Chapter 9

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~Mamrie's POV~

Hannah is leaving today. I called Tyler, Troye, Connor to say bye to Hannah.She was leaving in about 2 hours and the 3 of us were heading to her house to help her get everything she needed into the moving truck. I was goning to miss Hananh like crazy. I cant really imagine either one of my best friends to be across the country.

Im kind of mad at Grace though because she kissed Hannah and broke her heart even more than she did before. Grace needs to sort out her life, Does she know that Hannahs leaving?

"Hannah did you tell Grace moving?" i say putting the rest of the boxes in the truck.

"No..and dont tell her."

"Ok...well thats it." i say as we walk back into the empty house.

"yup. Mamrie im gonna miss you."

"Me to. Me too." we hug and tears start finding there way into my eyes.

"Well we all should get going if i want to catch my flight."

"Yeah." we grabed the guys and drove to the airport. We all got out of the car and walked i side to say our last goodbyes to Hannah.

"Hey..wheres Grace? Shouldnt she be here to say goodbye." tyler asked looking around confused. Hannah looked down to the floor.

"Umm ill explain back in the car." i whispered into Tylers ear. he mouthed 'oh ok'. We all hugged each other and said our goodbyes with tears running down our faces. We stayed there until we couldnt see Hannah anymore.

"So what happened between Hannah and Grace?" Tyler asked when we were in the car. I took a deep breath before answering.

"We all know that Hannah like Grace, right?"

"Yeah by the way she looks at Grace." Connor said from the back seat.

"Well remember that accident Hannah was in a couple of months ago? Before she got into that accident she went over to Grace's and told Grace that she loved her then kissed her. And then drank a whole botle of whiskey and drove then got hit by the truck."

"Oh my god." Troye said a little suprised.

"Yeah and for the 4 months that she stayed with me Grace didnt say or came to see how she was doing. She would only text me and ask. And 2 days ago when Hannah was back at her place, Grace came over unexpectedly and eventually Grace kissed Hannah but Grace said she was still marrying Chester which broke Hannahs heart even more than she did before."

"Is that why shes leaving LA?" Connor asked sadly. I nodded and started the car and the whole car ride back to their houses were quiet.

~Hannah POV~

I had just landed in New York and i got a cab to my new apartment. My house stuff isnt coming until 2 days from now. Im goin shopping right now. I call Mamrie when i get back from doing my shopping.

"Hey!" i say.

"Heyy! How was your flight?" Mamrie yells over the phone.

"Its was ok i guess i already miss you and the boys." i say being 100% honest.

"Me to..." she said. we spent the rest of the night talking over the phone. This was probably the best thing ive done for myself in a while. I have to shoot a video for my YouTube channe soon i havent posted a lot since the car crash. Ill do that tommorrow.

~Grace POV~

"Whats wrong sweetie?" Chester ask as im in bed staring off into space. Ive been doing this alot lately just dosing off thinking of the kiss i had with Hannah and how im hurting her and how my life is just a mess right now.

"Im fine." i say looking at him. he gave me a face. "really i am." i say with a half smile.

"Ok. you know something that might cheer you up?"


"We call up some friends and go out to dinner or a movie or something."

"Maybe tommorrow. I just want to stay in today. Is that ok with?"

"Anything for you sweetie." he said giving me a quick peck on the lips. I felt less of the spark that i did with Hannah. I smiled at him while we cuddled on the bed. Do i love Hannah? WHy the hell is this happening to me? Maybe i dont want to marry Chester. I wanna be with Hannah. But i cant have these feelings.

I love Chester. I love Chester. I love Hannah. NO I have to love Chester! I have to.

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