the Terrence situation in the beginning but i didn't. Terrence was supposed to be the nice guy but I think i sucked all the niceness out of him. Before going to get my kids ready to come down for dinner I heard arguing coming from Chandler's office. I was going to ignore it when I heard that it was Laura and Chandler. Stopping in my tracks I walked over to the door.
"Why are you really here Laura?" Chandler asked
"What? You not happy to see me?"
"No. I rather you overseas somewhere."
"Is that any way to talk to the mother of your first son."
"We have n-"
I gasped from what I was hearing and opened the door to the office. Now I see why she was talking about how my kids the way she was.
"I want you out of this house!"I said to Laura
"Alana? Baby what you hearing isn't what you think."
"Chandler no I'll deal with you later! Now you, get the fuck out my house before I whoop your ass"
Laura looked at Chandler to back her up but he just stood there. She nodded her head and walked to the door.
"Chandler I hope we could finish this talk later." Laura said before walking out.
Chandler walked up towards me but I walked out the room not wanting to hear anything he had to say right now. I just can't even though I know that he slept with her back then I can't believe they might have a kid out here. Walking towards my kids playroom I felt Terrence's phone vibrate in my pocket. I opened his phone remembering his passcode and read the message but didn't fully opened it.
Yas: start another argument and come see me
"I knew it!" I said to myself
"What did you know?" Avery said
"That y'all will be in here messing up the room. Come on let's get dinner."
"Okay we will get daddy." The twins said before running off.
I walked downstairs behind Avery and got the plates out to give the kids their food. I heard the twins and Chandler talking and I was just mad. I don't have the jurisdiction to be mad about that but i am. I looked at Chandler who just stared at me before walking to me.
"Are we good?" Chandler asked
"I don't know. I'll talk to you later about this okay."
Chandler just nodded and let me go. After I gave the kids their food and drinks I walked up to Zara.
"Bitch I got his phone and look at what she texted him." I said showing her the text
"That no good son of a Bitch!" Zara said to me.
"I say once I put the men to sleep in my house you give him the argument he wants and when he leave we follow him to her house. That way we can get some answers once and for all about them." I said
"Oh yeah bitch I'm down! Time to pop up on some bitches" Zara said
We sat down and planned a whole thing to catch him in the act. As long as it's not my drama I'm down for mess any day all day.

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